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All Outputs (239)

Living in Misery: Child to Parent and Grandparent Violence and Abuse (2023)
Journal Article
Mills, T., Green, S., & O'Leary, N. (2023). Living in Misery: Child to Parent and Grandparent Violence and Abuse. Temida, 26(2), 163-188.

This article investigates the hidden and under-researched phenomenon of child/adolescent-to-parent violence and abuse (CAPVA). Despite the attention given to spousal and child abuse, very little is known about why children abuse their parents or wha... Read More about Living in Misery: Child to Parent and Grandparent Violence and Abuse.

Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care (2023)
Journal Article
Quinn, C., Wolverson, E., & Mountain, G. (2023). Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4, Article 1191633.

KEYWORDS Alzheimer's disease, carer, psychosocial interventions, health serivces, community, quality of life, frailty Editorial on the Research Topic Innovations in dementia and ageing care The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how quality of life ca... Read More about Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care.

Provision and delivery of survivorship care for adult patients with haematological malignancies: A scoping review protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Baldwin, Z.-A., Busby, S., Allsup, D., Cohen, J., & Bamidele, O. (2023). Provision and delivery of survivorship care for adult patients with haematological malignancies: A scoping review protocol. PLoS ONE, 18(3), Article e0282458.

Introduction Haematological malignancies are a heterogenous group of blood and lymphatic cancers. Survivorship care is a similarly diverse term concerning patients’ health and wellbeing from diagnosis to end of life. Survivorship care for patients wi... Read More about Provision and delivery of survivorship care for adult patients with haematological malignancies: A scoping review protocol.

Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. (2023)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Harrison Dening, K., Dunning, R., Crowther, G., Russell, G., & Underwood, B. (2023). Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, Article 1093894.

Introduction: This study investigates family carers experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. A mental health inpatient admission for a person with dementia is usually considered when a person is distressed and this distre... Read More about Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia..

A Web-Based Self-management App for Living Well With Dementia: User-Centered Development Study (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, A. R., Csipke, E., Yates, L., Moniz-Cook, E., McDermott, O., Taylor, S., Stephens, M., Kelleher, D., & Orrell, M. (2023). A Web-Based Self-management App for Living Well With Dementia: User-Centered Development Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10, Article e40785.

Background: Self-management, autonomy, and quality of life are key constructs in enabling people to live well with dementia. This population often becomes isolated following diagnosis, but it is important for them to feel encouraged to maintain their... Read More about A Web-Based Self-management App for Living Well With Dementia: User-Centered Development Study.

Telemedicine in addictions: Feasibility randomised controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Mayet, S., Gledhill, A., McCaw, I., Hashmani, Z., Drozdova, Z., Arshad, S., Shahbaz, S., Huang, C., & Phillips, T. (2023). Telemedicine in addictions: Feasibility randomised controlled trial. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 25(3), 27-36

Background. Opioid dependence is high risk. Opioid agonist treatment (OAT) improves outcomes and reduces deaths. Nonattendance at addiction specialist prescribers who monitor OAT worsens outcomes. Telemedicine has been shown to improve attendance wit... Read More about Telemedicine in addictions: Feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on neuropsychiatric symptoms and antipsychotic prescribing for people with dementia in nursing home settings (2023)
Journal Article
McDermid, J., Ballard, C., Khan, Z., Aarsland, D., Fox, C., Fossey, J., Clare, L., Moniz-Cook, E., Soto-Martin, M., Sweetnam, A., Mills, K., Cummings, J., & Corbett, A. (2023). Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on neuropsychiatric symptoms and antipsychotic prescribing for people with dementia in nursing home settings. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 38(1), Article e5878.

Objectives: This study aimed to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on neuropsychiatric symptoms and antipsychotic use in people with dementia living in nursing homes. Methods: This was a comparative analysis of baseline data from two large... Read More about Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on neuropsychiatric symptoms and antipsychotic prescribing for people with dementia in nursing home settings.

