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Let's Play: Professional Performers' Perspectives on Play in Chamber Ensemble Rehearsal (2022)
Book Chapter
King, E., & Todd, R. (2022). Let's Play: Professional Performers' Perspectives on Play in Chamber Ensemble Rehearsal. In M. Doğantan-Dack (Ed.), The Chamber Musician in the Twenty-First Century (205-228). MDPI.

This chapter explores the phenomenon of play in the context of professional chamber ensemble rehearsal and argues that play lies at the heart of it. The account begins with an interrogation of the concept of play and a distinction is made between “pl... Read More about Let's Play: Professional Performers' Perspectives on Play in Chamber Ensemble Rehearsal.

How Can Music Help Us To Address The Climate Crisis (2022)
Journal Article
Prior, H. (in press). How Can Music Help Us To Address The Climate Crisis. Music and Science,

Musicians and music psychologists are acutely aware of the power of music and its ability to influence our emotions, moods, thoughts, wellbeing, identity, and behaviour towards others. Indeed, music is often used to help address specific problems, es... Read More about How Can Music Help Us To Address The Climate Crisis.