Disability culture and community performance: find a strange and twisted shape
Journal Article
Conroy, C. (2013). Disability culture and community performance: find a strange and twisted shape. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 18(1), 100-101. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569783.2012.756190
Outputs (247)
Rehearsing Shakespeare : embodiment, collaboration, risk and play (2012)
Journal Article
Billing, C. M. (2012). Rehearsing Shakespeare : embodiment, collaboration, risk and play. Shakespeare bulletin, 30(4), 383-410. https://doi.org/10.1353/shb.2012.0072
"I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them.": Ethical Guidance and Cultural Pessimism in the Saw Series (2012)
Journal Article
Walliss, J., & Aston, J. (2012). "I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them.": Ethical Guidance and Cultural Pessimism in the Saw Series. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 24(3), 352-364. https://doi.org/10.1353/rpc.2012.0034In this article we examine the ethical vision presented in the Saw series of films, focusing in particular how it represents a trend within popular culture post-9/11 towards increasing cultural pessimism. We will locate the Saw films within this cult... Read More about "I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them.": Ethical Guidance and Cultural Pessimism in the Saw Series.
Rehearsing Shakespeare: Alternative strategies in process and performance - Edited and introduction (2012)
Journal Article
Billing, C. (2012). Rehearsing Shakespeare: Alternative strategies in process and performance - Edited and introduction. Shakespeare bulletin, 30(4), 383 - 410. https://doi.org/10.1353/shb.2012.0072
Somatic sensibilities: Exploring the dialectical body in dance (2012)
Journal Article
Edinborough, C. (2012). Somatic sensibilities: Exploring the dialectical body in dance. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, 4(2), 257-266. https://doi.org/10.1386/jdsp.4.2.257_1
Freaks and not freaks: theatre and the making of crip identity (2012)
Journal Article
Conroy, C. (2012). Freaks and not freaks: theatre and the making of crip identity. Lambda Nordica, 17(1-2), 168 - 193ON SOME LEVEL it seems obvious that some disabled actors will want to explore the history of freak show performances. To replicate a performance form that neither performer nor audience have experienced has the frisson of an historical re-enactment.... Read More about Freaks and not freaks: theatre and the making of crip identity.
Women’s Body, State's Power: A Study on Chinese Miss Etiquette in International Games (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, C. (2012). Women’s Body, State's Power: A Study on Chinese Miss Etiquette in International Games. Collection of Women’s Studies 妇女研究论丛, 6(114), 65-69本文在“身体一文化象征身份一民族国家”的框架下论述了微观权力机制下礼仪小姐的公共性别身份的建构。一方面,礼仪小姐在与民族国家的互动中实现了身体资本的理性运作,这体现在对身体的自我评估和对男性他者评定的认同上,但在公共父权制下,身体的主体性淹没在力图使之... Read More about Women’s Body, State's Power: A Study on Chinese Miss Etiquette in International Games.
Launching a structuralist assembly: convening the scattered structures (2012)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2012). Launching a structuralist assembly: convening the scattered structures. Theatralia, 15(2), 13 - 23A study on the historical and political contexts of Prague Structuralism and the habilitation of Roman Jakobson in Brno.
John Russell Brown: studying Shakespeare in performance (2012)
Journal Article
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2012). John Russell Brown: studying Shakespeare in performance. Theatralia, 15(2), 194 - 196A critical review of John Russell Brown's Studying Shakespeare in Performance (2011) with contextual links to Brown's other critical works.
The Routledge companion to actors' Shakespeare (2012)
Journal Article
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2012). The Routledge companion to actors' Shakespeare. Theatralia, 15(2), 196 - 199A critical review of The Routledge Companion to Actors' Shakespeare (2012, ed. John Russell Brown) reflecting the methodology of writing about acting.
Alice Dubská: the travels of the puppeteers Brát and Pratte through Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (2012)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2012). Alice Dubská: the travels of the puppeteers Brát and Pratte through Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Theatralia, 15(2), 206 - 207A critical review of Alice Dubská's monograph on the marionettist family Brát/Pratte (2012), who were active in Central and Northern Europe from the late 18th to the mid-19th centuries.
Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Divadlo poutané hudbou (Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Theatre bound by music) (2012)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2012). Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Divadlo poutané hudbou (Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Theatre bound by music). Opus musicum, 44(4), 108 - 110A critical reflection of Jirí Adámek's book with a polemic on the conception of music theatre, namely the role of the human individual in it.