Caring from a distance: carers’ experiences of keeping in touch with care home residents during COVID-19 closures (2022)
Journal Article
White, C., Whitfield, C., Wolverson, E., & Wray, J. (2024). Caring from a distance: carers’ experiences of keeping in touch with care home residents during COVID-19 closures. International Journal of Care and Caring, 8(2), 264-286.

In response to COVID-19, many care homes closed to visitors and new ways for carers and residents to stay in touch were tried. This UK study employed an online survey to explore carer experiences of staying in touch from a distance. The research high... Read More about Caring from a distance: carers’ experiences of keeping in touch with care home residents during COVID-19 closures.

Extending understanding of ‘care’ as an embodied phenomenon: Alexander Technique teacher perspectives on restoring carers to themselves (2022)
Journal Article
Woods, C., Wolverson, E., & Glover, L. (2023). Extending understanding of ‘care’ as an embodied phenomenon: Alexander Technique teacher perspectives on restoring carers to themselves. International Journal of Care and Caring, 7(3), 527-543.

Data from an international survey of teachers of the Alexander Technique – an embodied form of self-care – illustrate their perspectives on how the Alexander Technique supports caring by combatting carer self-loss. Understanding of care as an embodie... Read More about Extending understanding of ‘care’ as an embodied phenomenon: Alexander Technique teacher perspectives on restoring carers to themselves.

’I am teaching them and they are teaching me’: Experiences of teaching Alexander Technique to people with dementia (2022)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Glover, L., & Woods, C. (2022). ’I am teaching them and they are teaching me’: Experiences of teaching Alexander Technique to people with dementia. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 56, Article 102200.

Introduction: To enable people with dementia to live well we must support the person as a whole. The Alexander Technique (AT) offers an approach which addresses both physical and psychological issues which may be suitable to help people with dementia... Read More about ’I am teaching them and they are teaching me’: Experiences of teaching Alexander Technique to people with dementia.

Conceptualising comorbidity and multimorbidity in dementia: A scoping review and syndemic framework (2022)
Journal Article
Dunn, R., Clayton, E., Wolverson, E., & Hilton, A. (2022). Conceptualising comorbidity and multimorbidity in dementia: A scoping review and syndemic framework. Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity, 12,

Older people and people with dementia experience a high prevalence of multiple health conditions. The terms ‘comorbidity’ and ‘multimorbidity’ are often used interchangeably to describe this, however there are key conceptual differences b... Read More about Conceptualising comorbidity and multimorbidity in dementia: A scoping review and syndemic framework.

Exploring the Implementation of Positive Behaviour Support as an Intervention for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge (2022)
Rogers, N. Exploring the Implementation of Positive Behaviour Support as an Intervention for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge. (Thesis). The University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis is comprised of three parts. It explores the implementation of positive behaviour support (PBS) to support people with intellectual disabilities and behaviours that challenge.
Part one contains the systematic literature review... Read More about Exploring the Implementation of Positive Behaviour Support as an Intervention for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge.

Exploring the experiences of unaccompanied asylum seeking children from the perspective of professionals providing community services (2022)
Magri, R. Exploring the experiences of unaccompanied asylum seeking children from the perspective of professionals providing community services. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis is comprised of three parts and includes a systematic literature review, an empirical paper and supporting appendices.
Part one: Systematic literature review.
Part one is the systematic literature review which focu... Read More about Exploring the experiences of unaccompanied asylum seeking children from the perspective of professionals providing community services.

What is intended by the term participation and what does it mean to people living with dementia? A conceptual overview and directions for future research (2022)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Smith, S. K., & Mountain, G. (2022). What is intended by the term participation and what does it mean to people living with dementia? A conceptual overview and directions for future research. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3, Article 952722.

Policy continues to emphasise the importance of wellbeing in dementia. However, there is a vital need for psychosocial interventions that can promote positive outcomes to enhance “living well with dementia”. Our developing understanding of what peopl... Read More about What is intended by the term participation and what does it mean to people living with dementia? A conceptual overview and directions for future research.

Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review (2022)
Journal Article
Bennett, J., Wolverson, E., & Price, L. (2022). Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review. Dementia,

Objective: Depsite the growing awareness of the importance of engagement with the natural world for people living with dementia, little is known about the impact specifically for people living independently in their own home. This review identifies,... Read More about Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review.

The Characteristics and Outcomes of People with Dementia in Inpatient Mental Health Care: A Review (2022)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Dunning, R., Crowther, G., Russell, G., & Underwood, B. R. (2022). The Characteristics and Outcomes of People with Dementia in Inpatient Mental Health Care: A Review. Clinical Gerontologist,

Objectives: Inpatient mental health beds for people with dementia are a limited resource. Practitioners need an understanding of this population to provide high-quality care and design services. This review examines the characteristics, care, and out... Read More about The Characteristics and Outcomes of People with Dementia in Inpatient Mental Health Care: A Review.

Erratum: Correction to: Service Users' Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists? (Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) (2022) 57 5 (602-608)) (2022)
Journal Article
Dhital, R., Coleman, R., Day, E., Drummond, C., Lingford-Hughes, A., Marsden, J., Phillips, T., Sinclair, J., Strang, J., Weinman, J., Whittlesea, C., Widyaratna, K., & Donoghue, K. (2022). Erratum: Correction to: Service Users' Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists? (Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) (2022) 57 5 (602-608)). Alcohol and Alcoholism, 57(5), 642.

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of face-to-face and electronic brief interventions versus screening alone to reduce alcohol consumption among high-risk adolescents presenting to emergency departments: three-arm pragmatic randomized trial (SIPS Junior high risk trial) (2022)
Journal Article
Deluca, P., Coulton, S., Alam, M. F., Boniface, S., Donoghue, K., Gilvarry, E., Kaner, E., Lynch, E., Maconochie, I., McArdle, P., McGovern, R., Newbury‐Birch, D., Patton, R., Pellat‐Higgins, T., Phillips, C., Phillips, T., Pockett, R. D., Russell, I. T., Strang, J., & Drummond, C. (2022). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of face-to-face and electronic brief interventions versus screening alone to reduce alcohol consumption among high-risk adolescents presenting to emergency departments: three-arm pragmatic randomized trial (SIPS Junior high risk trial). Addiction,

Background and aims: Alcohol use increases throughout adolescence. Emergency department (ED) attendance is an opportunity for alcohol screening and brief intervention (ASBI), which is effective for adults. This trial evaluated the effectiveness and c... Read More about Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of face-to-face and electronic brief interventions versus screening alone to reduce alcohol consumption among high-risk adolescents presenting to emergency departments: three-arm pragmatic randomized trial (SIPS Junior high risk trial).

Service Users' Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists? (2022)
Journal Article
Dhital, R., Coleman, R., Day, E., Drummond, C., Lingford-Hughes, A., Marsden, J., Phillips, T., Sinclair, J., Strang, J., Weinman, J., Whittlesea, C., Widyaratna, K., & Donoghue, K. (2022). Service Users' Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists?. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 57(5), 602-608.

Aims: To understand service users' views and experiences of alcohol relapse prevention medication, views of a telephone behavioural modification intervention delivered by pharmacists and the use of Contingency Management (CM) to support acamprosate a... Read More about Service Users' Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists?.

Family carer perspectives on the language of behaviour change in dementia: an online mixed methods survey (2022)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Moniz-Cook, E., Dunn, R., & Dunning, R. (2022). Family carer perspectives on the language of behaviour change in dementia: an online mixed methods survey. Age and ageing, 51(3), Article afac047.

OBJECTIVE: following the #BanBPSD campaign there has been critical interest in common terminology used for 'changes in behaviour' associated with dementia. However, commentaries and emerging studies have not fully considered family carer perspectives... Read More about Family carer perspectives on the language of behaviour change in dementia: an online mixed methods survey.