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Poor readers' use of orthographic information in learning to read new words: A visual bias or a phonological deficit? (2008)
Journal Article
McNeil, A. M., & Johnston, R. S. (2008). Poor readers' use of orthographic information in learning to read new words: A visual bias or a phonological deficit?. Memory & cognition, 36(3), 629-640.

In this study, we examined the ability of 11-year-old poor readers and reading age controls to learn new print vocabulary. It was found that the poor readers were slower than the controls to learn to read a set of nonwords accurately but that, when a... Read More about Poor readers' use of orthographic information in learning to read new words: A visual bias or a phonological deficit?.

Suggesting childhood food illness results in reduced eating behavior (2008)
Journal Article
Scoboria, A., Mazzoni, G., & Jarry, J. L. (2008). Suggesting childhood food illness results in reduced eating behavior. Acta Psychologica, 128(2), 304-309.

Previous studies have shown that suggesting childhood events can influence current self-reported attitudes towards future behavior. This study shows that suggesting a false past event (i.e. becoming sick on a specific food during childhood) can modif... Read More about Suggesting childhood food illness results in reduced eating behavior.

The role of verbal processing at different stages of recognition memory for faces (2008)
Journal Article
Nakabayashi, K., & Burton, A. M. (2008). The role of verbal processing at different stages of recognition memory for faces. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20(3), 478-496.

Four experiments examined the role of verbal processing at different stages of face recognition memory. In Experiment 1 participants learned faces with or without articulatory suppression, then engaged in an old/new recognition task. Using the same p... Read More about The role of verbal processing at different stages of recognition memory for faces.

The effect of posthypnotic suggestion, hypnotic suggestibility, and goal intentions on adherence to medical instructions (2008)
Journal Article
Carvalho, C., Mazzoni, G., Kirsch, I., Meo, M., & Santandrea, M. (2008). The effect of posthypnotic suggestion, hypnotic suggestibility, and goal intentions on adherence to medical instructions. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 56(2), 143-155.

The effects of implementation intentions and posthypnotic suggestion were investigated in 2 studies. In Experiment 1, participants with high levels of hypnotic suggestibility were instructed to take placebo pills as part of an investigation of how to... Read More about The effect of posthypnotic suggestion, hypnotic suggestibility, and goal intentions on adherence to medical instructions.

Differential effects of aging on executive and automatic inhibition (2008)
Journal Article
Andrés, P., Guerrini, C., Phillips, L. H., & Perfect, T. J. (2008). Differential effects of aging on executive and automatic inhibition. Developmental Neuropsychology, 33(2), 101-123.

One of the major accounts of cognitive aging states that age effects are related to a deficiency of inhibitory mechanisms (Hasher & Zacks, 1988). Given that inhibition has traditionally been associated with the frontal cortex, and that the frontal co... Read More about Differential effects of aging on executive and automatic inhibition.

The neural correlates of change detection in the face perception network (2008)
Journal Article
Large, M.-E., Cavina-Pratesi, C., Vilis, T., & Culham, J. C. (2008). The neural correlates of change detection in the face perception network. Neuropsychologia, 46(8), 2169-2176.

A common view is that visual processing within the ventral visual stream is modulated by attention and awareness. We used fMRI adaptation to investigate whether activation in a network of brain regions involved with face recognition - namely the fusi... Read More about The neural correlates of change detection in the face perception network.

Beyond the text: illusions of recollection caused by script-based inferences (2008)
Journal Article
Dewhurst, S. A., Holmes, S. J., Swannell, E. R., & Barry, C. (2008). Beyond the text: illusions of recollection caused by script-based inferences. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20(2), 367-386.

Three experiments investigated memory distortions produced by scripts activated when hearing a story. In Experiment 1, participants heard a story with one of two alternative titles. At test, the words that were falsely recognised varied according to... Read More about Beyond the text: illusions of recollection caused by script-based inferences.

Negative emotionality influences the effects of emotion on time perception (2008)
Journal Article
Tipples, J. (2008). Negative emotionality influences the effects of emotion on time perception. Emotion, 8(1), 127-131.

In this study I used a temporal bisection task to test if greater overestimation of time due to negative emotion is moderated by individual differences in negative emotionality. The effects of fearful facial expressions on time perception were also e... Read More about Negative emotionality influences the effects of emotion on time perception.

Delay abolishes the obstacle avoidance deficit in unilateral optic ataxia (2008)
Journal Article
Rice, N. J., Edwards, M. G., Schindler, I., Punt, T. D., McIntosh, R. D., Humphreys, G. W., Lestou, V., & Milner, A. D. (2008). Delay abolishes the obstacle avoidance deficit in unilateral optic ataxia. Neuropsychologia, 46(5), 1549-1557.

Optic ataxic patients have deficits in the visual control of manual reaching and grasping. It has been established previously that these deficits in target-directed behaviour improve following a delay in response. Recently it has been demonstrated th... Read More about Delay abolishes the obstacle avoidance deficit in unilateral optic ataxia.

Object imagery and object identification: Object imagers are better at identifying spatially-filtered visual objects (2008)
Journal Article
Vannucci, M., Mazzoni, G., Chiorri, C., & Cioli, L. (2008). Object imagery and object identification: Object imagers are better at identifying spatially-filtered visual objects. Cognitive processing, 9(2), 137-143.

Object imagery refers to the ability to construct pictorial images of objects. Individuals with high object imagery (high-OI) produce more vivid mental images than individuals with low object imagery (low-OI), and they encode and process both mental... Read More about Object imagery and object identification: Object imagers are better at identifying spatially-filtered visual objects.