Siti Nuzulia
When the Dark Shines: The role of dark personality traits in leadership role occupancy and hiring decisions in a collectivistic culture
Nuzulia, Siti; Why, Felix
Felix Why
Two studies investigated the role of the Dark Triad traits (i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), conscientiousness, and intelligence on leadership role occupancy and hiring decisions in Indonesian culture, which is a collectivist culture. Study 1 used Generalized Linear Model to examine two groups of participants with (i.e., school principals) and without (i.e., teachers) significant leadership responsibilities by controlling for participant grouping by school. The results indicated that, in comparison with teachers, school principals had significantly higher narcissism and conscientiousness and lower psychopathy and intelligence. In study 2, video recordings of simulated job interviews of 133 undergraduates were evaluated by 133 professional recruiters. Interviewee narcissism was the only significant positive predictor for hiring decision. Both studies provide consistent evidence that narcissism is a significant positive factor in both leadership role occupancy and hiring decision in a collectivist culture.
Nuzulia, S., & Why, F. (in press). When the Dark Shines: The role of dark personality traits in leadership role occupancy and hiring decisions in a collectivistic culture. Social Psychological and Personality Science,
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Nov 2, 2019 |
Online Publication Date | Feb 17, 2020 |
Deposit Date | Nov 4, 2019 |
Publicly Available Date | Nov 4, 2019 |
Journal | Social psychological and personality science |
Print ISSN | 1948-5506 |
Publisher | SAGE Publications |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
DOI | |
Keywords | Dark Triad traits; Narcissism; Leadership; Hiring decisions; Collectivistic culture |
Public URL | |
Contract Date | Nov 4, 2019 |
(978 Kb)
Copyright Statement
©2019 University of Hull
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