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Outputs (239)

Improving mental health and reducing antipsychotic use in people with dementia in care homes: the WHELD research programme including two RCTs (2020)
Journal Article
Ballard, C., Orrell, M., Moniz-Cook, E., Woods, R., Whitaker, R., Corbett, A., Aarsland, D., Murray, J., Lawrence, V., Testad, I., Knapp, M., Romeo, R., Zala, D., Stafford, J., Hoare, Z., Garrod, L., Sun, Y., McLaughlin, E., Woodward-Carlton, B., Williams, G., & Fossey, J. (2020). Improving mental health and reducing antipsychotic use in people with dementia in care homes: the WHELD research programme including two RCTs. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 8(6), 1-98.

Background: The effective management of agitation and other neuropsychiatric and behavioural symptoms in people with dementia is a major challenge, particularly in care home settings, where dementia severity is higher and there is limited training an... Read More about Improving mental health and reducing antipsychotic use in people with dementia in care homes: the WHELD research programme including two RCTs.

Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review (2020)
Journal Article
Clarke, C., Woods, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Mountain, G., Øksnebjerg, L., Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Vernooij-Dassen, M., & Wolverson, E. (in press). Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review. Health and quality of life outcomes, 18(1), Article 249.

Background: Enabling people with dementia to ‘live well’ is a policy and research priority in many countries. However, instruments for measuring outcomes of psychosocial interventions designed to promote well-being in dementia are often derived from... Read More about Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review.

Shame, self-discrepancies, and adjustment after acquired brain injury (2020)
Journal Article
Hughes, R., Fleming, P., & Henshall, L. (in press). Shame, self-discrepancies, and adjustment after acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 1-7.

Objectives: To explore the relationship between shame and self-discrepancies and the extent that these
factors predict adjustment after an acquired brain injury (ABI).
Method: 62 participants with an ABI completed the following self-repor... Read More about Shame, self-discrepancies, and adjustment after acquired brain injury.

The use of everyday technologies to enhance wellbeing and enjoyment for people living with dementia: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis grounded in qualitative data (2020)
Journal Article
Laura, S., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (in press). The use of everyday technologies to enhance wellbeing and enjoyment for people living with dementia: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis grounded in qualitative data. Dementia, 20(4), 1470–1495.

Everyday technologies, such as laptops and tablets, are often used for enjoyment, pleasure, leisure and social participation. Despite this, whilst considerable research has investigated exploring people’s experiences of using assistive te... Read More about The use of everyday technologies to enhance wellbeing and enjoyment for people living with dementia: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis grounded in qualitative data.

Shared experiences of resilience amongst couples where one partner is living with dementia - a grounded theory study (2020)
Journal Article
Conway, L., Wolverson, E. L., & Clarke, C. (2020). Shared experiences of resilience amongst couples where one partner is living with dementia - a grounded theory study. Frontiers in Medicine, 7, Article 219.

Resilience is a concept which may help explain how older people are able to live well with dementia. Existing resilience research in dementia focuses on the caregiver and relatively little is known about how dyads (person with dementia and care partn... Read More about Shared experiences of resilience amongst couples where one partner is living with dementia - a grounded theory study.

The influence of self-compassion on perceived responsibility and shame following acquired brain injury (2020)
Journal Article
Ambridge, J., Fleming, P., & Henshall, L. (2020). The influence of self-compassion on perceived responsibility and shame following acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 34(7), 945-957.

Primary objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of perceived personal responsibility for an acquired ABI (ABI) on shame, and whether self-compassion moderates this relationship. We hypothesized that people who perceived... Read More about The influence of self-compassion on perceived responsibility and shame following acquired brain injury.

Resilience in older people living with dementia – A narrative analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Buggins, S.-L., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (2021). Resilience in older people living with dementia – A narrative analysis. Dementia, 20(4), 1234-1249.

Dominant discourses surrounding dementia tend to focus on narratives of loss and decline. Simultaneously, individuals living with dementia are vulnerable to being dispossessed of personal narratives supportive of identity and well-being. How older pe... Read More about Resilience in older people living with dementia – A narrative analysis.

Healthy ageing in a deprived northern UK city: A co-creation study (2020)
Journal Article
Glover, L., Dyson, J., Cowdell, F., & Kinsey, D. (2020). Healthy ageing in a deprived northern UK city: A co-creation study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 28(6), 2233-2242.

With ageing comes an increased risk of poor health and social isolation, particularly in poorer populations. Older people are under-represented in research and as a result interventions may not take account of their context or barriers to p... Read More about Healthy ageing in a deprived northern UK city: A co-creation study.

Peer support groups after acquired brain injury: a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Hughes, R., Fleming, P., & Henshall, L. (2020). Peer support groups after acquired brain injury: a systematic review. Brain Injury,

Background: Peer support groups can be a way to obtain support, problem solve, and widen social networks. However, there has been no systematic literature review examining the evidence for the use of
peer support groups after an acquired brain injur... Read More about Peer support groups after acquired brain injury: a systematic review.