Dominique Manotti and the roman noir (2012)
Journal Article
Kimyongür, A. (2013). Dominique Manotti and the roman noir. Contemporary Women's Writing, 7(3), 235-252. https://doi.org/10.1093/cww/vps012Dominique Manotti's crime fiction novels have as their setting a variety of contemporary political and economic issues, a deliberate choice for an author who sees her work not as traditional detective novels, where order is reestablished upon the res... Read More about Dominique Manotti and the roman noir.
Review of The Practice of Practising edited by Alessandro Cervion, Catherine Laws, Maria Lettberg and Tania Lisboa. ORCiM, 2011. (2012)
Journal Article
King, E. (2012). Review of The Practice of Practising edited by Alessandro Cervion, Catherine Laws, Maria Lettberg and Tania Lisboa. ORCiM, 2011. British Journal of Music Education, 29(3), 435-440. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051712000344
Form and spontaneity: training for improvisation in football and theatre (2012)
Journal Article
Edinborough, C. (2012). Form and spontaneity: training for improvisation in football and theatre. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 3(2), 199-207. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443927.2012.686448This article explores the relationships between training approaches within football and improvised theatre. Drawing on the writings of Victor Turner, the article examines the liminoid nature of football and theatre, arguing that the formalised constr... Read More about Form and spontaneity: training for improvisation in football and theatre.
Michael D. Bristol ed., Shakespeare and Moral Agency. Shakespeare Continuum Studies. London: Continuum Books, 2010 (2012)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2012). Michael D. Bristol ed., Shakespeare and Moral Agency. Shakespeare Continuum Studies. London: Continuum Books, 2010. Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 148, 243 - 244A book review of Michael D. Bristol's (ed.) book on Shakespeare and Moral Agency. The volume deals predominantly with moral issues in Shakespeare in connection with moral philosophy.
A conceptual foundation for understanding musico-technological creativity (2012)
Journal Article
Slater, M., & Martin, A. (2012). A conceptual foundation for understanding musico-technological creativity. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 5(1), 59-76. https://doi.org/10.1386/jmte.5.1.59_1The point of departure for this article is the observation that increasing numbers of people are using technologies to create music. This rise in activity correlates directly with the proliferation of increasingly miniaturized music technologies whic... Read More about A conceptual foundation for understanding musico-technological creativity.
A Study on the Friendship of the New Generation Migrant Workers (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, C. (2012). A Study on the Friendship of the New Generation Migrant Workers. Contemporary Youth Research, 57-63在新生代农民工的社会关系中,友缘是一种涵盖范围广并具有特殊性的关系形态。以往的研究大多将“朋友”与“亲戚”放在一起并称为“亲友”,但这一概念在日后的演变中逐渐离析。根据问卷调查的数据,友缘(化)关系可以分为三种类型:“友缘化关系”,“初级友缘关系”,“次级友缘关... Read More about A Study on the Friendship of the New Generation Migrant Workers.
A Štestena, ta povstalecká devka, se na nej zubila: shakespearovské preklady Milana Lukeše" (And fortune on his damned quarry smiling, shew'd like a rebells whore": Milan Lukeš's Translations of Shakespeare) (2012)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2012). A Štestena, ta povstalecká devka, se na nej zubila: shakespearovské preklady Milana Lukeše" (And fortune on his damned quarry smiling, shew'd like a rebells whore": Milan Lukeš's Translations of Shakespeare). Theatralia, 15(1), 48 - 64A critical analysis of Milan Lukeš's (1933-2007) translations of Shakespeare with a special view of his Macbeth and King Lear. The article develops the concepts of "translator's style", "translation opportunities", "reversions", "cacophony" and "expr... Read More about A Štestena, ta povstalecká devka, se na nej zubila: shakespearovské preklady Milana Lukeše" (And fortune on his damned quarry smiling, shew'd like a rebells whore": Milan Lukeš's Translations of Shakespeare).
Comparative time series analysis of perceptual responses to electroacoustic music (2012)
Journal Article
Bailes, F., & Dean, R. T. (2012). Comparative time series analysis of perceptual responses to electroacoustic music. Music Perception, 29(4), 359-375. https://doi.org/10.1525/mp.2012.29.4.359This study investigates the relationship between acoustic patterns in contemporary electroacoustic compositions, and listeners’ real-time perceptions of their structure and affective content. Thirty-two participants varying in musical expertise (nonm... Read More about Comparative time series analysis of perceptual responses to electroacoustic music.