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Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions

Driver, Simon P; Bellstedt, Sabine; Robotham, Aaron S G; Baldry, Ivan K; Davies, Luke J; Liske, Jochen; Obreschkow, Danail; Taylor, Edward N; Wright, Angus H; Alpaslan, Mehmet; Bamford, Steven P; Bauer, Amanda E; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Bilicki, Maciej; Bravo, Matías; Brough, Sarah; Casura, Sarah; Cluver, Michelle E; Colless, Matthew; Conselice, Christopher J; Croom, Scott M; de Jong, Jelte; D’Eugenio, Franceso; Propris, Roberto De; Dogruel, Burak; Drinkwater, Michael J; Dvornik, Andrej; Farrow, Daniel J; Frenk, Carlos S; Giblin, Benjamin; Graham, Alister W; Grootes, Meiert W; Gunawardhana, Madusha L P; Hashemizadeh, Abdolhosein; Häußler, Boris; Heymans, Catherine; Hildebrandt, Hendrik; Holwerda, Benne W; Hopkins, Andrew M; Jarrett, Tom H; Jones, D Heath; Kelvin, Lee S; Koushan, Soheil; Kuijken, Konrad; Lara-López, Maritza A; Lange, Rebecca; López-Sánchez, Ángel R; Loveday, Jon; Mahajan, Smriti; Meyer, Martin; Moffett, Amanda J; Napolitano, Nicola R; Norberg, Peder; Owers, Matt S; Radovi...


Simon P Driver

Sabine Bellstedt

Aaron S G Robotham

Ivan K Baldry

Luke J Davies

Jochen Liske

Danail Obreschkow

Edward N Taylor

Angus H Wright

Mehmet Alpaslan

Steven P Bamford

Amanda E Bauer

Joss Bland-Hawthorn

Maciej Bilicki

Matías Bravo

Sarah Brough

Sarah Casura

Michelle E Cluver

Matthew Colless

Christopher J Conselice

Scott M Croom

Jelte de Jong

Franceso D’Eugenio

Roberto De Propris

Burak Dogruel

Michael J Drinkwater

Andrej Dvornik

Carlos S Frenk

Benjamin Giblin

Alister W Graham

Meiert W Grootes

Madusha L P Gunawardhana

Abdolhosein Hashemizadeh

Boris Häußler

Catherine Heymans

Hendrik Hildebrandt

Benne W Holwerda

Andrew M Hopkins

Tom H Jarrett

D Heath Jones

Lee S Kelvin

Soheil Koushan

Konrad Kuijken

Maritza A Lara-López

Rebecca Lange

Ángel R López-Sánchez

Jon Loveday

Smriti Mahajan

Martin Meyer

Amanda J Moffett

Nicola R Napolitano

Peder Norberg

Matt S Owers

Mario Radovich

Mojtaba Raouf

John A Peacock

Steven Phillipps

Cristina Popescu

Khaled Said

Anne E Sansom

Mark Seibert

Will J Sutherland

Jessica E Thorne

Richard J Tuffs

Ryan Turner

Arjen van  der Wel

Eelco van Kampen

Steve M Wilkins


In Galaxy And Mass Assembly Data Release 4 (GAMA DR4), we make available our full spectroscopic redshift sample. This includes 248 682 galaxy spectra, and, in combination with earlier surveys, results in 330 542 redshifts across five sky regions covering ∼250 deg2. The redshift density, is the highest available over such a sustained area, has exceptionally high completeness (95 per cent to rKiDS = 19.65 mag), and is well-suited for the study of galaxy mergers, galaxy groups, and the low redshift (z < 0.25) galaxy population. DR4 includes 32 value-added tables or Data Management Units (DMUs) that provide a number of measured and derived data products including GALEX, ESO KiDS, ESO VIKING, WISE, and HerschelSpace Observatory imaging. Within this release, we provide visual morphologies for 15 330 galaxies to z < 0.08, photometric redshift estimates for all 18 million objects to rKiDS ∼25 mag, and stellar velocity dispersions for 111 830 galaxies. We conclude by deriving the total galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) and its sub-division by morphological class (elliptical, compact-bulge and disc, diffuse-bulge and disc, and disc only). This extends our previous measurement of the total GSMF down to 106.75 M$⊙, h70-2 and we find a total stellar mass density of ρ∗ = (2.97 ± 0.04) × 108 M⊙ h70 Mpc-3 or Ω *=(2.17 ± 0.03) × 10-3, h70-1. We conclude that at z < 0.1, the Universe has converted 4.9 ± 0.1 per cent of the baryonic mass implied by big bang Nucleosynthesis into stars that are gravitationally bound within the galaxy population.


Driver, S. P., Bellstedt, S., Robotham, A. S. G., Baldry, I. K., Davies, L. J., Liske, J., …Wilkins, S. M. (2022). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(1), 439-467.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 17, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 2, 2022
Publication Date 2022-06
Deposit Date May 3, 2022
Publicly Available Date May 4, 2022
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 513
Issue 1
Pages 439-467
Keywords Catalogues; Surveys; Galaxies: distances and redshift; Galaxies: fundamental parameters; Galaxies: luminosity function; Mass function; Cosmological parameters
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© 2022 The Author(s)
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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