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Outputs (173)

Improving the reporting of primary care research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care - the CRISP Statement (2025)
Journal Article
Phillips, W., Sturgiss, E., Glasziou, P., olde Hartmann, T., Orkin, A. M., Prathivadi, P., Reeve, J., Russell, G. M., & van Weel, C. (2025). Improving the reporting of primary care research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care - the CRISP Statement. Annals of Family Medicine, 28(4), 385-392.

Primary care(PC)is a unique clinical specialty and research discipline with its own perspectives and methods. Research in this field uses varied research methods and study designs to investigate myriad topics. The diversity of PC presents challenge... Read More about Improving the reporting of primary care research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care - the CRISP Statement.

Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging (2025)
Journal Article
Tierney, S., Westlake, D., Wong, G., Turk, A., Markham, S., Gorenberg, J., Reeve, J., Mitchell, C., Husk, K., Redwood, S., Pope, C., Baird, B., & Ram Mahtani, K. (online). Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners,

Background: Following the 2019 NHS Long-Term Plan, link workers (LWs) have been employed across primary care in England to deliver social prescribing (SP).
Aim: To understand and explain how the LW role is being implemented in primary care in Englan... Read More about Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging.

Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation (2024)
Journal Article
Tierney, S., Wong, G., Westlake, D., Turk, A., Markham, S., Gorenberg, J., Reeve, J., Mitchell, C., Husk, K., Redwood, S., Meacock, T., Pope, C., Baird, B., & Mahtani, K. R. (2024). Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation. Health and Social Care Delivery Research,

Background: Social prescribing link workers have become part of primary health care in recent years. They help patients to recognise non-medical factors affecting their health and identify sources of support, often in the voluntary, community and soc... Read More about Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation.

Addressing hidden tensions and grey areas of general practice: A qualitative study of the experiences of newly qualified GPs attending a course on generalist medicine (2024)
Journal Article
Reeve, J., & Dell Olio, M. (in press). Addressing hidden tensions and grey areas of general practice: A qualitative study of the experiences of newly qualified GPs attending a course on generalist medicine. BJGP Open, 74(746), e637-e643.

Generalist approaches can help address several challenges facing today’s primary care. However, GPs report insufficient support to deliver advanced generalist medicine (AGM) in daily practice, struggling within a healthcare system that im... Read More about Addressing hidden tensions and grey areas of general practice: A qualitative study of the experiences of newly qualified GPs attending a course on generalist medicine.

Addressing hidden tensions and grey areas of general practice: a qualitative study of the experiences of newly qualified GPs attending a course on generalist medicine (2024)
Journal Article
Dell'Olio, M., & Reeve, J. (2024). Addressing hidden tensions and grey areas of general practice: a qualitative study of the experiences of newly qualified GPs attending a course on generalist medicine. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 74(746), e637-e643.

Background Generalist approaches can help address several challenges facing today’s primary care. However, GPs report insufficient support to deliver advanced generalist medicine (AGM) in daily practice, struggling within a healthcare system that imp... Read More about Addressing hidden tensions and grey areas of general practice: a qualitative study of the experiences of newly qualified GPs attending a course on generalist medicine.

Supporting the primary care workforce through training in advanced generalist practice: An evaluation of the Catalyst programme (2024)
Journal Article
Dell'Olio, M., & Reeve, J. (online). Supporting the primary care workforce through training in advanced generalist practice: An evaluation of the Catalyst programme. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions,

As a workforce crisis is causing recruitment and retention issues for new to practice GPs, we designed Catalyst, a one-year pilot career development program aiming to help new to practice GPs develop the skills of advanced generalist... Read More about Supporting the primary care workforce through training in advanced generalist practice: An evaluation of the Catalyst programme.

Internet and Telephone Support for Discontinuing Long-Term Antidepressants: The REDUCE Cluster Randomized Trial (2024)
Journal Article
Kendrick, T., Stuart, B., Bowers, H., Haji Sadeghi, M., Page, H., Dowrick, C., Moore, M., Gabbay, M., Leydon, G. M., Yao, G. L., Little, P., Griffiths, G., Lewis, G., May, C., Moncrieff, J., Johnson, C. F., Macleod, U., Gilbody, S., Dewar-Haggart, R., Williams, S., …Geraghty, A. W. (2024). Internet and Telephone Support for Discontinuing Long-Term Antidepressants: The REDUCE Cluster Randomized Trial. Jama Network Open, 7(6), Article e2418383.

Importance: There is significant concern regarding increasing long-term antidepressant treatment for depression beyond an evidence-based duration. Objective: To determine whether adding internet and telephone support to a family practitioner review t... Read More about Internet and Telephone Support for Discontinuing Long-Term Antidepressants: The REDUCE Cluster Randomized Trial.

The real work of general practice: understanding our hidden workload (2024)
Journal Article
Reeve, J., Woolford, S., Watson, J., & Harris, T. (2024). The real work of general practice: understanding our hidden workload. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 74(742), 196-197.

Opening paragraph:
GPs are consistently being asked to work even harder than we already are. We see endless news stories about falling GP appointment numbers and suboptimal patient care due to lack of GP availability. We hear it from our patients, s... Read More about The real work of general practice: understanding our hidden workload.

Evaluating the Role of Ultrasound in Prostate Cancer trial – phase 1: Early experience of micro-ultrasound in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article
Parker, P., Twiddy, M., Rigby, A., Whybrow, P., & Simms, M. (2024). Evaluating the Role of Ultrasound in Prostate Cancer trial – phase 1: Early experience of micro-ultrasound in the United Kingdom. Ultrasound,

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate if the use of micro-ultrasound can detect clinically significant prostate pathology when compared to histology obtained during a transperineal prostate biopsy. Methods: Patients suspected of having p... Read More about Evaluating the Role of Ultrasound in Prostate Cancer trial – phase 1: Early experience of micro-ultrasound in the United Kingdom.

“She’s been a rock”: the function and importance of ‘holding’ by social prescribing link workers in primary care in England: findings from a realist evaluation. (2024)
Journal Article
Westlake, D., Wong, G., Markham, S., Turk, A., Gorenberg, J., Pope, C., Reeve, J., Mitchell, C., Husk, K., Redwood, S., Meacock, A., Mahtani, K. R., & Tierney, S. (2024). “She’s been a rock”: the function and importance of ‘holding’ by social prescribing link workers in primary care in England: findings from a realist evaluation. Health and Social Care in the Community, 2024, Article 2479543.

Social prescribing link workers are recently introduced roles in English primary care. One of their intended functions is to support patients with conditions influenced by the wider, social determinants of health. Their main purpose is to connect peo... Read More about “She’s been a rock”: the function and importance of ‘holding’ by social prescribing link workers in primary care in England: findings from a realist evaluation..