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CernoCAMAL : a probabilistic computational cognitive architecture

Miri, Hossein


Hossein Miri


Darryl N., 1955 Davis


This thesis presents one possible way to develop a computational cognitive architecture, dubbed CernoCAMAL, that can be used to govern artificial minds probabilistically. The primary aim of the CernoCAMAL research project is to investigate how its predecessor architecture CAMAL can be extended to reason probabilistically about domain model objects through perception, and how the probability formalism can be integrated into its BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) model to coalesce a number of mechanisms and processes.

The motivation and impetus for extending CAMAL and developing CernoCAMAL is the considerable evidence that probabilistic thinking and reasoning is linked to cognitive development and plays a role in cognitive functions, such as decision making and learning. This leads us to believe that a probabilistic reasoning capability is an essential part of human intelligence. Thus, it should be a vital part of any system that attempts to emulate human intelligence computationally.

The extensions and augmentations to CAMAL, which are the main contributions of the CernoCAMAL research project, are as follows:

- The integration of the EBS (Extended Belief Structure) that associates a probability value with every belief statement, in order to represent the degrees of belief numerically.
- The inclusion of the CPR (CernoCAMAL Probabilistic Reasoner) that reasons probabilistically over the goal- and task-oriented perceptual feedback generated by reactive sub-systems.
- The compatibility of the probabilistic BDI model with the affect and motivational models and affective and motivational valences used throughout CernoCAMAL.

A succession of experiments in simulation and robotic testbeds is carried out to demonstrate improvements and increased efficacy in CernoCAMAL’s overall cognitive performance. A discussion and critical appraisal of the experimental results, together with a summary, a number of potential future research directions, and some closing remarks conclude the thesis.


Miri, H. CernoCAMAL : a probabilistic computational cognitive architecture. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date May 21, 2013
Publicly Available Date Feb 22, 2023
Keywords Computer science
Public URL
Additional Information Department of Computer Science, The University of Hull
Award Date Sep 1, 2012


Thesis (2.7 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2012 Miri, Hossein. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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