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All Outputs (12)

Simplifying collaboration in co-located virtual environments using the active-passive approach (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Estrada, J. G., Springer, J. P., & Wright, H. Simplifying collaboration in co-located virtual environments using the active-passive approach. Presented at 2015 IEEE 2nd VR International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments, 3DCVE 2015

The design and implementation of co-located immersive virtual environments with equal interaction possibilities for all participants is a complex topic. The main problem, on a fundamental technical level, is the difficulty of providing perspective-co... Read More about Simplifying collaboration in co-located virtual environments using the active-passive approach.

An Integrated Immersive Simulator for the Dismounted Soldier (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cruz-Neira, C., Neumann, C., Odom, C., Reiners, D., Kathy, K., & Springer, J. An Integrated Immersive Simulator for the Dismounted Soldier

Immersive military training simulators have been available for over thirty years; but, most of these training simulators have been targeted at training forces on vehicle operations and missions (e.g., flight simulators). These simulators typically us... Read More about An Integrated Immersive Simulator for the Dismounted Soldier.

An integrated pipeline to create and experience compelling scenarios in virtual reality (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Springer, J. P., Neumann, C., Reiners, D., & Cruz-Neira, C. An integrated pipeline to create and experience compelling scenarios in virtual reality. Presented at Three-Dimensional Imaging, Interaction, and Measurement

One of the main barriers to create and use compelling scenarios in virtual reality is the complexity and time-consuming efforts for modeling, element integration, and the software development to properly display and interact with the content in the a... Read More about An integrated pipeline to create and experience compelling scenarios in virtual reality.

An affordable surround-screen virtual reality display (2010)
Journal Article
Cruz-Neira, C., Reiners, D., & Springer, J. (2010). An affordable surround-screen virtual reality display. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 18(10), 836-843.

Building a projection-based virtual reality display is a time, cost, and resource intensive enterprise andmany details contribute to the final display quality. This is especially true for surround-screen displays wheremost of them are one-of-a-kind s... Read More about An affordable surround-screen virtual reality display.

Beyond desktop point and click: Immersive walkthrough of aerospace structures (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Courter, D., Springer, J. P., Neumann, C., Cruz-Neira, C., & Reiners, D. (2010, March). Beyond desktop point and click: Immersive walkthrough of aerospace structures. Presented at 2010 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA

There are a number of 3D applications that have shown the benefits of using visualization techniques for virtual prototyping and education in aerospace engineering. However,these applications typically run only on desktop computers and user interacti... Read More about Beyond desktop point and click: Immersive walkthrough of aerospace structures.

Advanced multi-frame rate rendering techniques (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Springer, J. P., Lux, C., Reiners, D., & Froehlich, B. Advanced multi-frame rate rendering techniques. Presented at Proceedings - IEEE Virtual Reality

Multi-frame rate rendering is a parallel rendering technique that renders interactive parts of the scene on one graphics card while the rest of the scene is rendered asynchronously on a second graphics card. The resulting color and depth images of bo... Read More about Advanced multi-frame rate rendering techniques.

Improving Interaction Performance for Ray Tracing (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kurz, D., Lux, C., Springer, J., & Fröhlich, B. Improving Interaction Performance for Ray Tracing. Presented at Eurographics 2008

We have developed an approach for improving the performance of object manipulation in ray tracing systems.We assume that users alternate between navigating the scene and manipulating objects in the scene. We divide the scene in objects currently mani... Read More about Improving Interaction Performance for Ray Tracing.

Object-Capability Security in Virtual Environments (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Scheffler, M., Springer, J. P., & Froehlich, B. (2008, March). Object-Capability Security in Virtual Environments. Presented at 2008 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference

Access control is an important aspect of shared virtual environments.Resource access may not only depend on prior authorization, but alsoon context of usage such as distance or position in the scene graphhierarchy. In virtual worlds that allow user-c... Read More about Object-Capability Security in Virtual Environments.

Integrating the DIS standards into a fully-immersive simulation application
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cruz-Neira, C., Courter, D., & Springer, J. Integrating the DIS standards into a fully-immersive simulation application

Fully-immersive applications in a distributed environment play an increasing role for training and simulation related areas. The Distributed Interactive Simulation protocols were created to ensure interoperability across participating sites. However,... Read More about Integrating the DIS standards into a fully-immersive simulation application.

Automatic visualization and control of arbitrary numerical simulations
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Springer, J., & Wright, H. Automatic visualization and control of arbitrary numerical simulations

Authors’ preprint version as submitted to ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Minisymposium 505 - Interactive Simulations in Computational Engineering. Abstract: Visualization of numerical simulation data has become a cornerstone for many industries and research... Read More about Automatic visualization and control of arbitrary numerical simulations.

Create and experience compelling scenarios in VR : a hardware and software system architecture
Book Chapter
Springer, J., Cruz-Neira, C., Neumann, C., & Reiners, D. Create and experience compelling scenarios in VR : a hardware and software system architecture. In Advances in computers and information in engineering research

Today virtual reality (VR) is an established technology in many disciplines. It is used in engineering for design review and development as well as process planning. It is increasingly used in the context of visualizing large and complex data from ma... Read More about Create and experience compelling scenarios in VR : a hardware and software system architecture.