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Young people's daily mobilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Moving young lives (2017)
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., & Mashiri, M. (2017). Young people's daily mobilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Moving young lives. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book explores the daily mobilities and immobilities of children and young people in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors draw on findings from rural and urban field research extending over many years, culminating in a 24-site study across three Afric... Read More about Young people's daily mobilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Moving young lives.

“My happiest time” or “my saddest time”? The spatial and generational construction of marriage among youth in rural Malawi and Lesotho (2017)
Journal Article
Ansell, N., Hajdu, F., van Blerk, L., & Robson, E. (2018). “My happiest time” or “my saddest time”? The spatial and generational construction of marriage among youth in rural Malawi and Lesotho. Transactions - Institute of British Geographers, 43(2), 184-199.

Marriage among African teenagers is currently a central focus of campaigns by UN agencies and international NGOs. Yet, marriage has received only limited attention from geographers and has largely escaped the attention of geographers of youth. In thi... Read More about “My happiest time” or “my saddest time”? The spatial and generational construction of marriage among youth in rural Malawi and Lesotho.

Fears for the future: the incommensurability of securitisation and in/securities among southern African youth (2017)
Journal Article
Ansell, N., Hajdu, F., van Blerk, L., & Robson, E. (2017). Fears for the future: the incommensurability of securitisation and in/securities among southern African youth. Social & cultural geography, 20(4), 507-533.

Over the past two decades, southern Africa has experienced both exceptionally high AIDS prevalence and recurrent food shortages. International institutions have responded to these challenges by framing them as security concerns that demand urgent int... Read More about Fears for the future: the incommensurability of securitisation and in/securities among southern African youth.