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All Outputs (63)

Mirtazapine to alleviate severe breathlessness in patients with COPD or ILD: an international, multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 mixed-method trial (BETTER-B) (2024)
Journal Article
Higginson, I. J., Brown, S. T., Oluyase, A. O., May, P., Maddocks, M., Costantini, M., Bajwah, S., Normand, C., Bausewein, C., Simon, S. T., Ryan, K., Currow, D. C., Johnson, M., Hart, S. P., Mather, H., Krajnik, M., Tanzi, S., Ghirotto, L., Bolton, C., Janowiak, P., …Brown, J. M. (2024). Mirtazapine to alleviate severe breathlessness in patients with COPD or ILD: an international, multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 mixed-method trial (BETTER-B). Lancet, 12(10), 763-774.

Breathlessness frequently becomes severe among people with respiratory disease. Mirtazapine, a widely used antidepressant, showed promise. We determined the effectiveness of mirtazapine to alleviate severe persisting breathlessness.
Meth... Read More about Mirtazapine to alleviate severe breathlessness in patients with COPD or ILD: an international, multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 mixed-method trial (BETTER-B).

Can tumour antigens act as biomarkers for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer? (2024)
Journal Article
Mohamed, E., Fletcher, D., Hart, S., & Guinn, B.-A. (2024). Can tumour antigens act as biomarkers for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer?. Onco, 4(2), 87-100.

Lung cancer (LC) is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Pulmonary nodules are one of the risk factors and their discovery rate has been increasing due to enhanced performance of chest CT scans but more than 90% are non-malignant causi... Read More about Can tumour antigens act as biomarkers for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer?.

Investigation of Aged Human Lung Endothelial Cells in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (2024)
Faulkner, E. C. Investigation of Aged Human Lung Endothelial Cells in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Older age is the main risk factor for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Ageing-related changes in lung blood (pulmonary and bronchial) and lymphatic vessels are implicated in IPF pathophysiology, based on reports of their altered den... Read More about Investigation of Aged Human Lung Endothelial Cells in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Identification of tumour anitgens that may facilitate effective cancer detection and treatment (2024)
Mohamed, E. Identification of tumour anitgens that may facilitate effective cancer detection and treatment. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Tumour antigens (TAs) play a crucial role in terms of cancer diagnosis and targets for therapy. As TAs are normally expressed in restricted tissues such as testis, sensitivity and specificity may not be ideal, but they could still represent good biom... Read More about Identification of tumour anitgens that may facilitate effective cancer detection and treatment.

High-resolution CT phenotypes in pulmonary sarcoidosis: a multinational Delphi consensus study (2023)
Journal Article
Desai, S. R., Sivarasan, N., Johannson, K. A., George, P. M., Culver, D. A., Devaraj, A., Lynch, D. A., Milne, D., Renzoni, E., Nunes, H., Sverzellati, N., Spagnolo, P., Baughman, R. P., Yadav, R., Piciucchi, S., Walsh, S. L. F., Kouranos, V., Wells, A. U., Anderson, A., Morgenthau, A., …Inoue, Y. (in press). High-resolution CT phenotypes in pulmonary sarcoidosis: a multinational Delphi consensus study. The lancet. Respiratory medicine,

One view of sarcoidosis is that the term covers many different diseases. However, no classification framework exists for the future exploration of pathogenetic pathways, genetic or trigger predilections, patterns of lung function impairment, or treat... Read More about High-resolution CT phenotypes in pulmonary sarcoidosis: a multinational Delphi consensus study.

Identification of biomarkers for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Mohamed, E., García Martínez, D. J., Hosseini, M. S., Yoong, S. Q., Fletcher, D., Hart, S., & Guinn, B. A. (2024). Identification of biomarkers for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Carcinogenesis, 45(1-2), Article bgad091.

Lung cancer (LC) causes few symptoms in the earliest stages, leading to one of the highest mortality rates among cancers. Low-dose computerised tomography (LDCT) is used to screen high-risk individuals, reducing the mortality rate by 20%. However, LD... Read More about Identification of biomarkers for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Respiratory Medicine (2023)
Book Chapter
Hart, S., Hearn, H., & Cookson, J. (2023). Respiratory Medicine. In K. Wong, S. Walton, S. Sudhakaran, & J. Cookson (Eds.), Practical Guide to Visualizing Medicine: A Self-Assessment Manual (153-171). Springer.

This chapter covers the main presentations of respiratory disease, breathlessness, cough, sputum production, haemoptysis, wheeze and chest pain. It shows how the diagnosis can be derived from a careful history and examination and relatively simple in... Read More about Respiratory Medicine.

PCSK6 and Survival in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (2023)
Journal Article
Oldham, J. M., Allen, R. J., Lorenzo-Salazar, J. M., Molyneaux, P. L., Ma, S. F., Joseph, C., Kim, J. S., Guillen-Guio, B., Hernández-Beeftink, T., Kropski, J. A., Huang, Y., Lee, C. T., Adegunsoye, A., Pugashetti, J. V., Linderholm, A. L., Vo, V., Strek, M. E., Jou, J., Muñoz-Barrera, A., Rubio-Rodriguez, L. A., …Noth, I. (2023). PCSK6 and Survival in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 207(11), 1515-1524.

