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Alluvial anastomosed channels : the preferred channel type on active UK rivers
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Milan, D., Entwistle, N., & Heritage, G. Alluvial anastomosed channels : the preferred channel type on active UK rivers

Paper presented at 11th International Symposium on EcoHydraulics, 7-12 February 2016, Melbourne, Australia. Abstract: Anastomosing rivers constitute an important category of multi-channel rivers and are characterised by multiple, interconnected, coex... Read More about Alluvial anastomosed channels : the preferred channel type on active UK rivers.

Trace and rare earth element dispersal downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jarvis, A., Burke, I., Gruiz, K., Walton, M., & Mayes, W. Trace and rare earth element dispersal downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary

Between 600,000—700,000m³ of caustic (pH>13) red mud suspension were released from the Ajkai Timfoldgyar Zrt alumina plant on the 4th October 2010. This study highlights the dispersal of key red mudderived contaminants in downstream fluvial sediments... Read More about Trace and rare earth element dispersal downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary.

First evidence for interpersonal violence in Ukraine's Trypillian farming culture : Individual 3 from Verteba Cave, Bilche Zolote
Book Chapter
Lillie, M., Nikitin, A., Potiekhina, I. D., & Sokhatsky, M. First evidence for interpersonal violence in Ukraine's Trypillian farming culture : Individual 3 from Verteba Cave, Bilche Zolote. In Trends in biological anthropology

This paper presents the initial stages of an interdisciplinary study of human skeletal remains interred at Verteba Cave, western Ukraine. This site has been described previously as a “ritual site of the Trypillian culture complex” by Nikitin et al. i... Read More about First evidence for interpersonal violence in Ukraine's Trypillian farming culture : Individual 3 from Verteba Cave, Bilche Zolote.

Exploring food retail logistics internationalisation in South East Asia
Book Chapter
Grant, D., Stephens, C., & Banomyong, R. Exploring food retail logistics internationalisation in South East Asia. In Proceedings of the 20th annual Logistics Research Network (LRN) conference

Paper originally presented at the 20th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, 9th to 11th Sept 2015, Derby. Introduction: Two recent market research reports noted UK consumers enjoy lower food prices than other Western economies. There are man... Read More about Exploring food retail logistics internationalisation in South East Asia.

A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports
Book Chapter
Elliott, M., & Grant, D. A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports. In European decision sciences institute (EDSI2016), 7th annual conference

Paper presented at European Decision Sciences Institute (ED2016), 7th Annual Conference, 24th to 27th May 2016, Helsinki. Abstract The cumulative and in-combination effects of ocean shipping and port operations need addressing via a detailed, rigorou... Read More about A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports.

Mine water outbreak and stability risks : examples and challenges from England and Wales
Book Chapter
Mayes, W., & Jarvis, A. P. Mine water outbreak and stability risks : examples and challenges from England and Wales. In IMWA 2016 - Mining meets water - Conflicts and solutions

Abstract Although their frequency of occurrence is rare, the sudden outbreak of mine water from abandoned mines, or collapse of waste rock stores can be environmentally significant and represent significant postclosure legacies. This paper reports on... Read More about Mine water outbreak and stability risks : examples and challenges from England and Wales.

Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harding, H. R., Voellmy, I., Simpson, S. D., Radford, A. N., Breithaupt, T., Elliott, M., Roberts, L., Simpson, S., Bruintjes, R., Harding, H., Radford, A., & Voellmy, I. K. Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving

Activities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predat... Read More about Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving.

Burials of martial character in the British Iron Age
Book Chapter
Inall, Y. Burials of martial character in the British Iron Age. In Proceedings of the 17th Iron Age research student symposium, Edinburgh

The significance of the decision to bury an individual with martial objects during the British Iron Age cannot be overstated. It is a rare subset of funerary practice, conferred upon select individuals. This article examines martial burials, firstly... Read More about Burials of martial character in the British Iron Age.

Near wake of emergent vegetation patches in shallow flow
Journal Article
Wunder, S., Trevisson, M., Heckele, C., Chagot, L., Murphy, B., McLelland, S., Moulin, F., & Eiff, O. (2018). Near wake of emergent vegetation patches in shallow flow. E3S Web of Conferences, 40, Article 02057.

Vegetation patches are particularly difficult to quantify in terms of flow resistance due to their complex geometry and topological behaviour under hydrodynamic loading. They not only influence the water level and mean velocities due to the drag they... Read More about Near wake of emergent vegetation patches in shallow flow.

University Of Hull MTB Trail Centre Research Summary Report
Gibbs, D., & Holloway, L. (2019). University Of Hull MTB Trail Centre Research Summary Report. Hull, UK: University of Hull

This report provides a summary of key findings from a small research project conducted in 2018, focusing on mountain bike trail centres as an example of the ‘experience economy’. The research included interviews with representatives of public and pri... Read More about University Of Hull MTB Trail Centre Research Summary Report.