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Outputs (36)

Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces (2021)
Journal Article
Buzza, D. M. A., Stasiuk, G. J., Horozov, T. S., Adawi, A. M., Bouillard, J.-S. G., Lowe, C., Fox, J., & Morgan, S. O. (2021). Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces. Physical Review E, 103(4), Article 042604.

The adsorption of colloidal particles at liquid interfaces is of great importance scientifically and industrially, but the dynamics of the adsorption process is still poorly understood. In this paper we use a Langevin model to study the adsorption dy... Read More about Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces.

Quasicrystal formation in binary soft matter mixtures (2020)
Journal Article
Scacchi, A., Somerville, W. R. C., Buzza, D. M., & Archer, A. J. (2020). Quasicrystal formation in binary soft matter mixtures. Physical Review Research, 2(3), Article 032043(R).

Using a strategy that may be applied in theory or in experiments, we identify the regime in which a model binary soft matter mixture forms quasicrystals. The system is described using classical density functional theory combined with integral equatio... Read More about Quasicrystal formation in binary soft matter mixtures.

Pattern formation in two-dimensional hard-core/soft-shell systems with variable soft shell profiles (2020)
Journal Article
Somerville, W. R. C., Law, A. D., Rey, M., Vogel, N., Archer, A. J., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2020). Pattern formation in two-dimensional hard-core/soft-shell systems with variable soft shell profiles. Soft matter, 16(14), 3564-3573.

Hard-core/soft shell (HCSS) particles have been shown to self-assemble into a remarkably rich variety of structures under compression due to the simple interplay between the hard-core and soft-shoulder length scales in their interactions. Most studie... Read More about Pattern formation in two-dimensional hard-core/soft-shell systems with variable soft shell profiles.

Correction to: Capillary Interaction and Self-Assembly of Tilted Magnetic Ellipsoidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces ((2018) 3:11 (14962?14972) DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b01818) (2019)
Journal Article
Newton, B. J., Mohammed, R., Davies, G. B., Botto, L., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2019). Correction to: Capillary Interaction and Self-Assembly of Tilted Magnetic Ellipsoidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces ((2018) 3:11 (14962?14972) DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b01818). ACS Omega, 4(5), 8580.

© 2019 American Chemical Society. We would like to correct the following minor errors in the paper: Figure 3 legend: Blue data points should be ss sims, red data points should be tt sims, blue line should be ss elliptical, and red line should be tt e... Read More about Correction to: Capillary Interaction and Self-Assembly of Tilted Magnetic Ellipsoidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces ((2018) 3:11 (14962?14972) DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b01818).

Capillary interaction and self-assembly of tilted magnetic ellipsoidal particles at liquid interfaces (2018)
Journal Article
Newton, B. J., Mohammed, R., Davies, G. B., Botto, L., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2018). Capillary interaction and self-assembly of tilted magnetic ellipsoidal particles at liquid interfaces. ACS Omega, 3(11), 14962-14972.

Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society. Magnetic ellipsoidal particles adsorbed at a liquid interface provide exciting opportunities for creating switchable functional materials, where self-assembly can be switched on and off using an external fi... Read More about Capillary interaction and self-assembly of tilted magnetic ellipsoidal particles at liquid interfaces.

Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys (2018)
Journal Article
Somerville, W. R., Stokes, J. L., Adawi, A. M., Horozov, T. S., Archer, A. J., & Buzza, D. M. (2018). Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30(40),

Two-dimensional mixtures of dipolar colloidal particles with different dipole moments exhibit extremely rich self-assembly behaviour and are relevant to a wide range of experimental systems, including charged and super-paramagnetic colloids at liquid... Read More about Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys.

Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly (2018)
Journal Article
Rey, M., Yu, T., Bley, K., Landfester, K., Buzza, D. M. A., & Vogel, N. (2018). Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 34(34), 9990-10000.

Spherical colloidal particles typically self-assemble into hexagonal lattices when adsorbed at liquid interfaces. More complex assembly structures, including particle chains and phases with square symmetry, were theoretically predicted almost two dec... Read More about Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly.

