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Outputs (2)

Ensemble representation of uncertainty in Lagrangian satellite rainfall estimates (2013)
Journal Article
Bellerby, T. J. (2013). Ensemble representation of uncertainty in Lagrangian satellite rainfall estimates. Journal of hydrometeorology, 14(5), 1483-1499.

A new algorithm called Lagrangian Simulation (LSIM) has been developed that enables the interpolation uncertainty present in Lagrangian satellite rainfall algorithms such as the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) morphing technique (CMORPH) to be charac... Read More about Ensemble representation of uncertainty in Lagrangian satellite rainfall estimates.

Hydrological modelling using data from monthly GCMs in a regional catchment (2013)
Journal Article
Remesan, R., Bellerby, T., & Frostick, L. (2014). Hydrological modelling using data from monthly GCMs in a regional catchment. Hydrological Processes, 28(8), 3241-3263.

This study demonstrates the use of spatially downscaled, monthly general circulation model (GCM) rainfall and temperature data to drive the established HyMOD hydrological model to evaluate the prospective effects of climate change on the fluvial run-... Read More about Hydrological modelling using data from monthly GCMs in a regional catchment.