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The relative contribution of training intensity and duration to daily measures of training load in professional rugby league and union

Weaving, Dan; Dalton-Barron, Nicholas; McLaren, Shaun; Scantlebury, Sean; Cummins, Cloe; Roe, Gregory; Jones, Ben; Beggs, Clive; Abt, Grant


Dan Weaving

Nicholas Dalton-Barron

Shaun McLaren

Sean Scantlebury

Cloe Cummins

Gregory Roe

Ben Jones

Clive Beggs

Grant Abt


This study examined the relative contribution of exercise duration and intensity to team-sport athlete’s training load. Male, professional rugby league (n=10) and union (n=22) players were monitored over 6- and 52-week training periods, respectively. Whole-session (load) and per-minute (intensity) metrics were monitored (league: session rating of perceived exertion training load [sRPE-TL], individualised training impulse, total distance, BodyLoad™; union: sRPE-TL, total distance, high-speed running distance, PlayerLoad™). Separate principal component analyses were conducted on the load and intensity measures to consolidate raw data into principal components (PC, k =4). The first load PC captured 70% and 74% of the total variance in the rugby league and rugby union datasets, respectively. Multiple linear regression subsequently revealed that session duration explained 73% and 57% of the variance in first load PC, respectively, while the four intensity PCs explained an additional 24% and 34%, respectively. Across two professional rugby training programmes, the majority of the variability in training load measures was explained by session duration (~60–70%), while a smaller proportion was explained by session intensity (~30%). When modelling the training load, training intensity and duration should be disaggregated to better account for their between-session variability.


Weaving, D., Dalton-Barron, N., McLaren, S., Scantlebury, S., Cummins, C., Roe, G., Jones, B., Beggs, C., & Abt, G. (2020). The relative contribution of training intensity and duration to daily measures of training load in professional rugby league and union. Journal of sports sciences, 38(14), 1674-1681.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 24, 2020
Online Publication Date Apr 21, 2020
Publication Date Jul 17, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 26, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 22, 2021
Journal Journal of Sports Sciences
Print ISSN 0264-0414
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Issue 14
Pages 1674-1681
Keywords Training load; Principal component analysis; Time series; Rugby
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Peer Review Statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope.; Aim & Scope:; Accepted: 2020-03-23; Published: 2020-04-21


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