Perceived stigma mediates the relationship between health-related quality of life and depression in people with atopic dermatitis
Journal Article
North, C., van Beugen, S., & Holle, H. (in press). Perceived stigma mediates the relationship between health-related quality of life and depression in people with atopic dermatitis. Stigma and Health,
All Outputs (37)
Mechanisms underpinning the gestural facilitation of second language word learning: an investigation through speeded and un-speeded tasks (2024)
Minton-Branfoot, E. (2024). Mechanisms underpinning the gestural facilitation of second language word learning: an investigation through speeded and un-speeded tasks. (Thesis). University of Hull. learning is one of the many challenges faced by second language learners, particularly when full immersion is not available. Iconic gesture cues have been found to provide benefits in such learning. However, the full extent of the gesture... Read More about Mechanisms underpinning the gestural facilitation of second language word learning: an investigation through speeded and un-speeded tasks.
Does oral respiration disrupt memory consolidation during wakeful rest? (2024)
Journal Article
Lindsay, S., & Holle, H. (in press). Does oral respiration disrupt memory consolidation during wakeful rest?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,
Attentional bias in psoriasis: The role of processing time and emotional valence (2023)
Journal Article
Etty, S., George, D. N., van Laarhoven, A., Kleyn, C. E., Walton, S., & Holle, H. (online). Attentional bias in psoriasis: The role of processing time and emotional valence. British Journal of Health Psychology, The present study explored whether people with psoriasis display an attentional bias towards disease-related threat words and whether this bias occurs relatively early during the phase of stimulus disengagement, or during a later maintained... Read More about Attentional bias in psoriasis: The role of processing time and emotional valence.
The Many Challenges of Human Experimental Itch Research (2023)
Book Chapter
Holle, H., & Lloyd, D. M. (2023). The Many Challenges of Human Experimental Itch Research. In N. P. Holmes (Ed.), Somatosensory Research Methods (161-180). Humana Press. has long been a neglected sense within somatosensory research, and with good reason: acute itch, although relatively easy to trigger, is notoriously difficult to control experimentally. Its time course and behavior cannot easily be predicted and... Read More about The Many Challenges of Human Experimental Itch Research.
The effect of acute itch on the motor evoked potential : an investigation using transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (2022)
Page, M. L. The effect of acute itch on the motor evoked potential : an investigation using transcranial magnetic brain stimulation. (Thesis). University of Hull. into the functioning of the brain during itch has revealed significant activity in the motor cortex, however, the role of the motor cortex during itch is not completely known. It is theorised to be involved in the planning of scratching move... Read More about The effect of acute itch on the motor evoked potential : an investigation using transcranial magnetic brain stimulation.
No preconscious attentional bias towards itch in healthy individuals (2022)
Journal Article
Becker, J. M., Holle, H., van Ryckeghem, D. M., Van Damme, S., Crombez, G., Veldhuijzen, D. S., Evers, A. W., Rippe, R. C., & van Laarhoven, A. I. (2022). No preconscious attentional bias towards itch in healthy individuals. PLoS ONE, 17(9), Article e0273581. attending towards potentially harmful stimuli to prevent possible damage to the body is a critical component of adaptive behavior. Research suggests that individuals display an attentional bias, i.e., preferential allocation of attention, for... Read More about No preconscious attentional bias towards itch in healthy individuals.
Can contagious itch be affected by positive and negative suggestions? (2022)
Journal Article
Meeuwis, S. H., Skvortsova, A., van Laarhoven, A. I. M., Holle, H., & Evers, A. W. (in press). Can contagious itch be affected by positive and negative suggestions?. Experimental Dermatology, itch can be evoked by observing people scratching. Verbal suggestions about to-be-received itch can influence itch intensity, as shown by placebo research, but it is unknown whether this extends to contagious itch. The current study aimed... Read More about Can contagious itch be affected by positive and negative suggestions?.
Human but not robotic gaze facilitates action prediction (2022)
Journal Article
Tidoni, E., Holle, H., Scandola, M., Schindler, I., Hill, L., & Cross, E. S. (2022). Human but not robotic gaze facilitates action prediction. iScience, 25(6), Article 104462. people ascribe intentions to humanoid robots as they would to humans or non-human-like animated objects? In six experiments, we compared people's ability to extract non-mentalistic (i.e., where an agent is looking) and mentalistic (i.e., what an a... Read More about Human but not robotic gaze facilitates action prediction.
Acute itch induces attentional avoidance of itch-related information (2022)
Journal Article
Etty, S., George, D. N., van Laarhoven, A., & Holle, H. (2022). Acute itch induces attentional avoidance of itch-related information. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 102, adv00691. is known to modulate itch intensity. In contrast, the reverse relationship, i.e. the degree to which the presence of an acute itch affects attention, is currently not well understood. The aims of this study were to investigate whether acute... Read More about Acute itch induces attentional avoidance of itch-related information.
High verbal working memory load impairs gesture-speech integration: Evidence from a dual task paradigm (2021)
Journal Article
Kandana-Arachchige, K. G., Holle, H., Rossignol, M., Loureiro, I. S., & Lefebvre, L. (2021). High verbal working memory load impairs gesture-speech integration: Evidence from a dual task paradigm. Gesture, 20(3), 354-375. previous studies have shown the importance of visuo-spatial working memory in the processing of co-speech iconic gestures, clear evidence for a potential involvement of the verbal working memory (vWM) is currently lacking. To address this issue... Read More about High verbal working memory load impairs gesture-speech integration: Evidence from a dual task paradigm.
