The post-liberal climate and the Tory faith
Book Chapter
Fear, C. (2024). The post-liberal climate and the Tory faith. In D. Pitt, & P. Blond (Eds.), The Post-liberal Turn and The Future of British Conservatism (61-76). Ludovika University Press
Outputs (17)
Conservative Party Ideology in the Age of Brexit (2023)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2023). Conservative Party Ideology in the Age of Brexit. In M. Beech, & S. Lee (Eds.), Conservative Governments in the Age of Brexit (11-24). Palgrave Macmillan (part of Springer Nature). essay asserts that the Age of Brexit was one of sharp ideological conflict in the Conservative Party and yet, despite such tumult, the Conservative Party demonstrated its ideological breadth by surviving schism and thriving, by winning a third s... Read More about Conservative Party Ideology in the Age of Brexit.
The General Elections: 2015, 2017, 2019 (2023)
Book Chapter
Fear, C. (2023). The General Elections: 2015, 2017, 2019. In Conservative Governments in the Age of Brexit (47-64). Palgrave Macmillan (part of Springer Nature). chapter explains the backgrounds, the strategies, and the performance of the Conservatives’ three general election campaigns in 2015, 2017, and 2019. Special attention is given to voting patterns and statistics, which (I argue) reveal more about... Read More about The General Elections: 2015, 2017, 2019.
The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy (2019)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2019). The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy. In J. Michie (Ed.), The Handbook of Globalisation (347-357). (3rd ed.). Edward Elgar Publishing. past 30 years are often depicted as an era of globalisation, and even more so with the recent rise of global giants such as Google and Amazon. This updated and revised edition of The Handbook of Globalisation offers novel insights into the rapid... Read More about The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy.
The Progressives (2018)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2018). The Progressives. In M. Beech, K. Hickson, & R. Plant (Eds.), The Struggle for Labour's Soul: Understanding Labour's Political Thought Since 1945 (67-79). (2nd edition). Routledge. chapter on New Labour in the first edition of this volume was finished in 2003. Tony Blair resigned in 2007 and Gordon Brown left office in 2010. This chapter seeks not to cover previous ground but to take the long view. By that I mean to explain... Read More about The Progressives.
Neoliberalism, New Labour and the Welfare State (2017)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2017). Neoliberalism, New Labour and the Welfare State. In R. E. Backhouse, B. W. Bateman, T. Nishizawa, & D. Plehwe (Eds.), Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists & arguments for the Welfare State (118-130). Oxford University Press. chapter argues that the New Labour governments (1997–2010) were not a political project wholly based on neoliberal assumptions, as the “majority view” in the scholarship asserts. In the area of welfare policy New Labour adopted a modified social... Read More about Neoliberalism, New Labour and the Welfare State.
Law, Legislation and Rent-Seeking: The Role of The Treasury-Led Developmental State in the Competitive Advantage of the Southern Powerhouse (2017)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2017). Law, Legislation and Rent-Seeking: The Role of The Treasury-Led Developmental State in the Competitive Advantage of the Southern Powerhouse. In C. Berry, & A. Giovannini (Eds.), Developing England's North: The Political Economy of The Northern Powerhouse (59-83). Palgrave Macmillan. chapter argues that the political economy of England’s ‘Northern Powerhouse’ cannot be understood in isolation from that of its ‘Southern Powerhouse’ neighbour. The UK’s relative decline, especially manufacturing in the North, is frequently allo... Read More about Law, Legislation and Rent-Seeking: The Role of The Treasury-Led Developmental State in the Competitive Advantage of the Southern Powerhouse.
The British Labour Party: Back to the wilderness (2017)
Book Chapter
Manwaring, R., & Beech, M. (2017). The British Labour Party: Back to the wilderness. In R. Manwaring, & P. Kennedy (Eds.), Why the left loses: The decline of the Centre-Left in comparative perspective (25-38). Bristol University Press.
Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation and the "Smarter State': An Evaluation of the Politics of Austerity in the United Kingdom, May 2010 to February 2016 (2017)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2017). Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation and the "Smarter State': An Evaluation of the Politics of Austerity in the United Kingdom, May 2010 to February 2016. In S. McBride, & B. M. Evans (Eds.), The Austerity State (123-143). University of Toronto PressThe fall-out from the economic and financial crisis of 2008 had profound implications for countries across the world, leading different states to determine the best approach to mitigating its effects. In The Austerity State, a group of established an... Read More about Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation and the "Smarter State': An Evaluation of the Politics of Austerity in the United Kingdom, May 2010 to February 2016.
The British welfare state and its discontents (2012)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2012). The British welfare state and its discontents. In J. Connelly, & J. Hayward (Eds.), The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression (86-100). Palgrave Macmillan. the heart of British politics is the welfare state. As a political idea it is contested, and as a framework of public services and entitlements it is complex. Friedrich Hayek commented upon the imprecision of the term ‘welfare state’: ‘Unlike soci... Read More about The British welfare state and its discontents.
The Left and Englishness (2012)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2012). The Left and Englishness. In These Englands : a conversation on national identity (137-154). Manchester University Press
A tale of two liberalisms (2011)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2011). A tale of two liberalisms. In S. Lee, & M. Beech (Eds.), The Cameron-Clegg Government: Coalition Politics in an Age of Austerity (267-279). Palgrave Macmillan. Conservative-Liberal Government represents a new period in British politics. The Coalition brought to an end 13 years of New Labour rule and reintroduced the idea of inter-party cooperation in government. The United Kingdom has not experienced su... Read More about A tale of two liberalisms.
Conclusion: A Cameronite United Kingdom? (2009)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2009). Conclusion: A Cameronite United Kingdom?. In S. Lee, & M. Beech (Eds.), The Conservatives under David Cameron: Built to Last? (208-214). Palgrave Macmillan.
Cameron and Conservative Ideology (2009)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2009). Cameron and Conservative Ideology. In The Conservatives under David Cameron: Built to Last? (18 - 30). Palgrave Macmillan
Introductory Preface (2008)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2008). Introductory Preface. In Ten Years of New Labour (xix - xxiv). Palgrave Macmillan
New Labour and the Politics of Dominance (2008)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2008). New Labour and the Politics of Dominance. In M. Beech, & S. Lee (Eds.), Ten Years of New Labour (1-16). Palgrave Macmillan. attempting to survey New Labour’s period in office one aspect appears to stand out. New Labour’s politics has been and continues to be the politics of dominance. As a government they have set the tone for political discourse and have been the vict... Read More about New Labour and the Politics of Dominance.
Bilateral Stability, Global Instability: The Political Economy of Contemporary Anglo-Japanese Economic Relations (2007)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2007). Bilateral Stability, Global Instability: The Political Economy of Contemporary Anglo-Japanese Economic Relations. In P. Towle, & . N. M. Kosuge (Eds.), Britain and Japan in The Twentieth Century: One Hundred Years of Trade and Prejudice (138-151). Bloomsbury PublishingAfter the horrors of World War II in Asia - not least the systematic appalling mistreatment of Allied prisoners-of-war by the Japanese military - few would have predicted that Britain's relationship with Japan would flourish into a booming partnershi... Read More about Bilateral Stability, Global Instability: The Political Economy of Contemporary Anglo-Japanese Economic Relations.