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Outputs (8)

The impact and significance of tephra deposition on a Holocene forest environment in the North Cascades, Washington, USA (2016)
Journal Article
Egan, J., Fletcher, W. J., Allott, T. E. H., Lane, C. S., Blackford, J. J., & Clark, D. H. (2016). The impact and significance of tephra deposition on a Holocene forest environment in the North Cascades, Washington, USA. Quaternary science reviews, 137(April), 135-155.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. High-resolution palaeoecological analyses (stratigraphy, tephra geochemistry, radiocarbon dating, pollen and ordination) were used to reconstruct a Holocene vegetation history of a watershed in the Pacific Northwest of America to... Read More about The impact and significance of tephra deposition on a Holocene forest environment in the North Cascades, Washington, USA.

A high-precision age estimate of the Holocene Plinian eruption of Mount Mazama, Oregon, USA (2015)
Journal Article
Egan, J., Staff, R., & Blackford, J. (2015). A high-precision age estimate of the Holocene Plinian eruption of Mount Mazama, Oregon, USA. Holocene, 25(7), 1054-1067.

© The Author(s) 2015 The climactic eruption of Mount Mazama in Oregon, North America, resulted in the deposition of the most widespread Holocene tephra deposit in the conterminous United States and south-western Canada. The tephra forms an isochronou... Read More about A high-precision age estimate of the Holocene Plinian eruption of Mount Mazama, Oregon, USA.

Age and impacts of the caldera-forming Aniakchak II eruption in western Alaska (2014)
Journal Article
Blackford, J., Payne, R., Heggen, M., de la Riva Caballero, A., & van der Plicht, J. (2014). Age and impacts of the caldera-forming Aniakchak II eruption in western Alaska. Quaternary Research, 82(1), 85-95.

The mid-Holocene eruption of Aniakchak volcano (Aniakchak II) in southwest Alaska was among the largest eruptions globally in the last 10,000. years (VEI-6). Despite evidence for possible impacts on global climate, the precise age of the eruption is... Read More about Age and impacts of the caldera-forming Aniakchak II eruption in western Alaska.

Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene (2013)
Journal Article
Swindles, G. T., Lawson, I. T., Matthews, I. P., Blaauw, M., Daley, T. J., Charman, D. J., Roland, T. P., Plunkett, G., Schettler, G., Gearey, B. R., Turner, T. E., Rea, H. A., Roe, H. M., Amesbury, M. J., Chambers, F. M., Holmes, J., Mitchell, F. J., Blackford, J., Blundell, A., Branch, N., …Armit, I. (2013). Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene. Earth-Science Reviews, 126, 300-320.

We examine mid- to late Holocene centennial-scale climate variability in Ireland using proxy data from peatlands, lakes and a speleothem. A high degree of between-record variability is apparent in the proxy data and significant chronological uncertai... Read More about Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene.

Late Mesolithic and early Neolithic forest disturbance: a high resolution palaeoecological test of human impact hypotheses (2013)
Journal Article
Innes, J. B., Blackford, J. J., & Rowley-Conwy, P. A. (2013). Late Mesolithic and early Neolithic forest disturbance: a high resolution palaeoecological test of human impact hypotheses. Quaternary science reviews, 77, 80-100.

The transition in north-west Europe from the hunter-gatherer societies of the Late Mesolithic to the pioneer farming societies of the early Neolithic is not well understood, either culturally or palaeoecologically. In Britain the final transition was... Read More about Late Mesolithic and early Neolithic forest disturbance: a high resolution palaeoecological test of human impact hypotheses.

Distal volcanic impacts on peatlands: palaeoecological evidence from Alaska (2008)
Journal Article
Payne, R., & Blackford, J. (2008). Distal volcanic impacts on peatlands: palaeoecological evidence from Alaska. Quaternary science reviews, 27(21-22), 2012-2030.

Despite the fact that volcanic ash (tephra) layers are found preserved in peat deposits around the world, comparatively little research has investigated the impacts of distal volcanic emissions on peatlands. This study investigates the impacts of sev... Read More about Distal volcanic impacts on peatlands: palaeoecological evidence from Alaska.

Extending the late holocene tephrochronology of the central Kenai Peninsula, Alaska (2008)
Journal Article
Blackford, J. J., & Payne, R. J. (2008). Extending the late holocene tephrochronology of the central Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Arctic, 61(3), 243-254.

Tephrochronology, the reconstruction of past volcanic ash deposition, provides a valuable method for dating sediments and determining long-term volcanic history. Tephra layers are highly numerous in Alaska, but knowledge of their occurrence and distr... Read More about Extending the late holocene tephrochronology of the central Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

Using cryptotephras to extend regional tephrochronologies: an example from southeast Alaska and implications for hazard assessment (2008)
Journal Article
Payne, R., Blackford, J., & van der Plicht, J. (2008). Using cryptotephras to extend regional tephrochronologies: an example from southeast Alaska and implications for hazard assessment. Quaternary Research, 69(1), 42-55.

Cryptotephrochronology, the use of hidden, diminutive volcanic ash layers to date sediments, has rarely been applied outside western Europe but has the potential to improve the tephrochronology of other regions of the world. Here we present the first... Read More about Using cryptotephras to extend regional tephrochronologies: an example from southeast Alaska and implications for hazard assessment.