Anisotropic Self-Assembly from Isotropic Colloidal Building Blocks (2017)
Journal Article
Rey, M., Law, A. D., Buzza, D. M. A., & Vogel, N. (2017). Anisotropic Self-Assembly from Isotropic Colloidal Building Blocks. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(48), 17464-17473.

© 2017 American Chemical Society. Spherical colloidal particles generally self-assemble into hexagonal lattices in two dimensions. However, more complex, non-hexagonal phases have been predicted theoretically for isotropic particles with a soft repul... Read More about Anisotropic Self-Assembly from Isotropic Colloidal Building Blocks.

Magnetic cylindrical colloids at liquid interfaces exhibit non-volatile switching of their orientation in an external field (2016)
Journal Article
Newton, B. J., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2016). Magnetic cylindrical colloids at liquid interfaces exhibit non-volatile switching of their orientation in an external field. Soft matter, 12(24), 5285-5296.

We study the orientation of magnetic cylindrical particles adsorbed at a liquid interface in an external field using analytical theory and high resolution finite element simulations. Cylindrical particles are interesting since they possess multiple l... Read More about Magnetic cylindrical colloids at liquid interfaces exhibit non-volatile switching of their orientation in an external field.

Interaction between colloidal particles on an oil-water interface in dilute and dense phases (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Parolini, L., Law, A. D., Maestro, A., Buzza, D. M. A., & Cicuta, P. Interaction between colloidal particles on an oil-water interface in dilute and dense phases

The interaction between micron-sized charged colloidal particles at polar/non-polar liquid
interfaces remains surprisingly poorly understood for a relatively simple physical chemistry
system. By measuring the pair correlation function g(r) for differ... Read More about Interaction between colloidal particles on an oil-water interface in dilute and dense phases.

ABC triblock copolymer micelles: Spherical versus worm-like micelles depending on the preparation method (2015)
Journal Article
Ghasdian, N., Buzza, D. M. A., Fletcher, P. D. I., & Georgiou, T. K. (2015). ABC triblock copolymer micelles: Spherical versus worm-like micelles depending on the preparation method. Macromolecular rapid communications, 36(6), 528-532.

Well-defined ABC triblock copolymers based on two hydrophilic blocks, A and C, and a hydrophobic block B are synthesized and their self-assembly behaviour is investigated. Interestingly, at the same solvent concentration, pH, and temperature, differe... Read More about ABC triblock copolymer micelles: Spherical versus worm-like micelles depending on the preparation method.

Influence of magnetic field on the orientation of anisotropic magnetic particles at liquid interfaces (2014)
Journal Article
Newton, B. J., Brakke, K. A., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2014). Influence of magnetic field on the orientation of anisotropic magnetic particles at liquid interfaces. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 16(47), 26051-26058.

We study theoretically the influence of an external magnetic field on the orientation of an ellipsoidal magnetic particle adsorbed at a liquid interface. Using the finite element program Surface Evolver, we calculate the equilibrium meniscus shape ar... Read More about Influence of magnetic field on the orientation of anisotropic magnetic particles at liquid interfaces.

Water-in-water emulsions based on incompatible polymers and stabilized by triblock copolymers-templated polymersomes (2013)
Journal Article
Buzza, D. M. A., Fletcher, P. D. I., Georgiou, T. K., & Ghasdian, N. (2013). Water-in-water emulsions based on incompatible polymers and stabilized by triblock copolymers-templated polymersomes. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 29(48), 14804-14814.

Aqueous solutions containing a mixture of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and dextran homopolymers form an aqueous two-phase system which can be emulsified to give a water-in-water emulsion. We show how these emulsions can be stabilized using triblock poly... Read More about Water-in-water emulsions based on incompatible polymers and stabilized by triblock copolymers-templated polymersomes.

Self-assembly of two-dimensional colloidal clusters by tuning the hydrophobicity, composition, and packing geometry (2013)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Auriol, M., Smith, D., Horozov, T. S., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2013). Self-assembly of two-dimensional colloidal clusters by tuning the hydrophobicity, composition, and packing geometry. Physical review letters, 110(13), 0 - 0.