Rationale: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating disease characterized by limited treatment options and high mortality. A better understanding of the molecular drivers of IPF progression is needed. Objectives: To identify and validate... Read More about PCSK6 and Survival in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Investigating the diagnostic utility of high-resolution oesophageal manometry in patients with refractory respiratory symptoms (2022)
Journal Article
Sykes, D. L., Crooks, M. G., Hart, S. P., Jackson, W., Gallagher, J., & Morice, A. H. (2022). Investigating the diagnostic utility of high-resolution oesophageal manometry in patients with refractory respiratory symptoms. Respiratory medicine, 202, Article 106985.

Background: The interaction between the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and the role of the latter in the development of respiratory pathology, has been examined with a focus on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). However, little data... Read More about Investigating the diagnostic utility of high-resolution oesophageal manometry in patients with refractory respiratory symptoms.

Mixed-methods feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): study findings (2022)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, A., Allgar, V., Cohen, J., Currow, D. C., Griffin, S., Hart, S., Hird, K., Hodge, A., Mason, S., Northgraves, M., Reeve, J., Swan, F., & Johnson, M. J. (2022). Mixed-methods feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): study findings. ERJ Open Research, 8(4), Article 00257-2022.

Introduction: One-fifth of emergency department presentations by ambulance are due to acute-on-chronic breathlessness. We explored the feasibility of an evaluation-phase, cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of the effectiveness and cost-effect... Read More about Mixed-methods feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): study findings.

Integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals alterations of ageing human lung endothelium heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Faulkner, E. C., Moverley, A. A., Hart, S. P., & Nikitenko, L. L. Integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals alterations of ageing human lung endothelium heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Increasing age is the main risk factor for chronic lung diseases (CLD) including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Halting or reversing progression of IPF remains an unmet clinical need due to limited knowledge of underlying mechanisms. In particu... Read More about Integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals alterations of ageing human lung endothelium heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors impair FcγRIIA-driven platelet responses to bacteria in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021)
Journal Article
Naylor-Adamson, L., Chacko, A., Booth, Z., Caserta, S., Jarvis, J., Khan, S., Hart, S. P., Rivero, F., Allsup, D. J., & Arman, M. (2021). Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors impair FcγRIIA-driven platelet responses to bacteria in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Frontiers in immunology, 12, Article 766272.

Bacterial infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and infection risk increases in patients treated with the Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) inhibitor, ibrutinib. Btk and related kinases (like Tec)... Read More about Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors impair FcγRIIA-driven platelet responses to bacteria in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol (2021)
Journal Article
Northgraves, M., Cohen, J., Allgar, V., Currow, D., Hart, S., Hird, K., Hodge, A., Johnson, M., Mason, S., Swan, F., & Hutchinson, A. (2021). A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol. ERJ Open Research, 7(1), Article 00955-2020.

Introduction: Chronic breathlessness, persistent and disabling despite optimal treatment of underlying causes, is a prevalent and frightening symptom and is associated with many emergency presentations and admission to hospital. Breathlessness manage... Read More about A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol.

Distinct immune regulatory receptor profiles linked to altered monocyte subsets in sarcoidosis (2020)
Journal Article
Fraser, S. D., Crooks, M. G., Kaye, P. M., & Hart, S. P. (2021). Distinct immune regulatory receptor profiles linked to altered monocyte subsets in sarcoidosis. ERJ Open Research, 7(1),

Background: In sarcoidosis, blood monocytes, circulating precursors of granuloma macrophages, display enhanced inflammatory cytokine production, reduced expression of the regulatory (inhibitory) receptor CD200R, and altered subsets defined by CD14 an... Read More about Distinct immune regulatory receptor profiles linked to altered monocyte subsets in sarcoidosis.

Outcome of Hospitalization for COVID-19 in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease: An International Multicenter Study (2020)
Journal Article
Drake, T. M., Docherty, A. B., Harrison, E. M., Quint, J. K., Adamali, H., Agnew, S., Babu, S., Barber, C. M., Barratt, S., Bendstrup, E., Bianchi, S., Villegas, D. C., Chaudhuri, N., Chua, F., Coker, R., Chang, W., Crawshaw, A., Crowley, L. E., Dosanjh, D., Fiddler, C. A., …ISARIC4C Investigators. (2020). Outcome of Hospitalization for COVID-19 in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease: An International Multicenter Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 202(12), 1656-1665.

Rationale: The impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) has not been established.Objectives: To assess outcomes in patients with ILD hospitalized for COVID-19 versus those without ILD in a contemporane... Read More about Outcome of Hospitalization for COVID-19 in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease: An International Multicenter Study.