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Dynamic effect of perfect preventive maintenance on system reliability and cost using HiP-HOPS

Nggada, Shawulu H.; Parker, David J.; Papadopoulos, Yiannis I.


Shawulu H. Nggada


The occurrence of failure in a safety critical engineering system can be reduced through the use of preventive maintenance (PM). Each time a component of the system is maintained its effective age is reduced; the extent of this age reduction depends on the effectiveness of the PM known as the improvement factor. While some components may need to be maintained every PM interval T, typically most components will possess a PM interval which is a multiple of T (aT), where a is the coefficient of maintenance interval (CoMI). Where PM completely rejuvenates the component being maintained, it is termed perfect preventive maintenance (PPM). This paper investigates the effect of PPM on system reliability, unavailability and cost. Firstly, a model of the effect of PPM actions on the reliability, unavailability, and cost of components, calculated using a Weibull distribution, is established. Secondly, HiP-HOPS, a semi-automatic method for analyzing system dependability (i.e. safety, reliability and availability analysis), is extended to consider PPM of components in a system. Finally, an evolutionary optimization algorithm, using HiP-HOPS, is applied to PM scheduling. Copyright © 2010 IFAC.


Nggada, S. H., Parker, D. J., & Papadopoulos, Y. I. Dynamic effect of perfect preventive maintenance on system reliability and cost using HiP-HOPS

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Online Publication Date Apr 21, 2016
Publication Date 2010
Journal IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Print ISSN 1474-6670
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 43
Issue 17
Pages 204-209
ISBN 9783902661814
Keywords Preventive maintenance; Reliability; Availability; Multiobjective optimization; Genetic algorithms
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