Optimizing audiovisual itch induction: the role of attention and expectancy (2019)
Journal Article
Laarhoven, A., & Holle, H. (2020). Optimizing audiovisual itch induction: the role of attention and expectancy. British journal of dermatology, 182(5), 1088-1089. Article: Marzell et al. Br J Dermatol 2020; 182:12531261.
Opening paragraph:
In this issue of the BJD, Marzell and colleagues1 show for the first time that the level of itch induced by audiovisual itch stimuli is not inferior to histaminer... Read More about Optimizing audiovisual itch induction: the role of attention and expectancy.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation over contralateral primary somatosensory cortex disrupts perception of itch intensity (2018)
Journal Article
Jones, O., Schindler, I., & Holle, H. (2019). Transcranial magnetic stimulation over contralateral primary somatosensory cortex disrupts perception of itch intensity. Experimental Dermatology, 28(12), 1380-1384.© 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Itch, a complex unpleasant sensation causing the desire to scratch, results from the activity of a network of brain regions. However, the specific functional contributions of indivi... Read More about Transcranial magnetic stimulation over contralateral primary somatosensory cortex disrupts perception of itch intensity.
Effects of short-term temperature change in the innocuous range on histaminergic and non-histaminergic acute itch (2018)
Journal Article
Lewis, Z., George, D. N., Cowdell, F., & Holle, H. (2019). Effects of short-term temperature change in the innocuous range on histaminergic and non-histaminergic acute itch. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 99(2), 188-195. temperatures in the noxious range are well-known to inhibit acute itch, the impact of temperature in the innocuous temperature range is less well understood. We investigated the effect of alternating short-term temperature changes in the innocu... Read More about Effects of short-term temperature change in the innocuous range on histaminergic and non-histaminergic acute itch.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation over left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortex disrupts gesture-speech integration (2018)
Journal Article
Zhao, W., Riggs, K., Schindler, I., & Holle, H. (2018). Transcranial magnetic stimulation over left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortex disrupts gesture-speech integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(8), 1891-1900. and action naturally occur together in the form of co-speech gestures and there is now convincing evidence that listeners display a strong tendency to integrate semantic information from both domains during comprehension. A contentious quest... Read More about Transcranial magnetic stimulation over left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortex disrupts gesture-speech integration.
An exploration of the integration of speech with co-speech gesture with non-invasive brain stimulation (2017)
Zhao, W. An exploration of the integration of speech with co-speech gesture with non-invasive brain stimulation. (Thesis). University of Hull. current PhD project focuses on the integration of gesture with their co-occurring speech with the use of non-invasive brain stimulation. The project investigated ‘where’ and ‘when’ gesture-speech integration takes place. Building on the paradigm... Read More about An exploration of the integration of speech with co-speech gesture with non-invasive brain stimulation.
Assessing acute itch intensity : general labelled magnitude scale is more reliable than classic visual analogue scale (2016)
Journal Article
Jones, O., Holle, H., Jones, O., & Schindler, I. (2017). Assessing acute itch intensity : general labelled magnitude scale is more reliable than classic visual analogue scale. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 97(3), 375-376. reliable measurement of itch intensity is crucial, both in research as well as clinical contexts. For example, when the reliability of a measurement scale is unknown, it is impossible to determine whether a patient has changed sufficiently to be... Read More about Assessing acute itch intensity : general labelled magnitude scale is more reliable than classic visual analogue scale.
Exploring the process of itch and its dimensionality : investigations using transcranial magnetic stimulation (2016)
Jones, O. H. Exploring the process of itch and its dimensionality : investigations using transcranial magnetic stimulation. (Thesis). University of Hull. thesis explored three main areas of acute itch: firstly, how to reliably measure it; secondly, whether it is of a multi-dimensional nature, and lastly, which brain regions are crucial in the process. Chapter 2 reports an experiment that directly... Read More about Exploring the process of itch and its dimensionality : investigations using transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Hand gestures as visual prosody: BOLD responses to audio–visual alignment are modulated by the communicative nature of the stimuli (2016)
Journal Article
Biau, E., Morís Fernández, L., Holle, H., Avila, C., & Soto-Faraco, S. (2016). Hand gestures as visual prosody: BOLD responses to audio–visual alignment are modulated by the communicative nature of the stimuli. NeuroImage, 132, 129-137. public addresses, speakers accompany their discourse with spontaneous hand gestures (beats) that are tightly synchronized with the prosodic contour of the discourse. It has been proposed that speech and beat gestures originate from a common un... Read More about Hand gestures as visual prosody: BOLD responses to audio–visual alignment are modulated by the communicative nature of the stimuli.
The role of auditory itch contagion in psoriasis (2015)
Journal Article
Swithenbank, S., Cowdell, F., & Holle, H. (2016). The role of auditory itch contagion in psoriasis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 96(6), 728-731. and associated scratching is a common and distressing symptom of psoriasis. Here, we tested whether people with psoriasis, relative to healthy controls, show an increased vulnerability to auditory itch contagion (a deleterious influence) when pr... Read More about The role of auditory itch contagion in psoriasis.