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Examining the creative tourism potential of intangible archaeological heritage in Alentejo (Portugal) – a study on the role of tourism providers in developing creative archaeological tourism experiences

Ross, David Olinga Clifford


David Olinga Clifford Ross


This study conceptualises the role of tourism providers in facilitating creative tourism experiences by focusing on their ingenious enterprise. The emphasis is on how they make use of intangible archaeological heritage as tourism resource. Intangible archaeological heritage can be understood as knowledge emanating from actors’ own interpretation of archaeological sites that have either become physically inaccessible or been destroyed since initial exploration. Archaeological heritage is often equated with tangibility, which results in an omission of experiences that intangible archaeological heritage can offer. In arguing for a rethinking of the archaeological tourism framework, the emphasis is on theorising creativity in tourism and examining constructivist approaches to cultural heritage interpretation.

This study focuses on the Alentejo region, in southern Portugal, a cultural tourism destination where archaeological heritage assumes a key role. Based on a qualitative approach, 25 tourism stakeholders were interviewed to understand their perceptions concerning the role of tourism providers in delivering archaeological tourism experiences, as well as towards the potential of intangible archaeological heritage to inform the development of tourism initiatives. In addition, secondary data such as tourism promotional materials and TripAdvisor reviews were also analysed.

Findings suggest that, in order to operationalise intangible archaeological heritage in tourism, providers should employ constructivist heritage interpretation strategies as a way of highlighting the value of tourists’ interpretation of a historical monument over experience of engaging with its material fabric. Furthermore, co-creative archaeological tourism experiences are enhanced when providers’ creative skills are applied, a point which calls for the development of activities that are able to improve providers’ creative capacity. However, in the case of Alentejo, lack of communication between public, non- profit, and private sector actors involved in tourism provision is a key obstruction for development of tourism initiatives that are able to operationalise intangible archaeological heritage.


Ross, D. O. C. Examining the creative tourism potential of intangible archaeological heritage in Alentejo (Portugal) – a study on the role of tourism providers in developing creative archaeological tourism experiences. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Aug 10, 2021
Publicly Available Date Feb 23, 2023
Keywords Business
Public URL
Additional Information Business School, The University of Hull
Award Date Feb 1, 2018


Thesis (14.2 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2018 Ross, David Olinga Clifford. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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