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All Outputs (741)

Computer-assisted orthopedic training system for fracture fixation (2013)
Journal Article
Rambani, R., Viant, W., Ward, J., & Mohsen, A. (2013). Computer-assisted orthopedic training system for fracture fixation. Journal of Surgical Education, 70(3), 304-308.

Background: Surgical training has been greatly affected by the challenges of reduced training opportunities, shortened working hours, and financial pressures. There is an increased need for the use of training systems in developing psychomotor skills... Read More about Computer-assisted orthopedic training system for fracture fixation.

Using visualization for visualization : an ecological interface design approach to inputting data (2013)
Journal Article
Wright, H., Mathers, C., & Walton, J. P. R. B. (2013). Using visualization for visualization : an ecological interface design approach to inputting data. Computers and Graphics, 37(3), 202-213.

Visualization is experiencing growing use by a diverse community, with continuing improvements in the availability and usability of systems. In spite of these developments the problem of how first to get the data in has received scant attention: the... Read More about Using visualization for visualization : an ecological interface design approach to inputting data.

An autonomous image-guided robotic system simulating industrial applications (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Islam, R. U., Iqbal, J., Manzoor, S., Khalid, A., & Khan, S. (2012, July). An autonomous image-guided robotic system simulating industrial applications. Presented at 2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), Genova, Italy

This paper presents a robotic system based on a serial manipulator. The robot is a vertical articulated arm with 5 revolute joints having 6 Degree Of Freedom. Actuated with six precise servo motors, the system offers positional accuracy of ±0.5mm wit... Read More about An autonomous image-guided robotic system simulating industrial applications.

Brain controlled human robot interface (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Naveed, K., Iqbal, J., & Ur Rehman, H. (2012, October). Brain controlled human robot interface. Presented at 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI)

This Paper emphasizes on the ever increasing need of better communication medium between a human and a robot in order to control it precisely. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is the most suitable mean of communication between them, especially for the... Read More about Brain controlled human robot interface.

Development and deployment of an intelligent kite aerial photography platform (iKAPP) for site surveying and image acquisition (2013)
Journal Article
Murray, J. C., Neal, M. J., & Labrosse, F. (2013). Development and deployment of an intelligent kite aerial photography platform (iKAPP) for site surveying and image acquisition. Journal of field robotics, 30(2), 288-307.

Aerial photographs and images are used by a variety of industries, including farming, landscaping, surveying, and agriculture, as well as academic researchers including archaeologists and geologists. Aerial imagery can provide a valuable resource for... Read More about Development and deployment of an intelligent kite aerial photography platform (iKAPP) for site surveying and image acquisition.

IBA: Intelligent bug algorithm – a novel strategy to navigate mobile robots autonomously (2013)
Book Chapter
Zohaib, M., Pasha, S. M., Javaid, N., & Iqbal, J. (2013). IBA: Intelligent bug algorithm – a novel strategy to navigate mobile robots autonomously. In F. K. Shaikh, B. S. Chowdhry, S. Zeadally, D. M. A. Hussain, A. A. Memon, & M. A. Uqaili (Eds.), Communication Technologies, Information Security and Sustainable Development (291-299). Springer Verlag.

This research proposes an intelligent obstacle avoidance algorithm to navigate an autonomous mobile robot. The presented Intelligent Bug Algorithm (IBA) over performs and reaches the goal in relatively less time as compared to existing Bug algorithms... Read More about IBA: Intelligent bug algorithm – a novel strategy to navigate mobile robots autonomously.

Tetrads of lines spanning PG(7,2) (2013)
Journal Article
Shaw, R., Gordon, N., & Havlicek, H. (2013). Tetrads of lines spanning PG(7,2). Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Simon Stevin, 20(4), 735-752.

Our starting point is a very simple one, namely that of a set L₄ of four mutually skew lines in PG(7,2). Under the natural action of the stabilizer group G(L₄)<GL(8,2) the 255 points of PG(7,2) fall into four orbits ω₁,ω₂,ω₃,ω4, of respective lengths...

Ontology‐driven disability‐aware e‐learning personalisation with ONTODAPS (2012)
Journal Article
Nganji, J. T., Brayshaw, M., & Tompsett, B. (2012). Ontology‐driven disability‐aware e‐learning personalisation with ONTODAPS. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 30(1), 17-34.

Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to show how personalisation of learning resources and services can be achieved for students with and without disabilities, particularly responding to the needs of those with multiple disabilities in e-learning sy... Read More about Ontology‐driven disability‐aware e‐learning personalisation with ONTODAPS.

Control strategies for robotic manipulators (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, M. F., Ul Islam, R., & Iqbal, J. (2012, October). Control strategies for robotic manipulators. Presented at 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI), Rawalpindi, Pakistan

This survey is aimed at presenting the major robust control strategies for rigid robot manipulators. The techniques discussed are feedback linearization/Computed torque control, Variable structure compensator, Passivity based approach and Disturbance... Read More about Control strategies for robotic manipulators.

Hand exoskeleton robotic systems - Role and deriving the design requirements (2012)
Iqbal, J. (2012). Hand exoskeleton robotic systems - Role and deriving the design requirements. Lambert Academic Publishing

This book presents an expert’s view of the hand exoskeleton robotic systems. A systematic and thorough analysis of the subject matter helps to identify research lacks in this area. Design of such systems demands careful investigation of the associate... Read More about Hand exoskeleton robotic systems - Role and deriving the design requirements.

