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An international study of the impact of B2C logistics service quality on shopper satisfaction and loyalty

Grant, David; Philipp, Bernd


David Grant

Bernd Philipp


Paper presented at 17th Toulon-Verona International Conference. This paper reports on an in-progress study of the impact of business to consumer (B2C) logistics service quality (LSQ) on in-store shopper satisfaction and loyalty. LSQ in this study is considered to be a holistic concept and not limited to specific dimensions and trade-offs, for example on-shelf availability versus out-of-stock situations. A comparative research approach is used across the UK, France and Germany to also investigate country-specific differences of consumer shopping behaviour and channel strategies. The first stage, in-line with a deliberate integrated supply chain approach, consists of structured in-depth interviews conducted with managers at the producer/retailer interface, e.g. producer category captains and retail category managers. This qualitative stage is being followed-up by a quantitative survey stage targeting consumers as shoppers to determine how their expectations of retail LSQ and associated activities influence their satisfaction and ongoing loyalty. This study will contribute theoretically by considering a B2C setting for LSQ, which is the final aspect of point of origin to point-of-consumption, whereas most general LSQ literature and LSQ’s impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty has been dominated by business to business (B2B) designs from point-of-origin to point of sale, that is they assume consumer expectations are a given or a different domain. Further, as this study emphasises consequences of B2C LSQ on downstream or consumer satisfaction and loyalty, rather than considering the upstream origins of related problems that dominate extant research, it will contribute practically by providing managers with an understanding of the components of LSQ considered critical by consumers.


Grant, D., & Philipp, B. An international study of the impact of B2C logistics service quality on shopper satisfaction and loyalty. In 17th Toulon-Verona international conference proceedings

Deposit Date May 17, 2016
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Book Title 17th Toulon-Verona international conference proceedings
ISBN 9788890432743
Keywords Logistics service quality (LSQ), Business to consumer (B2C), Retail logistics, Satisfaction, Loyalty, In-store logistics
Public URL
Publisher URL The paper is available online at
Contract Date May 17, 2016


Toulon-Verona 2014 Conference Final Paper Grant and Philipp.pdf (423 Kb)

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