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All Outputs (49)

Growth and income distributions in four EU economies (2016)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2016). Growth and income distributions in four EU economies. International Advances in Economic Research, 22(3), 263-277.

Dynamic multi-sectoral and multi-household general equilibrium models are constructed to show how the economies of Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom will evolve from 2006 to 2090. These models generate dynamic paths of investment and capi... Read More about Growth and income distributions in four EU economies.

Theories of redistribution and share of labour income (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bhattarai, K. (2016, June). Theories of redistribution and share of labour income. Paper presented at European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS) 2016

Abstract We review the functional and size theories of income distribution in the context of growing inequality around the world. The causes for the observed patterns on the shares of labour and capital income in classical, neoclassical, Marxian, str... Read More about Theories of redistribution and share of labour income.

A rising e-channel tide lifts all boats? the impact of manufacturer multichannel encroachment on traditional selling and leasing (2016)
Journal Article
Yan, W., Li, Y., Wu, Y., & Palmer, M. (2016). A rising e-channel tide lifts all boats? the impact of manufacturer multichannel encroachment on traditional selling and leasing. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016, Article 2898021.

Organizing and managing channels of distribution is an important marketing task. Due to the emergence of electronic commerce on the Internet, e-channel distribution systems have been adopted by many manufacturers. However, academic and anecdotal evid... Read More about A rising e-channel tide lifts all boats? the impact of manufacturer multichannel encroachment on traditional selling and leasing.

Modelling mortality: are we heading in the right direction? (2016)
Journal Article
O’hare, C., & Li, Y. (2017). Modelling mortality: are we heading in the right direction?. Applied economics, 49(2), 170-187.

Predicting life expectancy has become of upmost importance in society. Pension providers, insurance companies, government bodies and individuals in the developed world have a vested interest in understanding how long people will live for. This desire... Read More about Modelling mortality: are we heading in the right direction?.

Unemployment-inflation trade-offs in OECD countries (2016)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2016). Unemployment-inflation trade-offs in OECD countries. Economic modelling, 58, 93-103.

© 2016 The Author. Inflation and unemployment reduce welfare of individuals and should be as low as possible in any economy. Cointegration and Granger causality tests suggest that there are long run relations between these two variables among the OEC... Read More about Unemployment-inflation trade-offs in OECD countries.

Market reaction to seasoned offerings in China (2016)
Journal Article
Liu, J., Akbar, S., Shah, S. Z. A., Zhang, D., & Pang, D. (2016). Market reaction to seasoned offerings in China. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 43(5-6), 597-653.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd This study examines stock market reaction to the announcement of various forms of seasoned issues in China. Our empirical evidence demonstrates that market reactions differ in ways that suggest a difference between mana... Read More about Market reaction to seasoned offerings in China.

The economic effects of the fair tax: analysis of results of a dynamic CGE model of the US economy (2016)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., Haughton, J., & Tuerck, D. G. (2016). The economic effects of the fair tax: analysis of results of a dynamic CGE model of the US economy. International economics and economic policy : IEEP, 13(3), 451-466.

By replacing the current income tax with a national sales tax, the FairTax proposal would end the double taxation of saving inherent in the existing tax code and, by doing so, raise output, employment, investment and capital stock relative to the ben... Read More about The economic effects of the fair tax: analysis of results of a dynamic CGE model of the US economy.

Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes approach (2016)
Journal Article
Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., Coleman, S., & Dobson, C. (2016). Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 28(2/3), 154.

Positing the implementation of evidenced-based policies to manage the informal economy, our paper employs, in a novel way, the multiple-indicator, multiple-cause model and primary data, to identify the determinants of the Nigerian informal economy. B... Read More about Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes approach.

Who gets caught for corruption when corruption is pervasive? Evidence from China’s anti-bribery blacklist (2016)
Journal Article
Jin, Z., Zhou, L., & Wang, Z. (2017). Who gets caught for corruption when corruption is pervasive? Evidence from China’s anti-bribery blacklist. Applied Economics Letters, 24(4), 258-263.

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This article empirically investigates why in a corruption-pervasive country only a minority of the firms get caught for bribery while the majority get away with it. By matching manufactu... Read More about Who gets caught for corruption when corruption is pervasive? Evidence from China’s anti-bribery blacklist.

Quota restrictions and intra-firm reallocations : evidence from Chinese exports to the US (2016)
Journal Article
Upward, R., & Wang, Z. (2016). Quota restrictions and intra-firm reallocations : evidence from Chinese exports to the US. Economics letters, 144, 71-74.

We study how Chinese textile and clothing firms adjusted the product structure of their exports to the US, as triggered by the termination of Multifiber Arrangement (MFA) quotas. We find that the removal of MFA quotas induced firms to expand their pr... Read More about Quota restrictions and intra-firm reallocations : evidence from Chinese exports to the US.