Designing personalised learning resources for disabled students using an ontology-driven community of agents (2012)
Book Chapter
Nganji, J. T., & Brayshaw, M. (2012). Designing personalised learning resources for disabled students using an ontology-driven community of agents. In P. Isaias, & M. Baptista Nunes (Eds.), Information systems research and exploring social artifacts: approaches and methodologies (81-102). IGI Global.

The exploration of social artifacts for the disabled is an important and timely issue. The affordances of new technologies like the Semantic Web allow more intelligent handling of educational learning resources that open up the potential of personali... Read More about Designing personalised learning resources for disabled students using an ontology-driven community of agents.

Diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease with an intelligent decision-making support system (2012)
Journal Article
Bohacik, J., & Davis, D. (2012). Diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease with an intelligent decision-making support system. ULAB journal of science and engineering, 3(1), Article 42888

Cardiovascular disease is the principal cause of death in most European countries and may have a major negativeimpact on the patients' functional status, productivity, and quality of life. It seems an automatic decision support system couldlower thes... Read More about Diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease with an intelligent decision-making support system.

Quantification of priority-OR gates in temporal fault trees (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Edifor, E., Walker, M., & Gordon, N. Quantification of priority-OR gates in temporal fault trees

Fault Tree Analysis has been used in reliability engineering for many decades and has seen various modifications to enable it to analyse fault trees with dynamic and temporal gates so it can incorporate sequential failure in its analysis. Pandora is... Read More about Quantification of priority-OR gates in temporal fault trees.

Adaptive probability scheme for behaviour monitoring of the elderly using a specialised ambient device (2012)
Journal Article
Winkley, J., & Jiang, P. (2014). Adaptive probability scheme for behaviour monitoring of the elderly using a specialised ambient device. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 5(2), 293-307.

A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) modified to work in combination with a Fuzzy System is utilised to determine the current behavioural state of the user from information obtained with specialised hardware. Due to the high dimensionality and not-linearly-se... Read More about Adaptive probability scheme for behaviour monitoring of the elderly using a specialised ambient device.

Activating cognitive activities among students through the application of WebPA in teaching knowledge on mathematical operations in upper secondary schools of Vietnam (2012)
Journal Article
Nguyen, T., & Gordon, N. (2012). Activating cognitive activities among students through the application of WebPA in teaching knowledge on mathematical operations in upper secondary schools of Vietnam

In Vietnam, the inspection and evaluation in education is usually performed by traditional assessments, including regular testing and periodic examination. The biggest advantage of these assessments are that they are easy to deploy and fairly accurat... Read More about Activating cognitive activities among students through the application of WebPA in teaching knowledge on mathematical operations in upper secondary schools of Vietnam.

Describing and assessing image descriptions for visually impaired web users with IDAT (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brayshaw, M., Nganji, J. T., Brayshaw, M., & Tompsett, B. Describing and assessing image descriptions for visually impaired web users with IDAT

People with visual impairments, particularly blind people face alot of difficulties browsing the web with assistive technologies such as screen readers, when websites do not conform to accessibility standards and are thus inaccessible. HTML is the ba... Read More about Describing and assessing image descriptions for visually impaired web users with IDAT.

Verity: An ambient assisted living platform (2012)
Journal Article
Winkley, J., Jiang, P., & Jiang, W. (2012). Verity: An ambient assisted living platform. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 58(2), 364-373.

A new and innovative system intended for the monitoring of the elderly and those requiring passive care is developed, with a wrist-wearable wireless sensor node and a mobile platform to form a remotely accessible body area network. The system utilise... Read More about Verity: An ambient assisted living platform.

Risk estimation of cardiovascular patients using Weka (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bohacik, J., Davis, D., & Benedikovic, M. Risk estimation of cardiovascular patients using Weka. Presented at International Conference on Open Source Software in Education, Research and IT Solution, Zilina, Slovakia

Cardiovascular diseases remain the most prevalent cause of deaths worldwideand their prevention requires major life-style changes using limited health-care resources.Remote decision support for cardiovascular patients seems to allow them to lead a pr... Read More about Risk estimation of cardiovascular patients using Weka.

Personalized content provision for virtual learning environments via the semantic web (2012)
Journal Article
Wen, L., Brayshaw, M., & Gordon, N. (2012). Personalized content provision for virtual learning environments via the semantic web. Innovation in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences, 11(1), 14-26.

In this paper we discuss how we may personalize e-learning along three distinct axes, namely: teaching and learning pedagogical philosophies, personalized educational processes to taste and the coordination of these processes during execution. In doi... Read More about Personalized content provision for virtual learning environments via the semantic web.

WE-G-BRA-06: calibrating an ionisation chamber: gaining experience using a dosimetry 'flight simulator' (2012)
Journal Article
Beavis, A., Saunderson, J., & Ward, J. (2012). WE-G-BRA-06: calibrating an ionisation chamber: gaining experience using a dosimetry 'flight simulator'. Medical physics, 39(6Part28), 3970-3970.

Purpose: Recently there has been great interest in the use of simulation training, with the view to enhance safety within radiotherapy practice. We have developed a Virtual Environment for Radiotherapy Training (VERT) which facilitates this, includin... Read More about WE-G-BRA-06: calibrating an ionisation chamber: gaining experience using a dosimetry 'flight simulator'.