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SKYPERION - Autonomous and Intelligent UAV Detection

People Involved

Professor John Murray

Project Description

SKYPERION is an Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) detection system. UAV, sometimes called Drones, are readily available and can cause negative effects that range from a nuisance (invasion of privacy) to potential threat to life (proximity or collision with aircraft). The Counter-UAV market is developing. However, most systems rely on a mixture of sensor types, all requiring an operator to interpret the sensor generated data, provide warnings and often make decisions on follow on actions.

The aim of this project is to develop an Artificial Intelligent (AI) capability that will provide a high confidence report of UAV activity derived from multiple sensors that benefits from reduced reliance on human resource. Using Machine Learning techniques, the system will learn signal patterns over time, reducing false alarms, thus enabling follow on action to be taken with confidence. SKYPERION can therefore supports Counter-UAV requirements from short duration media events to the protection of large, fixed sites such as sports venues, national infrastructure and other more sensitive facilities.

The current market place is dominated by low performance sensors that demand a large human resource. SKYPERION with AI will deliver a cost effective, Counter-UAV solution based on operationally proven sensors and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques.

Status Project Complete
Value £37,301.00
Project Dates May 1, 2018 - Oct 31, 2018

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