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Case study on CO₂ transport pipeline network design for Humber region in the UK

Lazic, Tihomir; Oko, Eni; Wang, Meihong


Tihomir Lazic

Eni Oko

Meihong Wang


Reliable, safe and economic CO₂ transport from CO₂ capture points to long term storage/enhanced oil recovery (EOR) sites is critical for commercial deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. Pipeline transportation of CO₂ is considered most feasible. However, in CCS applications there is concern about associated impurities and huge volumes of high pressure CO₂ transported over distances likely to be densely populated areas. On this basis, there is limited experience for design and economic assessment of CO₂ pipeline. The Humber region in the UK is a likely site for building CO₂ pipelines in the future due to large CO₂ emissions in the region and its close access to depleted gas fields and saline aquifers beneath the North Sea. In this paper, various issues to be considered in CO₂ pipeline design for CCS applications are discussed. Also, different techno-economic correlations for CO₂ pipelines are assessed using the Humber region as case study. Levelized cost of CO₂ pipelines calculated for the region range from 0.14 to 0.75 GBP per tonne of CO₂. This is a preliminary study and is useful for obtaining quick techno-economic assessment of CO₂ pipelines.


Lazic, T., Oko, E., & Wang, M. (2014). Case study on CO₂ transport pipeline network design for Humber region in the UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 228(3), 210-225.

Acceptance Date May 22, 2013
Online Publication Date Oct 10, 2013
Publication Date 2014-08
Deposit Date Mar 31, 2016
Publicly Available Date Mar 31, 2016
Journal Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part e : journal of process mechanical engineering
Print ISSN 0954-4089
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 228
Issue 3
Pages 210-225
Keywords Case study, CO₂ transport, Pipeline, Network design, Techno-economic analysis
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the accepted version of an article published in Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part e : journal of process mechanical engineering, 2014, v.228 issue 3.
Contract Date Mar 31, 2016


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