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Genetic correlation between multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia provides evidence for shared aetiology

Went, Molly; Sud, Amit; Speedy, Helen; Sunter, Nicola J.; Försti, Asta; Law, Philip J.; Johnson, David C.; Mirabella, Fabio; Holroyd, Amy; Li, Ni; Orlando, Giulia; Weinhold, Niels; van Duin, Mark; Chen, Bowang; Mitchell, Jonathan S.; Mansouri, Larry; Juliusson, Gunnar; Smedby, Karin E; Jayne, Sandrine; Majid, Aneela; Dearden, Claire; Allsup, David J.; Bailey, James R.; Pratt, Guy; Pepper, Chris; Fegan, Chris; Rosenquist, Richard; Kuiper, Rowan; Stephens, Owen W.; Bertsch, Uta; Broderick, Peter; Einsele, Hermann; Gregory, Walter M.; Hillengass, Jens; Hoffmann, Per; Jackson, Graham H.; Jöckel, Karl Heinz; Nickel, Jolanta; Nöthen, Markus M.; da Silva Filho, Miguel Inacio; Thomsen, Hauke; Walker, Brian A.; Broyl, Annemiek; Davies, Faith E.; Hansson, Markus; Goldschmidt, Hartmut; Dyer, Martin J.S.; Kaiser, Martin; Sonneveld, Pieter; Morgan, Gareth J.; Hemminki, Kari; Nilsson, Björn; Catovsky, Daniel; Allan, James M.; Houlston, Richard S.


Molly Went

Amit Sud

Helen Speedy

Nicola J. Sunter

Asta Försti

Philip J. Law

David C. Johnson

Fabio Mirabella

Amy Holroyd

Ni Li

Giulia Orlando

Niels Weinhold

Mark van Duin

Bowang Chen

Jonathan S. Mitchell

Larry Mansouri

Gunnar Juliusson

Karin E Smedby

Sandrine Jayne

Aneela Majid

Claire Dearden

James R. Bailey

Guy Pratt

Chris Pepper

Chris Fegan

Richard Rosenquist

Rowan Kuiper

Owen W. Stephens

Uta Bertsch

Peter Broderick

Hermann Einsele

Walter M. Gregory

Jens Hillengass

Per Hoffmann

Graham H. Jackson

Karl Heinz Jöckel

Jolanta Nickel

Markus M. Nöthen

Miguel Inacio da Silva Filho

Hauke Thomsen

Brian A. Walker

Annemiek Broyl

Faith E. Davies

Markus Hansson

Hartmut Goldschmidt

Martin J.S. Dyer

Martin Kaiser

Pieter Sonneveld

Gareth J. Morgan

Kari Hemminki

Björn Nilsson

Daniel Catovsky

James M. Allan

Richard S. Houlston


© 2018, The Author(s). The clustering of different types of B-cell malignancies in families raises the possibility of shared aetiology. To examine this, we performed cross-trait linkage disequilibrium (LD)-score regression of multiple myeloma (MM) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) genome-wide association study (GWAS) data sets, totalling 11,734 cases and 29,468 controls. A significant genetic correlation between these two B-cell malignancies was shown (R g = 0.4, P = 0.0046). Furthermore, four of the 45 known CLL risk loci were shown to associate with MM risk and five of the 23 known MM risk loci associate with CLL risk. By integrating eQTL, Hi-C and ChIP-seq data, we show that these pleiotropic risk loci are enriched for B-cell regulatory elements and implicate B-cell developmental genes. These data identify shared biological pathways influencing the development of CLL and, MM and further our understanding of the aetiological basis of these B-cell malignancies.


Went, M., Sud, A., Speedy, H., Sunter, N. J., Försti, A., Law, P. J., Johnson, D. C., Mirabella, F., Holroyd, A., Li, N., Orlando, G., Weinhold, N., van Duin, M., Chen, B., Mitchell, J. S., Mansouri, L., Juliusson, G., Smedby, K. E., Jayne, S., Majid, A., …Houlston, R. S. (2019). Genetic correlation between multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia provides evidence for shared aetiology. Blood Cancer Journal, 9(1), Article 1.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 19, 2018
Online Publication Date Dec 21, 2018
Publication Date 2019-01
Deposit Date Jan 3, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jan 3, 2019
Journal Blood Cancer Journal
Print ISSN 2044-5385
Publisher Nature Research (part of Springer Nature)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 1
Article Number 1
Keywords Oncology; Hematology
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jan 3, 2019


Article (767 Kb)

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