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Exploring the Factors Influencing Chinese Music Teachers’ Perceptions and Behavioural Intentions in Using Technology in Higher Education: A Pilot Study

King, Andrew; Zhang, Xiangming; Prior, Helen


Xiangming Zhang


The development of new technologies drives many aspects of socio-economic development, including the development of education. The behavioural intention of music teachers, particularly in relation to how technology is integrated into the classroom, needs to be understood since it has a direct effect on the pedagogical approach used in classroom learning. Existing theories (the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK)) have explored aspects of teachers’ adoption of technologies; this article uses data from a pilot study to develop and test a model that combines the two theories in order to understand more fully the relationship between Individual Beliefs, Technological Competence and Behavioural Prediction of music teachers using technology in the context of the Chinese governmental policy: ‘Internet +’. The participants of this pilot study were 61 music teachers (12 male and 49 female); the proportion of participants in different provincial administrative regions covered more than half of mainland China (18 out of 34). Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) revealed that the overall fit of the model was above the recommended level of acceptable fit. The results showed that Technological Competence has a significant impact on Individual Beliefs; Individual Beliefs have a significant impact on Behavioural Prediction. However, Technological Competence was found to have no significant direct impact on Behavioural Prediction. This study is one of only a few studies that combine the UTAUT and TPACK models into the field of music pedagogy and uses SEM for analysis. This study attempts to fill the gap in the factors influencing the adoption of technology in music education in non-Western cultures and also provides a starting point for understanding Chinese music teachers’ technological beliefs and behavioural intentions.


King, A., Zhang, X., & Prior, H. (in press). Exploring the Factors Influencing Chinese Music Teachers’ Perceptions and Behavioural Intentions in Using Technology in Higher Education: A Pilot Study. Music and Science, 4,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 23, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 28, 2021
Deposit Date Aug 31, 2021
Publicly Available Date Oct 4, 2021
Journal Music and Science
Print ISSN 2059-2043
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Keywords Music education technology, Structural Equation Modelling analysis, UTAUT, TPACK, behavioural prediction, Internet + Music, Chinese Higher Education
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