Urbanization, inequality and property prices : equilibrium pricing and transaction in the Chinese housing market (2016)
Journal Article
Ge, T., & Wu, T. (2017). Urbanization, inequality and property prices : equilibrium pricing and transaction in the Chinese housing market. China Economic Review, 45, 310-328.

The particularly overheated Chinese housing market, with its soaring property prices, has attracted a large amount of research. We point out three of its striking empirical features, which current literature leaves unexplored: co-existence of steady... Read More about Urbanization, inequality and property prices : equilibrium pricing and transaction in the Chinese housing market.

Research methods in taxation history (2016)
Journal Article
Frecknall-Hughes, J. (2016). Research methods in taxation history. Review of behavioral economics, 3(1), 5-20.

This paper is an attempt to consider the research methods used in taxation history, which is an area that has attracted increased academic interest in recent years. The paper looks at the various routes that may provide an entry into studying taxatio... Read More about Research methods in taxation history.

A gravity model of remittance determinants: evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean (2016)
Journal Article
McCracken, S., Ramlogan-Dobson, C., & Stack, M. M. (2017). A gravity model of remittance determinants: evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional studies, 51(5), 737-749.

A gravity model of remittance determinants: evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional Studies. This paper constructs a microeconomic model of the motivation for remittances and uses it to explore the macroeconomic determinants. In addit... Read More about A gravity model of remittance determinants: evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The governance, risk-taking, and performance of Islamic banks (2016)
Journal Article
Mollah, S., Hassan, M. K., Al Farooque, O., & Mobarek, A. (2017). The governance, risk-taking, and performance of Islamic banks. Journal of Financial Services Research, 51(2), 195-219.

We examine whether the difference in governance structures influences the risk taking and performance of Islamic banks compared to conventional banks. Using a sample of 52 Islamic banks and 104 conventional banks in 14 countries for the period from 2... Read More about The governance, risk-taking, and performance of Islamic banks.

Non-competition covenants in acquisition deals (2016)
Journal Article
Azevedo, A., Pereira, P. J., & Rodrigues, A. (2016). Non-competition covenants in acquisition deals. Economics letters, 143, 61-65.

© 2016 Elsevier B.V. We study the changes in the consumers' and producers' surplus associated with acquisition deals where there is a non-competition covenant that forbids the seller from re-entering the market over a given time period. We find that... Read More about Non-competition covenants in acquisition deals.

Are mortgage lenders guilty of the housing bubble? A UK perspective (2016)
Journal Article
Xiao, Q., & Devaney, S. (2016). Are mortgage lenders guilty of the housing bubble? A UK perspective. Applied economics, 48(45), 4271-4290.

Existing theoretical models of house prices and credit rely on continuous rationality of consumers, an assumption that has been frequently questioned in recent years. Meanwhile, empirical investigations of the relationship between prices and credit a... Read More about Are mortgage lenders guilty of the housing bubble? A UK perspective.

Determinants of time varying co-movements among international stock markets during crisis and non-crisis periods (2016)
Journal Article
Mollah, S., Hou, A. J., Mobarek, A., & Muradoglu, G. (2016). Determinants of time varying co-movements among international stock markets during crisis and non-crisis periods. Journal of Financial Stability, 24, 1-11.

In this paper, we use the DCC MIDAS approach to assess the validity of the wake-up call hypothesis for developed and emerging markets during the global financial crisis (GFC). We use this approach to decompose the total correlations into short- (dail... Read More about Determinants of time varying co-movements among international stock markets during crisis and non-crisis periods.

FDI and growth (2016)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2016). FDI and growth. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 6(2), 1-23

Multinational corporations [MNCs] usually engage in foreign direct investment [FDI] to take cost advantages of producing abroad to negate the need for licensing or subsidiary production. At the macro level, FDI accounts for significant proportions of... Read More about FDI and growth.

Reverse logistics in household recycling and waste systems: a symbiosis perspective (2016)
Journal Article
A Jalil, E. E., Grant, D. B., Nicholson, J. D., & Deutz, P. (2016). Reverse logistics in household recycling and waste systems: a symbiosis perspective. Supply chain management, 21(2), 245-258.

Purpose: The article investigates the proposition there is a symbiosis effect for exchanges between household waste recycling systems (HWRS) and household recycling behaviour (HRB) within the reverse logistics (RL) discourse. Design/methodology/appro... Read More about Reverse logistics in household recycling and waste systems: a symbiosis perspective.

Natural resources, decentralization, and risk sharing: can resource booms unify nations? (2016)
Journal Article
Pérez-Sebastián, F., & Raveh, O. (2016). Natural resources, decentralization, and risk sharing: can resource booms unify nations?. Journal of Development Economics, 121, 38-55.

Previous studies imply that a positive regional fiscal shock, such as a resource boom, strengthens the desire for separation. In this paper we present a new and opposite perspective. We construct a model of endogenous fiscal decentralization that bui... Read More about Natural resources, decentralization, and risk sharing: can resource booms unify nations?.