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A global compilation of diatom silica oxygen isotope records from lake sediment - trends and implications for climate reconstruction

Meister, Philip; Alexandre, Anne; Bailey, Hannah; Barker, Philip; Biskaborn, Boris K.; Broadman, Ellie; Cartier, Rosine; Chapligin, Bernhard; Couapel, Martine; Dean, Jonathan R.; Diekmann, Bernhard; Harding, Poppy; Henderson, Andrew C G; Hernandez, Armand; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Kostrova, Svetlana S.; Lacey, Jack; Leng, Melanie J; Lücke, Andreas; MacKay, Anson W.; Magyari, Eniko Katalin; Narancic, Biljana; Porchier, Cécile; Rosqvist, Gunhild; Shemesh, Aldo; Sonzogni, Corinne; Swann, George E.A.; Sylvestre, Florence; Meyer, Hanno


Philip Meister

Anne Alexandre

Hannah Bailey

Philip Barker

Boris K. Biskaborn

Ellie Broadman

Rosine Cartier

Bernhard Chapligin

Martine Couapel

Profile image of Jonathan Dean

Dr Jonathan Dean
Lecturer in Quaternary Science, Director of Education, Co-Deputy Head of School

Bernhard Diekmann

Poppy Harding

Andrew C G Henderson

Armand Hernandez

Ulrike Herzschuh

Svetlana S. Kostrova

Jack Lacey

Melanie J Leng

Andreas Lücke

Anson W. MacKay

Eniko Katalin Magyari

Biljana Narancic

Cécile Porchier

Gunhild Rosqvist

Aldo Shemesh

Corinne Sonzogni

George E.A. Swann

Florence Sylvestre

Hanno Meyer


Oxygen isotopes in biogenic silica (δ18OBSi) from lake sediments allow for quantitative reconstruction of past hydroclimate and proxy-model comparison in terrestrial environments. The signals of individual records have been attributed to different factors, such as air temperature (Tair), atmospheric circulation patterns, hydrological changes, and lake evaporation. While every lake has its own local set of drivers of δ18O variability, here we explore the extent to which regional or even global signals emerge from a series of paleoenvironmental records. This study provides a comprehensive compilation and combined statistical evaluation of the existing lake sediment δ18OBSi records, largely missing in other summary publications (i.e. PAGES network). For this purpose, we have identified and compiled 71 down-core records published to date and complemented these datasets with additional lake basin parameters (e.g. lake water residence time and catchment size) to best characterize the signal properties. Records feature widely different temporal coverage and resolution, ranging from decadal-scale records covering the past 150 years to records with multi-millennial-scale resolution spanning glacial-interglacial cycles. The best coverage in number of records (NCombining double low line37) and data points (NCombining double low line2112) is available for Northern Hemispheric (NH) extratropical regions throughout the Holocene (roughly corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 1; MIS 1). To address the different variabilities and temporal offsets, records were brought to a common temporal resolution by binning and subsequently filtered for hydrologically open lakes with lake water residence times <100 years. For mid- to high-latitude (>45°N) lakes, we find common δ18OBSi patterns among the lake records during both the Holocene and Common Era (CE). These include maxima and minima corresponding to known climate episodes, such as the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM), Neoglacial Cooling, Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). These patterns are in line with long-term air temperature changes supported by previously published climate reconstructions from other archives, as well as Holocene summer insolation changes. In conclusion, oxygen isotope records from NH extratropical lake sediments feature a common climate signal at centennial (for CE) and millennial (for Holocene) timescales despite stemming from different lakes in different geographic locations and hence constitute a valuable proxy for past climate reconstructions.


Meister, P., Alexandre, A., Bailey, H., Barker, P., Biskaborn, B. K., Broadman, E., …Meyer, H. (2024). A global compilation of diatom silica oxygen isotope records from lake sediment - trends and implications for climate reconstruction. Climate of the Past, 20(2), 363-392.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 9, 2024
Online Publication Date Feb 26, 2024
Publication Date Feb 26, 2024
Deposit Date Feb 26, 2024
Publicly Available Date Feb 27, 2024
Journal Climate of the Past
Print ISSN 1814-9324
Electronic ISSN 1814-9332
Publisher European Geosciences Union
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 20
Issue 2
Pages 363-392
Public URL


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