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Outputs (47)

Impacts of GST Reforms on Efficiency, Growth and Redistribution of Income in India: A Dynamic CGE Analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., & Bhattarai, K. (2020). Impacts of GST Reforms on Efficiency, Growth and Redistribution of Income in India: A Dynamic CGE Analysis. Journal of Development Economics and Finance, 1(1), 93-133

Goods and service tax (GST) introduced as a 'good and simple tax' on 1 July 2017 by the Modi government is the boldest measure of tax reform so far in India. The major aim of this paper is to evaluate the micro and macro impacts of the goods and serv... Read More about Impacts of GST Reforms on Efficiency, Growth and Redistribution of Income in India: A Dynamic CGE Analysis.

Political uncertainty and sentiment: Evidence from the impact of Brexit on financial markets (2020)
Journal Article
Hudson, R., Urquhart, A., & Zhang, H. (2020). Political uncertainty and sentiment: Evidence from the impact of Brexit on financial markets. European Economic Review, 129, Article 103523.

This paper investigates whether the impact of Brexit on financial markets is consistent with rational asset pricing models using 34 financial indices. Our results indicate that, whilst Brexit events affect both the risk and returns of stocks, the ret... Read More about Political uncertainty and sentiment: Evidence from the impact of Brexit on financial markets.

Is corporate hedging always beneficial? A theoretical and empirical analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Ahmed, H., Fairchild, R., & Guney, Y. (in press). Is corporate hedging always beneficial? A theoretical and empirical analysis. The European journal of finance, 1-35.

This paper investigates, theoretically and empirically, the impact of corporate hedging activities on firm value/performance. In a perfect market, with self-less management, aiming to maximise shareholder wealth, it may be expected that hedging would... Read More about Is corporate hedging always beneficial? A theoretical and empirical analysis.

Should a retailer sell its own extended warranties or resell those from the manufacturer when confronting supplier encroachment? (2020)
Journal Article
Chai, J., Li, H., Yan, W., & Li, Y. (2021). Should a retailer sell its own extended warranties or resell those from the manufacturer when confronting supplier encroachment?. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(9), 2046-2058.

Due to fierce competition in the product market under conditions of supplier encroachment, many brand name retailers, including Sears, Best Buy, and Circuit City, depend on the extended warranty contracts that they sell along with the products. The d... Read More about Should a retailer sell its own extended warranties or resell those from the manufacturer when confronting supplier encroachment?.

Essays on the economic consequences of information asymmetry and accounting conservatism in the mergers and acquisitions market (2020)
Elgendi, H. Y. H. Essays on the economic consequences of information asymmetry and accounting conservatism in the mergers and acquisitions market. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions arguably represent one of the most significant events that firms might experience over their lifecycles; yet many transactions are value-neutral or value-destroying for shareholders of acquiring firms. Throug... Read More about Essays on the economic consequences of information asymmetry and accounting conservatism in the mergers and acquisitions market.

Investor Overconfidence and the Security Market Line: New Evidence from China (2020)
Journal Article
Han, X., Li, K., & Li, Y. (2020). Investor Overconfidence and the Security Market Line: New Evidence from China. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 117, Article 103961.

This paper documents a highly downward-sloping security market line (SML) in China, which is more puzzling than the typical “flattened” SML in the US, and does not reconcile with existing theories of the low-beta anomaly. We show that investor overco... Read More about Investor Overconfidence and the Security Market Line: New Evidence from China.

In search of stock repurchases determinants in listed Indonesian firms during regulatory changes (2020)
Journal Article
Moin, A., Guney, Y., & Kalak, I. E. (2020). In search of stock repurchases determinants in listed Indonesian firms during regulatory changes. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 176, 145-165.

Motivated by the introduction of share repurchases regulations in 1998 and 2007 coupled with unique characteristics of the Indonesian market, we investigate the effect of firms’ sub-optimal financial position on their share repurchases decisions. The... Read More about In search of stock repurchases determinants in listed Indonesian firms during regulatory changes.

Market frictions and the geographical location of global stock exchanges. Evidence from the S&P Global Index (2020)
Journal Article
Hudson, R., & Gregoriou, A. (in press). Market frictions and the geographical location of global stock exchanges. Evidence from the S&P Global Index. Journal of Economic Studies,

We examine the impact of trading costs on investor average holding periods for the S&P global 1200 index. We report overwhelming evidence that global equity indices cannot be pooled. When we differentiate between stock indices based on their geograph... Read More about Market frictions and the geographical location of global stock exchanges. Evidence from the S&P Global Index.

FDI and Economic Performance of Firms in India (2020)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., & Negi, V. (2020). FDI and Economic Performance of Firms in India. Studies in Microeconomics, 8(1), 44-74.

FDI contributed positively to sales, profit, employment and wages of firms in India from 2004 to 2018. Foreign capital is complementing domestic capital well embodying technology and innovations required for expansion of domestic firms in it. Foreign... Read More about FDI and Economic Performance of Firms in India.