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Influence of intervals of radiant heat on performance and pacing dynamics during rowing exercise

Ingle, Lee; Butterly, Ronald; Lander, Patrick


Lee Ingle

Ronald Butterly

Patrick Lander


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether intervals of radiant heat during thermoneutral exercise altered either the performance outcome or the dynamics of pacing within the exercise bout. Eleven male participants ( ; 56 ± 12 ml∙kg-1∙min-1) performed three 5000m exercise trials on a rowing ergometer in three different conditions, in a random order. The participants were either: non-warmed (NW), warmed (W), or periodically warmed in intervals throughout each trial (IW). Warming was achieved using radiant heat lamps to raise the localised environmental temperature from 18 ˚C to 35 ˚C. Intervals of warming were applied over fixed periods of the 5000m bouts between 1000-2000m (W1) and 3000-4000m (W2). The results of the experiment demonstrated that performance time and average power output of the 5000m matched intensity trials were not significantly different between conditions (p=0.10 ; p=0.189). However, the application of warming significantly reduced intra-trial power output during the first (W1) interval in the IW condition (p=0.03) but not during the second (W2) warming interval (p=0.10). Tsk increased by 0.51˚C (p=0.05) in response to the application of warming during W1 in the IW condition and by 0.15 ˚C in W2 (p=0.28). No significant between-condition differences were observed in Tc throughout the trials. These findings suggest that an abrupt change to environmental conditions brought about through intervals of radiant warming can affect the transient pacing dynamics of an exercise bout, but not necessarily impact overall performance time. Performance time appears unaffected by intervals of radiant heat during an exercise bout, although further work is required in more challenging dynamic environmental conditions.


Ingle, L., Butterly, R., & Lander, P. Influence of intervals of radiant heat on performance and pacing dynamics during rowing exercise. In Science of sport, exercise and physical activity in the Tropics

Deposit Date May 25, 2016
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Book Title Science of sport, exercise and physical activity in the Tropics
ISBN 9781631177378
Keywords Radiant heat, Rowing
Public URL
Publisher URL Details of the book chapter are available at
Contract Date May 25, 2016