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Outputs (89)

Power, alienation and performativity in capitalist societies (2011)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2011). Power, alienation and performativity in capitalist societies. European Journal of Social Theory, 14(2), 161-179.

The article presents a model of performative agency in capitalist societies. The first section reconsiders the problem of third-dimensional power as developed by Steven Lukes, focusing on the relationships between universal human needs and social for... Read More about Power, alienation and performativity in capitalist societies.

Selected writings of John A. Hobson 1932-1938: The struggle for the international mind (2011)
Hobson, J. M., & Tyler, C. (Eds.). (2011). Selected writings of John A. Hobson 1932-1938: The struggle for the international mind. Routledge.

© 2011 John Hobson. John A. Hobson is widely recognised as the most important British New Liberal thinker of politics and political economy of the twentieth century. The Selected Writings of John A. Hobson showcases an exciting and previously unpubli... Read More about Selected writings of John A. Hobson 1932-1938: The struggle for the international mind.

T.M. Knox and the study of economic activity (2010)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2010). T.M. Knox and the study of economic activity. International Journal of Social Economics, 37(11), 880-893.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show how T.M. Knox sought to conceptualise economic activity in the context of his philosophical background and in relation to the analysis of the nature of economics offered by Lionel Robbins. Design/methodol... Read More about T.M. Knox and the study of economic activity.

The liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: or, how to transcend the social economics of Kant and the romantics (2010)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2010). The liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: or, how to transcend the social economics of Kant and the romantics. International Journal of Social Economics, 37(11), 852-866.

Purpose: The paper establishes that Edward Caird developed a distinctive form of liberal Hegelianism out of his critical responses to Kant, the romantic tradition of Rousseau, Goethe and Wordsworth and indeed Hegel himself. Design/methodology/approac... Read More about The liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: or, how to transcend the social economics of Kant and the romantics.

Strauss's Collingwood (2010)
Book Chapter
Connelly, J. (2010). Strauss's Collingwood. In The Legacy of Leo Strauss (87 - 102). Imprint Academic

Performativity and the intellectual historian's re-enactment of written works. (2009)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2009). Performativity and the intellectual historian's re-enactment of written works. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 3(2), 167-186.

This article develops and defends a performative conception of historical re-enactment as a fruitful method by which intellectual historians can interpret texts. Specifically, it argues that, in order to understand properly any given text, the intell... Read More about Performativity and the intellectual historian's re-enactment of written works..

Collingwood and Whitehead (2009)
Book Chapter
Connelly, J. (2009). Collingwood and Whitehead. In Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought (630 - 639). Ontos Verlag

Edward Caird (2009)
Book Chapter
Tyler, C. (2009). Edward Caird. In G. Oppy, & N. Trakakis (Eds.), Nineteenth-Century Philosophy of Religion (209-220). Acumen.

© Editorial matter and selection, 2009 Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis. Individual contributions, the contributors. Edward Caird (1835-1908) was a leading member of the British idealist movement, which flourished from the 1870s until the mid-1920s. Tog... Read More about Edward Caird.

Contesting the Common Good: T. H. Green and Contemporary Republicanism (2008)
Book Chapter
Tyler, C. (2008). Contesting the Common Good: T. H. Green and Contemporary Republicanism. In M. Dimova-Cookson, & W. J. Mander (Eds.), T.H. Green: Ethics, metaphysics and political philosophy (262 - 291). Clarendon Press.

© Oxford University Press, 2014. All Rights Reserved. This chapter establishes that Green's republicanism overcomes the limitations of contemporary philosophical attempts to reinvigorate the republican tradition. Green avoids the contemporary dichoto... Read More about Contesting the Common Good: T. H. Green and Contemporary Republicanism.

Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism and conflict in the absolute idealist tradition (2006)
Tyler, C. (2006). Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism and conflict in the absolute idealist tradition. Continuum

The central claim of this book is that previous scholars have not appreciated the depths and complexities of the relationships between British idealist radicalism and the earlier idealist tradition of Kant, Fichte, Hegel and Carlyle. Colin Tyler expl... Read More about Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism and conflict in the absolute idealist tradition.

Unpublished manuscripts in British idealism : political philosophy, theology and social thought. 2 vols. (2005)
Tyler, C. (2005). Unpublished manuscripts in British idealism : political philosophy, theology and social thought. 2 vols. Thoemmes Continuum

A selection of previously-unpublished manuscripts by British idealists (Bernard Bosanquet, Edward Caird, T.H. Green, and D.G. Ritchie), transcribed and edited for the first time.  Paperback reprint published in 2008 by Imprint Academic. Returned in ... Read More about Unpublished manuscripts in British idealism : political philosophy, theology and social thought. 2 vols..

British Idealism and the political philosophy of T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott (2005)
Journal Article
Boucher, D., Boucher, D., Sweet, W., Connelly, J., Connelly, J., Panagakou, S., Tyler, C., Sweet, W., & Tyler, C. (2005). British Idealism and the political philosophy of T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(1), 97-125.