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The impact of task controllability on perceived control and cardiovascular processes

Why, Yong Peng; Foo, Yongzhi


Yong Peng Why

Yongzhi Foo


This article examines the impact of task control on perceived control and cardiovascular processes. Fifty-eight undergraduates performed a computer task where the functionality of the computer mouse was used to manipulate task control. Results are consistent with the proposition that actual control triggers an initial physiological response which can be modified temporally later by perceived control and that male participants react psychologically faster to changes in task control than female participants.


Why, Y. P., & Foo, Y. (2010). The impact of task controllability on perceived control and cardiovascular processes. Psychophysiology, 47(4), 669-672.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 27, 2009
Online Publication Date Feb 11, 2010
Publication Date Jul 1, 2010
Deposit Date Nov 13, 2014
Journal Psychophysiology
Print ISSN 0048-5772
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 47
Issue 4
Pages 669-672
Keywords Experimental and Cognitive Psychology; Physiology (medical); Physiology; Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
Public URL
Contract Date Nov 13, 2014