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Critical discourse analysis : an alternative but vital route to understanding how nurses' caring behaviour is translated in text-based interprofessional online learning in higher education

Loke, Jennifer; Lee, Kah Wai


Jennifer Loke

Kah Wai Lee


Paper presented at ProPEL international conference 2014, 24-27 June, Stirling, Scotland. ABSTRACT Aim: to demonstrate Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis as an alternative but vital route to the understanding of translation of nursing caring behaviour in asynchronous text-based interprofessional online learning within higher education. Background: Positive asynchronous text-based online learning experience indicating nursing caring behaviours were reported in only a small number of studies about homogeneous nursing groups. In addition, these positive findings seemed to be eroded by nurses’ dominance in interprofessional learning situations. The dominance which might be a result of professional boundaries is a critical barrier to interprofessional education, where little is yet understood about the phenomenon. Design: A study which employed Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis was used to seek understanding of the translation of nursing caring behaviour in text-based interprofessional online learning within higher education. Data Source: The main findings based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis of a text-based discussion is used to demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology. The asynchronous online discussions for analysis was produced by 9 students who were undertaking an interprofessional online learning module at master’s level in a University in North England Findings: By using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, understanding of the semiotic categories corresponding to genres, discourses and styles is gained. However, it is through appreciating on how these 3 categories relate to social practices and social events has helped in making explicit the dialectical relations between semiosis and its other elements. In doing so, how nurses’ caring behaviours in interprofessional learning were translated in an asynchronous text-based learning environment can be explained. Conclusions: Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis was useful in explaining how nursing caring attributes could result in the interprofessional learning space being used as an alternate platform for nurses and allied healthcare professionals to co-construct the power-relations. It is critical to appreciate that the analysis was based on the researcher’s emic position. Owing to the fact that tacit knowledge of the research in the power-relations which entangled in the social order and practices in healthcare is required in the analysis, the strength of an emic position could become a limitation. This is particularly perceived amongst researchers who hold a strong view for an etic perspective in discourse analytic work. In this regard, research exploring issues of interprofessional education should consider triangulating the critical discourse methodology with other qualitative theoretical frameworks.


Loke, J., & Lee, K. W. Critical discourse analysis : an alternative but vital route to understanding how nurses' caring behaviour is translated in text-based interprofessional online learning in higher education

Deposit Date Jun 16, 2016
Journal ProPEL proceedings
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Critical discourse analysis
Public URL
Publisher URL Details of ProPEL at
Contract Date Jun 16, 2016


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