We study the structure of binary monolayers of large (3 m diameter) very hydrophobic (A) and large (3 m diameter) hydrophilic (B) or small (1 m diameter) hydrophilic (C) silica particles at an octanewater interface. By tuning the composition and pack... Read More about Self-assembly of two-dimensional colloidal clusters by tuning the hydrophobicity, composition, and packing geometry.

Effect of particulate contamination on adhesive ability and repellence in two species of ant (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) (2012)
Journal Article
Anyon, M. J., Orchard, M. J., Buzza, D. M. A., Humphries, S., & Kohonen, M. M. (2012). Effect of particulate contamination on adhesive ability and repellence in two species of ant (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). The journal of experimental biology, 215(4), 605-616.

Tarsal adhesive pads are crucial for the ability of insects to traverse their natural environment. Previous studies have demonstrated that for both hairy and smooth adhesive pads, significant reduction in adhesion can occur because of contamination o... Read More about Effect of particulate contamination on adhesive ability and repellence in two species of ant (Hymenoptera; Formicidae).

The structure and melting transition of two-dimensional colloidal alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Horozov, T. S., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2011). The structure and melting transition of two-dimensional colloidal alloys. Soft matter, 7(19), 8923-8931.

We study theoretically the structure and melting transition of two-dimensional (2D) binary mixtures of colloidal particles interacting via a dipole-dipole potential. Using a lattice sum method, we find that at zero temperature (T = 0) the system form... Read More about The structure and melting transition of two-dimensional colloidal alloys.

Controlling the self-assembly of binary copolymer mixtures in solution through molecular architecture (2011)
Journal Article
McLeish, T. C. B., Butler, M. F., Buzza, D. M. A., Atkins, D., Furzeland, S., Schuetz, P., & Greenall, M. J. (2011). Controlling the self-assembly of binary copolymer mixtures in solution through molecular architecture. Macromolecules, 44(13), 5510-5519.

We present a combined experimental and theoretical study on the role of copolymer architecture in the self-assembly of binary PEO-PCL mixtures in water-THF and show that altering the chain geometry and composition of the copolymers can control the fo... Read More about Controlling the self-assembly of binary copolymer mixtures in solution through molecular architecture.

Two-dimensional colloidal alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Buzza, D. M. A., & Horozov, T. S. (2011). Two-dimensional colloidal alloys. Physical review letters, 106(12), Article ARTN 128302.

We study the structure of mixed monolayers of large (3μm diameter) and small (1μm diameter) very hydrophobic silica particles at an octane-water interface as a function of the number fraction of small particles ξ. We find that a rich variety of two-d... Read More about Two-dimensional colloidal alloys.

Controlling the micellar morphology of binary PEO-PCL block copolymers in water-THF through controlled blending (2010)
Journal Article
Schuetz, P., Greenall, M. J., Bent, J., Furzeland, S., Atkins, D., Butler, M. F., McLeish, T. C. B., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2011). Controlling the micellar morphology of binary PEO-PCL block copolymers in water-THF through controlled blending. Soft matter, 7(2), 749-759.

We study both experimentally and theoretically the self-assembly of binary polycaprolactone-polyethylene oxide (PCL-PEO) block copolymers in dilute solution, where self-assembly is triggered by changing the solvent from the common good solvent THF to... Read More about Controlling the micellar morphology of binary PEO-PCL block copolymers in water-THF through controlled blending.

Obtaining Effective Pair Potentials in Colloidal Monolayers Using a Thermodynamically Consistent Inversion Scheme (2010)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., & Buzza, D. M. (2010). Obtaining Effective Pair Potentials in Colloidal Monolayers Using a Thermodynamically Consistent Inversion Scheme. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 26(10), 7107-7116.

The structure and stability of colloidal monolayers depends crucially on the effective pair interaction potential u(r) between colloidal particles. In this study, we construct a novel method for extracting u(r) from the two-dimensional (2D) radial di... Read More about Obtaining Effective Pair Potentials in Colloidal Monolayers Using a Thermodynamically Consistent Inversion Scheme.