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Effect of Chemical Impurities on Centrifugal Machine Performance: Implications for Compressor Sizing in A CO 2 Transport Pipeline [QUERY]

Okezue, Chima; Kuvshinov, Dmitriy


Chima Okezue


© 2017 The Author(s). Several research studies have been published on CO 2 pipeline transportation. Most of them focus on developing hydraulic models of entire CO 2 pipeline networks. From these studies, a lot of original knowledge has been produced to understand the behaviour of CO 2 pipeline networks under dense phase or supercritical conditions. The globalized modelling approach used in these studies are generally sufficient for carrying out an overall design and operation of an entire CO 2 pipeline network. However, such models are too insufficiently detailed for use in optimizing the performance of a compressor in a CO 2 transport pipeline. This is because in hydraulic models, compression is simulated with adiabatic or polytropic equations which do not account for the geometry and internal fluid flow processes within the compressor. Moreover, in energy requirement calculations involving these equations, compressor efficiency is assumed to be fixed, where as in reality, it varies with change in the purity of the CO 2 stream being compressed. Given that compressors consume most of the energy needed to operate an entire CO 2 pipeline network, it is vital that a detailed analysis of the effect of impurities on machine performance is done as a prerequisite for developing an optimal procedure for compressor sizing and selection. To this end, a quasi-dimensional model based on the laws of conservation was developed and validated for a detailed investigation of the effect of various impurities on the performance of a centrifugal machine handling supercritical carbon dioxide. Results of the study confirm that the power requirement of a compressor is affected by the impurities and provides an insight into the relationship between compressor size, work input and the pressure required to maintain the CO 2 stream flowing in a transport pipeline network in supercritical state.


Okezue, C., & Kuvshinov, D. Effect of Chemical Impurities on Centrifugal Machine Performance: Implications for Compressor Sizing in A CO 2 Transport Pipeline [QUERY]. Presented at 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2017), Cardiff, UK

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2017)
Acceptance Date Dec 13, 2016
Online Publication Date Jan 31, 2018
Publication Date 2017-12
Deposit Date Jun 11, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jun 17, 2019
Journal Energy Procedia
Print ISSN 1876-6102
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 142
Pages 3675-3682
Keywords Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change Keywords: CCS transport; compressor performance curve; energy requirement; working fluid; impurities; CO2 pipeline; quasi-dimensional model; pump; compressor; supercritical phase; critical point; equation of state; laws of conservation * Corresponding author Tel: +79574494100
Public URL
Contract Date Jun 11, 2019


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