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Outputs (13)

Scotland's Marine Protected Area network: Reviewing progress towards achieving commitments for marine conservation (2016)
Journal Article
Hopkins, C., Bailey, D., & Potts, T. (2016). Scotland's Marine Protected Area network: Reviewing progress towards achieving commitments for marine conservation. Marine Policy, 71, 44-53.

Significant progress has been made towards implementing Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks in UK waters, with Scotland successfully designating 30 new Scottish MPA sites in July 2014. This paper reviews the Scottish MPA process up to the point of i... Read More about Scotland's Marine Protected Area network: Reviewing progress towards achieving commitments for marine conservation.

Perceptions of practitioners: Managing marine protected areas for climate change resilience (2016)
Journal Article
Hopkins, C. R., Bailey, D. M., & Potts, T. (2016). Perceptions of practitioners: Managing marine protected areas for climate change resilience. Ocean and Coastal Management, 128, 18-28.

Climate change is impacting upon global marine ecosystems and ocean wide changes in ecosystem properties are expected to continue. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been implemented as a conservation tool throughout the world, primarily as a measure... Read More about Perceptions of practitioners: Managing marine protected areas for climate change resilience.

External actors, high value resources and threatened species: shark fin commodity chains of Northern Madagascar, interception for conservation (2011)
Hopkins, C. External actors, high value resources and threatened species: shark fin commodity chains of Northern Madagascar, interception for conservation. (Thesis). Imperial College London.

Wildlife trade threatens many exploited populations with unsustainable levels of extraction. The shark fin trade is perceived as a primary driver in the decline of many shark populations. The targeting of sharks by local fisheries to feed the demand... Read More about External actors, high value resources and threatened species: shark fin commodity chains of Northern Madagascar, interception for conservation.