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Outputs (4)

Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., Milan, D., & Parsons, D. (2021, April). Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood. Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2021 (European Geosciences Union), vEGU21: Gather Online

Natural flood management (NFM) promotes the sustainable enhancement of natural fluvial processes to reduce flooding (SEPA, 2015; Wilkinson et al., 2019), and is increasingly popular for use by community groups, contractors and governments (Kay et al.... Read More about Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood.

Comparative assessment of marine weathering of ROP-derived biopolymers against conventional plastics (2021)
Journal Article
Rodgers, K., Mayes, W. M., Santoro, O., Redshaw, C., Mccumskay, R., & Parsons, D. R. (2021). Comparative assessment of marine weathering of ROP-derived biopolymers against conventional plastics. Marine pollution bulletin, 167, Article 112272.

Bio-based plastics were designed to replace single-use plastics and to cause less post-consumer environmental damage. This paper assesses the weathering of four bio-based polymers created by ring opening polymerization (ROP) promoted by a previously... Read More about Comparative assessment of marine weathering of ROP-derived biopolymers against conventional plastics.

UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043) (2021)
Smith, K., Thomas, R. E., Skinner, C., Davidson, G., Parsons, D., McLelland, S., Coulthard, T., Malik, K., Harrison, L., Ramsden, S., Moloney, J., Ahmed, J., Carter, C., Wolstenholme, J., Halstead, F., & Betts, P. (2021). UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043)

This submission presents the research conducted within the Energy and Environment Institute at the University of Hull. Our work demonstrates that hazards represented by flooding have multiple dimensions, and that solutions to them need to take these... Read More about UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043).

2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss (2021)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Halstead, F., Parsons, K. J., Le, H., Bui, L. T. H., Hackney, C. R., & Parsons, D. R. (2021). 2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s5), 29-68.

We are the midst of a climate emergency requiring urgent climate action that is as yet unforthcoming both on the scale and at the speed needed. This article considers this current state of inaction and how we might understand the processes of attitud... Read More about 2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss.