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Skeleton Marching-based Parallel Vascular Geometry Reconstruction Using Implicit Functions

Qi, Quan; Li, Qing De; Cheng, Yongqiang; Hong, Qing Qi


Quan Qi

Yongqiang Cheng

Qing Qi Hong


Fast high-precision patient-specific vascular tissue and geometric structure reconstruction is an essential task for vascular tissue engineering and computer-aided minimally invasive vascular disease diagnosis and surgery. In this paper, we present an effective vascular geometry reconstruction technique by representing a highly complicated geometric structure of a vascular system as an implicit function. By implicit geometric modelling, we are able to reduce the complexity and level of difficulty of this geometric reconstruction task and turn it into a parallel process of reconstructing a set of simple short tubular-like vascular sections, thanks to the easy-blending nature of implicit geometries on combining implicitly modelled geometric forms. The basic idea behind our technique is to consider this extremely difficult task as a process of team exploration of an unknown environment like a cave. Based on this idea, we developed a parallel vascular modelling technique, called Skeleton Marching, for fast vascular geometric reconstruction. With the proposed technique, we first extract the vascular skeleton system from a given volumetric medical image. A set of sub-regions of a volumetric image containing a vascular segment is then identified by marching along the extracted skeleton tree. A localised segmentation method is then applied to each of these sub-image blocks to extract a point cloud from the surface of the short simple blood vessel segment contained in the image block. These small point clouds are then fitted with a set of implicit surfaces in a parallel manner. A high-precision geometric vascular tree is then reconstructed by blending together these simple tubular-shaped implicit surfaces using the shape-preserving blending operations. Experimental results show the time required for reconstructing a vascular system can be greatly reduced by the proposed parallel technique.


Qi, Q., Li, Q. D., Cheng, Y., & Hong, Q. Q. (2020). Skeleton Marching-based Parallel Vascular Geometry Reconstruction Using Implicit Functions. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 17(1), 30-43.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 12, 2019
Online Publication Date Sep 10, 2019
Publication Date Feb 1, 2020
Deposit Date Apr 16, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 17, 2020
Journal International Journal of Automation and Computing
Print ISSN 1476-8186
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Issue 1
Pages 30-43
Keywords Vascular geometric reconstruction; Implicit modelling; Parallel computing; High-performance; High-accuracy
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Received: 11 March 2019; Accepted: 12 June 2019; First Online: 10 September 2019


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