American politics as a transnational popular narrative: Narratological Structures of shōnen manga and their cross-cultural readings in Kaiji Kawaguchi's Eagle (1997-2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2017, August). American politics as a transnational popular narrative: Narratological Structures of shōnen manga and their cross-cultural readings in Kaiji Kawaguchi's Eagle (1997-2001). Paper presented at International Workshop on Reflective Transitions of Politics in Japanese Art
All Outputs (31)
Cartoons vs. manga movies : a brief history of anime in the UK (2017)
Journal Article
Hernández-Pérez, M., Corstorphine, K., & Stephens, D. (2017). Cartoons vs. manga movies : a brief history of anime in the UK. Mutual Images, 2(Winter), 5-43. paper has as main objective to explore, adopting a historical and critical perspective, the release of film and anime TV in UK. This would be a first step towards the studio of the peculiar implementation of manganime Culture in Britain. Compare... Read More about Cartoons vs. manga movies : a brief history of anime in the UK.
Manga, anime y videojuegos. Narrativa cross-media japonesa (2017)
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2017). Manga, anime y videojuegos. Narrativa cross-media japonesa. Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Animation, branding and authorship in the construction of the ‘anti-Disney’ ethos: Hayao Miyazaki’s works and persona through Disney film criticism (2016)
Journal Article
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2016). Animation, branding and authorship in the construction of the ‘anti-Disney’ ethos: Hayao Miyazaki’s works and persona through Disney film criticism. Animation : an interdisciplinary journal, 11(3), 297-313. Disney (1901-1966) is one of the most important figures in the history of cinema, but also he may also be one of the most criticized. Adjectives referring to Disney in their different forms (‘Japanese Disney’, ‘Asian Disney’, ‘Disney from the Or... Read More about Animation, branding and authorship in the construction of the ‘anti-Disney’ ethos: Hayao Miyazaki’s works and persona through Disney film criticism.
Memories of the grateful visitor. A look at Spanish spaces, ethnography and material artifacts through contemporary Japanese Entertainment Industries (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2016, May). Memories of the grateful visitor. A look at Spanish spaces, ethnography and material artifacts through contemporary Japanese Entertainment Industries. Paper presented at Mutual Images, 4th International Workshop: Fictionality in representations of Japan and Europe from a cross-cultural perspectiveAudiences from all over the world may differ in the way tl1ey perceive a particular country or cultural tradition. Even when it is possible to argue that fictionality can't be really isolated from any kind of representational form, communicational ge... Read More about Memories of the grateful visitor. A look at Spanish spaces, ethnography and material artifacts through contemporary Japanese Entertainment Industries.
Representations of religion, spirituality and philosophy as international narratives in the manga “Full Metal Alchemist” (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, 2001-2010) (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2015, June). Representations of religion, spirituality and philosophy as international narratives in the manga “Full Metal Alchemist” (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, 2001-2010). Paper presented at CSS Research Day: Spirituality and Popular Culture / ArtsJapanese Entertainment Industries may be defined by two main features: its transmedia vocation, or its ability to disseminate narratives through several media at once, and its cross-cultural, or heterogeneous representation of different cultural back... Read More about Representations of religion, spirituality and philosophy as international narratives in the manga “Full Metal Alchemist” (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, 2001-2010).
(Japanese?) Cartoons and Manga Movies: The hard rise of Anime in UK market and society (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Manuel, H.-P., Corstorphine, K., & Darren, S. (2015, June). (Japanese?) Cartoons and Manga Movies: The hard rise of Anime in UK market and society. Paper presented at MUTUAL IMAGES. 3rd International Workshop: “Japanese pop cultures in Europe today: economic challenges, mediated notions, future opportunities”This paper has as main objective to explore, adopting a historical and critical perspective, the release of film and anime TV in UK. This would be a first step towards the studio of the peculiar implementation of manganime Culture in Britain.
Comp... Read More about (Japanese?) Cartoons and Manga Movies: The hard rise of Anime in UK market and society.
Of anime myths and author cult. Tezuka and Miyazaki consideration through authorship film criticism (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2015, April). Of anime myths and author cult. Tezuka and Miyazaki consideration through authorship film criticism. Paper presented at Exploring 30 Years of Studio Ghibli: Spirited DiscussionIn the world of Japanese anime, few animators’ works have been appreciated by both communities of scholarship and journalism for their valuable and singular forms of authorship. This paper will focus on one of the most prominent figures, namely Hayao... Read More about Of anime myths and author cult. Tezuka and Miyazaki consideration through authorship film criticism.
Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products (2015)
Book Chapter
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2015). Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products. In C. Brienza (Ed.), Global Manga: "Japanese" comics without Japan? (167-184). RoutledgeABSTRACT / PROPOSAL: It´s well known that the major global comic producers are Japan and U.S. There are not so many countries where this medium has achieved this importance not only as high-quality producers but also as powerful creators of contents.... Read More about Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products.
The anime authorship criticism. Visions of the "Anti-Disney Ethos" (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2014, September). The anime authorship criticism. Visions of the "Anti-Disney Ethos". Paper presented at Discussing DisneyAnimation Studies has provided an interesting example of how the concepts of genre and authorship can usually be considered as antithetic, and how these concepts might be discussed for a better understanding of modern Media Industries. In this sense,... Read More about The anime authorship criticism. Visions of the "Anti-Disney Ethos".
Serial narrative, intertextuality and the role of audiences in the creation of a franchise: An analysis of the Indiana Jones saga from a cross-media perspective (2013)
Journal Article
Hernández-Pérez, M., & Ferreras Rodríguez, J. G. (2014). Serial narrative, intertextuality and the role of audiences in the creation of a franchise: An analysis of the Indiana Jones saga from a cross-media perspective. Mass communication & society, 17(1), 26-53. than the simple adaptation of a story across different media, cross-media narrative should be defined as that which is transformed by virtue of use a medium and its different languages (film, comics, video games, etc.). This article extends an... Read More about Serial narrative, intertextuality and the role of audiences in the creation of a franchise: An analysis of the Indiana Jones saga from a cross-media perspective.