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A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol (2021)
Journal Article
Northgraves, M., Cohen, J., Allgar, V., Currow, D., Hart, S., Hird, K., Hodge, A., Johnson, M., Mason, S., Swan, F., & Hutchinson, A. (2021). A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol. ERJ Open Research, 7(1), Article 00955-2020.

Introduction: Chronic breathlessness, persistent and disabling despite optimal treatment of underlying causes, is a prevalent and frightening symptom and is associated with many emergency presentations and admission to hospital. Breathlessness manage... Read More about A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol.

Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study (2017)
Journal Article
Luckett, T., Phillips, J., Johnson, M., Garcia, M., Bhattarai, P., Carrieri-Kohlman, V., Hutchinson, A., Disler, R. T., Currow, D., Agar, M., Ivynian, S., Chye, R., Newton, P. J., & Davidson, P. M. (2017). Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study. BMJ open, 7(12), e017536.

Objectives Breathlessness ‘crises’ in people with chronic respiratory conditions are a common precipitant for emergency department (ED) presentations, many of which might be avoided through improved self-management and support. This study sought insi... Read More about Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study.