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Outputs (38)

Investigating brand equity of third-party service providers (2014)
Journal Article
Grant, D., Juntunen, J., Juga, J., & Juntunen, M. (2014). Investigating brand equity of third-party service providers. The journal of services marketing, 28(3), 214-222.

Purpose: This research applies theory and techniques from the services and marketing literature to a supply chain context consisting of a shipper or seller, a customer or buyer, and a third-party logistics service provider (3PL) to investigate corpor... Read More about Investigating brand equity of third-party service providers.

The influence of product age on pricing decisions: An examination of bank deposit interest rate setting (2014)
Journal Article
Anderson, R. D., Ashton, J. K., & Hudson, R. S. (2014). The influence of product age on pricing decisions: An examination of bank deposit interest rate setting. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 31, 216-230.

Do banks extract rent from depositors who hold older deposit accounts? This study addresses this question using product level data from the UK instant access (branch based) deposit market. In this context, two research questions related to the condit... Read More about The influence of product age on pricing decisions: An examination of bank deposit interest rate setting.

On shelf availability in UK retailing (2014)
Book Chapter
Fernie, J., & Grant, D. (2014). On shelf availability in UK retailing. In J. Fernie, & L. Sparks (Eds.), Logistics and retail management: Emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain (179-204). (4th). Kogan Page

Corporate social responsibility enhanced control systems reducing the likelihood of fraud (2014)
Journal Article
Rodgers, W., Söderbom, A., & Guiral, A. (2015). Corporate social responsibility enhanced control systems reducing the likelihood of fraud. Journal of Business Ethics, 131(4), 871-882.

All kinds of fraud are costly for the people engrossed both financially and often in terms of the time needed to clear their name when illegal use has been made of their personal details. The relationship among ethics, internal control, and fraud is... Read More about Corporate social responsibility enhanced control systems reducing the likelihood of fraud.

Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles (2014)
Journal Article
Andrikopoulos, A., & Markellos, R. N. (2015). Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles. Journal of Banking and Finance, 50, 260-270.

We develop a model of dynamic interactions between price variations in leasing and selling markets for automobiles. Our framework assumes a differential game between multiple Bertrand-type competing firms which offer differentiated products to forwar... Read More about Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles.

Estimating liquidity risk using the exposure-based cash-flow-at-risk approach: an application to the UK banking sector (2014)
Journal Article
Yan, M., Hall, M. J., & Turner, P. (2014). Estimating liquidity risk using the exposure-based cash-flow-at-risk approach: an application to the UK banking sector. International journal of finance & economics : IJFE, 19(3), 225-238.

This paper uses a relatively new quantitative model for estimating UK banks' liquidity risk. The model is called the exposure-based cash-flow-at-risk (CFaR) model, which not only measures a bank's liquidity risk tolerance but also helps to improve li... Read More about Estimating liquidity risk using the exposure-based cash-flow-at-risk approach: an application to the UK banking sector.

Enablers and barriers in German online food retailing (2014)
Journal Article
Grant, D., Fernie, J., & Schulz, B. (2014). Enablers and barriers in German online food retailing. Supply chain forum : an international journal / ISLI, Institute for Supply Chain Excellence, 15(3), 4-11.

This article discusses enablers and barriers in online food retailing in Germany. The German food retail sector is one of the largest in Europe; however, its online or Internet provision for customers lags way behind the United Kingdom and France. Pr... Read More about Enablers and barriers in German online food retailing.

Is there a social norm to recycle? (2014)
Book Chapter
Abbott, A., Nandeibam, S. S., & O'Shea, L. (2014). Is there a social norm to recycle?. In T. C. Kinnaman, & K. Takeuchi (Eds.), Handbook on Waste Management (53-74). Edward Elgar Publishing