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Outputs (89)

F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2018). F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history. Philosophical Enquiries. Revue des philosophies anglophones, 97-116

This paper considers F. H. Bradley’s The Presuppositions of Critical History as a foundational document in philosophy of history, and its origin in debates in church history triggered by claims that biblical stories should be subject to the constrain... Read More about F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history.

The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J., & Johnson, P. (2019). The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 27(1), 114-133.

Collingwood's The New Leviathan is a difficult text. It comprises philosophy, political theory, political opinion and history in what is sometimes an uneasy amalgam. Despite its being the culmination of thirty years of work in ethics and political th... Read More about The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan.

Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists (2018)
Journal Article
Tyler, C., & Connelly, J. (2018). Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 26(4), 643-659.

This article surveys and contextualizes the British idealists' philosophical writings on language, aesthetics and emotions, starting with T.H. Green and concluding with Michael Oakeshott. It highlights ways in which their philosophical insights have... Read More about Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists.

Forms, dialectics and the healthy community: the British idealists' receptions of Plato (2018)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2018). Forms, dialectics and the healthy community: the British idealists' receptions of Plato. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 100(1), 76-105.

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH. All rights reserved. This article counters the dominant misinterpretations of the British idealists' readings of Plato, thereby fundamentally undermining the current historiography of Plato's modern reception in the Eng... Read More about Forms, dialectics and the healthy community: the British idealists' receptions of Plato.

"Was he right?" R. G. Collingwood's rapprochement between philosophy and history (2017)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2017). "Was he right?" R. G. Collingwood's rapprochement between philosophy and history. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 11(3), 408-424.

© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2017. R. G. Collingwood's declaration that belief in "eternal questions" in philosophy is "merely a vulgar error, consequent on a kind of historical myopia which, deceived by superficial resemblances, failed to detect... Read More about "Was he right?" R. G. Collingwood's rapprochement between philosophy and history.

J. A. Symonds, socialism and the crisis of sexuality in fin-de-siècle Britain (2017)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2017). J. A. Symonds, socialism and the crisis of sexuality in fin-de-siècle Britain. History of European ideas, 43(8), 1002-1015.

This article analyses the theory of sexuality, personality and politics developed by the literary critic John Addington Symonds (1840-93). Sections one and two introduce Symonds’ changing reputation as a modernist theorist of ‘sexual inversion’ (homo... Read More about J. A. Symonds, socialism and the crisis of sexuality in fin-de-siècle Britain.

Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief (2016)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2019). Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, 21(2),

This paper draws on Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but it is neither an exposition nor a critique of that book and uses certain concepts from it as a springboard for reflections on the nature of crisis. Kuhn’s key term was par... Read More about Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief.

Common good politics: British Idealism and social justice in the contemporary world (2016)
Tyler, C. (2016). Common good politics: British Idealism and social justice in the contemporary world. Palgrave Macmillan.

© The Editor(s) and The Author(s) 2017. This book examines the British tradition of common good politics, both historically and in the contemporary world. We live in a time when many anti-Conservative parties and voters feel a profound sense of crisi... Read More about Common good politics: British Idealism and social justice in the contemporary world.

Individuality, freedom and socialism: the British idealists' critiques of the Fichtean state (2014)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2015). Individuality, freedom and socialism: the British idealists' critiques of the Fichtean state. Political studies, 63(2), 319-335.

Together with utilitarianism, British idealism dominated Anglo-American philosophy from the 1870s until the end of the First World War. This article counters a persisting criticism of the British idealists: that they endorsed the allegedly oppressive... Read More about Individuality, freedom and socialism: the British idealists' critiques of the Fichtean state.

The question-and-answer logic of historical context (2013)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2013). The question-and-answer logic of historical context. History of the Human Sciences, 26(3), 68-81.

Quentin Skinner has enduringly insisted that a past text cannot be 'understood' without the reader knowing something about its historical and linguistic context. But since the 1970s he has been attacked on this central point of all his work by author... Read More about The question-and-answer logic of historical context.

D. G. Ritchie on socialism, history and Locke (2012)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2012). D. G. Ritchie on socialism, history and Locke. Journal of political ideologies, 17(3), 259-280.

The history of late-19th-century socialism tends to focus on the rise of more extreme forms, especially Marxism. This approach marginalizes the more moderate and yet no less powerful and influential forms of socialism, particularly those developed by... Read More about D. G. Ritchie on socialism, history and Locke.

Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January to July 1642 (2012)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2012). Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January to July 1642. Parliamentary History, 31(3), 263-312.

This article analyses the drafting of the document eventually printed as the Nineteen Propositions. Section two addresses certain issues regarding the methods and concepts employed in the subsequent analysis, focusing on consensus-building, constitut... Read More about Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January to July 1642.