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Outputs (143)

The STROKESTRA® Community Programme: Research Report (2025)
King, E., Presicce, G., Dunn, R., Prior, H., & White, C. (2025). The STROKESTRA® Community Programme: Research Report. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Executive Summary:
This research project explored the effectiveness of a pioneering stroke rehabilitation programme called the STROKESTRA Community Programme (SCP). The SCP aimed to facilitate recovery in stroke survivors and to support their carers... Read More about The STROKESTRA® Community Programme: Research Report.

Nightports at Hull Minster: Transporting a Site-Specific Musical Work Across Physical and Virtual Spaces (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barnard, M., Martin, A., & Slater, M. (2024, July). Nightports at Hull Minster: Transporting a Site-Specific Musical Work Across Physical and Virtual Spaces. Presented at ICMC2024. Sound In Motion, Seoul

‘Nightports at Hull Minster’ is a musical project that harnesses spatialisation techniques to present music composed of the sounds of Hull Minster, UK, in both the location itself and alternative performance spaces, whilst still expressing the spatia... Read More about Nightports at Hull Minster: Transporting a Site-Specific Musical Work Across Physical and Virtual Spaces.

Burning Boat (2024)
Digital Artefact
Oliver, R. (2024). Burning Boat. [Digital Audio]

'Burning Boat' is the lead single from Rowan Oliver's 'Quickbeam' album.

Having built years of music industry experience collaborating with a wide range of artists, Rowan’s forthcoming album represents the first solo release by this versatile musi... Read More about Burning Boat.

Interaction as Freedom, Tradition, and Mentorship: a performer-centred investigation into interaction in jazz performance (2023)
Banks, D. Interaction as Freedom, Tradition, and Mentorship: a performer-centred investigation into interaction in jazz performance. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The purpose of this thesis is twofold: to construct a performer-centred autoethnographic methodology and to re-examine interaction in jazz performance utilising this methodology to recast interaction and position it as a means by which an ensemble's... Read More about Interaction as Freedom, Tradition, and Mentorship: a performer-centred investigation into interaction in jazz performance.

Music and Comedy in the Films of Woody Allen (2023)
Book Chapter
Binns, A. (2023). Music and Comedy in the Films of Woody Allen. In E. Audissino, & E. Wennekes (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Music in Comedy Cinema (729-744). Palgrave Macmillan.

Comedy is the preeminent genre in the films of Woody Allen, and the ways in which music, which is also important and distinctive in his films, contributes to the emergence of comedy in Allen’s work are also varied. The city of New York and the identi... Read More about Music and Comedy in the Films of Woody Allen.

Nightports at Hull Minster: Physical, Hybrid and Virtualized Live Loudspeaker Array Spatialization of Electronic Music Performance (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barnard, M., Martin, A., & Slater, M. (2023, September). Nightports at Hull Minster: Physical, Hybrid and Virtualized Live Loudspeaker Array Spatialization of Electronic Music Performance. Presented at 2023 Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA 2023), Bologna, Italy

'Nightports at Hull Minster' is a musical project that harnesses spatialization techniques to present music composed of the sounds of Hull Minster, UK, in both the location itself and alternative performance spaces, whilst still expressing the spatia... Read More about Nightports at Hull Minster: Physical, Hybrid and Virtualized Live Loudspeaker Array Spatialization of Electronic Music Performance.

Adapting live loudspeaker array spatialisation methods for a site-specific live electronic music performance in physical, virtual and hybrid contexts (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barnard, M., Slater, M., & Martin, A. (2023, August). Adapting live loudspeaker array spatialisation methods for a site-specific live electronic music performance in physical, virtual and hybrid contexts. Presented at International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio 2023, Huddersfield

Nightports at Hull Minster is a musical project that harnesses spatialisation techniques to present music composed of the sounds of Hull Minster, UK, in both the location itself and alternative performance spaces, whilst still expressing the spatiali... Read More about Adapting live loudspeaker array spatialisation methods for a site-specific live electronic music performance in physical, virtual and hybrid contexts.