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Unknown input observer approaches to robust fault diagnosis

Sun, Xiaoyu


Xiaoyu Sun



This thesis focuses on the development of the model-based fault detection and isolation /fault detection and diagnosis (FDI/FDD) techniques using the unknown input observer (UIO) methodology. Using the UI de-coupling philosophy to tackle the robustness issue, a set of novel fault estimation (FE)-oriented UIO approaches are developed based on the classical residual generation-oriented UIO approach considering the time derivative characteristics of various faults. The main developments proposed are:

- Implement the residual-based UIO design on a high fidelity commercial aircraft benchmark model to detect and isolate the elevator sensor runaway fault. The FDI design performance is validated using a functional engineering simulation (FES) system environment provided through the activity of an EU FP7 project Advanced Fault Diagnosis for Safer Flight Guidance and Control (ADDSAFE).

- Propose a linear time-invariant (LTI) model-based robust fast adaptive fault estimator (RFAFE) with UI de-coupling to estimate the aircraft elevator oscillatory faults considered as actuator faults.

- Propose a UI-proportional integral observer (UI-PIO) to estimate actuator multiplicative faults based on an LTI model with UI de-coupling and with added H∞ optimisation to reduce the effects of the sensor noise. This is applied to an example on a hydraulic leakage fault (multiplicative fault) in a wind turbine pitch actuator system, assuming that thefirst derivative of the fault is zero.

- Develop an UI–proportional multiple integral observer (UI-PMIO) to estimate the system states and faults simultaneously with the UI acting on the system states. The UI-PMIO leads to a relaxed condition of requiring that the first time derivative of the fault is zero instead of requiring that the finite time fault derivative is zero or bounded.

- Propose a novel actuator fault and state estimation methodology, the UI–proportional multiple integral and derivative observer (UI-PMIDO), inspired by both of the RFAFE and UI-PMIO designs. This leads to an observer with the comprehensive feature of estimating faults with bounded finite time derivatives and ensuring fast FE tracking response.

- Extend the UI-PMIDO theory based on LTI modelling to a linear parameter varying (LPV) model approach for FE design. A nonlinear two-link manipulator example is used to illustrate the power of this method.


Sun, X. Unknown input observer approaches to robust fault diagnosis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Jan 28, 2014
Publicly Available Date Feb 23, 2023
Keywords Engineering
Public URL
Additional Information Department of Engineering, The University of Hull
Award Date Jul 1, 2013


Thesis (5.8 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2013 Sun, Xiaoyu. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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