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Workshop 13. Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning: Equipping students with peer instruction skills to work together in developing their diagnostic reasoning

Hammond, Anna; Henderson, Janine


Profile image of Anna Hammond

Professor Anna Hammond
Deputy Director MB BS, Academic Lead for Clinical Skills & Reasoning and Director of Communication Skills

Janine Henderson


Workshop Format
An introductory presentation covering best evidence in current medical education literature regarding development of diagnostic clinical reasoning skills for undergraduate students Small group work focusing on clinical tutor- identified real case scenarios to enable delegates to identify teaching and learning approaches to help undergraduate students to develop diagnostic reasoning skills. This will include consideration of facilitation of peer-peer approaches for development of clinical reasoning skills

A closing plenary will include • DVD demonstrating the authors’ approach to facilitation of skills development in this area
• Further discussion about the student-led approach 
• Reflection on incorporating novel approaches in delegates` own curriculum and teaching sessions • Presentation of the authors student “pocket guide” hand-out • Questions/Answers/Sharing best practice.

Workshop Submissions
To consider clinical tutor-identified, specific, student cognitive-processing difficulties in clinical diagnostic reasoning in contemporary systems based curricula. o consider specific challenges for students in developing their own clinical reasoning skills, following a transition from university to clinical teaching environments.
To aid development of students` ability to consider their own clinical reasoning skills and facilitate development of these skills in their colleagues
To share best practice with colleagues
To discuss the authors` example of curricular innovation in this area

Intended audience
Tutors responsible for delivering clinical skills/ clinical reasoning teaching in undergraduate training.


Hammond, A., & Henderson, J. (2015, May). Workshop 13. Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning: Equipping students with peer instruction skills to work together in developing their diagnostic reasoning. Presented at Sixth International Clinical Skills Conference: Creativity & Diversity in Clinical Skills Education and Research, Prato, Italy

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Sixth International Clinical Skills Conference: Creativity & Diversity in Clinical Skills Education and Research
Start Date May 17, 2015
End Date May 20, 2015
Deposit Date Dec 18, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 29, 2024
Public URL
Publisher URL


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