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Systems Thinking for Positive Peace

People Involved

Project Description

This project will build partnerships between the Hull-based team and university researchers, government end users and
NGOs in Angola, Cambodia, Colombia, Iraq, Nepal and Thailand. These countries are at different stages of peace-building following
wars. We will plan research on the use of systems thinking for positive peace. Positive peace is when communities are able to
transcend their divisions to truly thrive, so it is much more than the absence of war: it involves economic development, social justice
and sustainability. Indeed, there is a need for analyses across the UN sustainable development goals. Systems thinking is a
transdisciplinary field with great potential for this because it can help people visualize and address the interconnections between
economic, social and environmental issues. By July 2018, the partners will have agreed the focus of their research and will be ready
to adapt their ideas to subsequent GCRF funding calls.

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) 00 University of Hull
Value £19,999.00
Project Dates Feb 1, 2018 - Jul 31, 2018
Partner Organisations National Planning Commission
Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction
James Cook University
Bogotá Chamber of Commerce
IM Swedish Development Partner
Secretaría de la Mujer
Research Inputs and Development Action

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