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All Outputs (741)

Using citizen science to complement IoT data collection: a survey of motivational and engagement factors in technology-centric citizen science projects (2021)
Journal Article
Ali, M. U., Mishra, B. K., Thakker, D., Mazumdar, S., & Simpson, S. (2021). Using citizen science to complement IoT data collection: a survey of motivational and engagement factors in technology-centric citizen science projects. IoT, 2(2), 275--309.

A key aspect of the development of Smart Cities involves the efficient and effective management of resources to improve liveability. Achieving this requires large volumes of sensors strategically deployed across urban areas. In many cases, however, i... Read More about Using citizen science to complement IoT data collection: a survey of motivational and engagement factors in technology-centric citizen science projects.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: a setting for Professional and Research skills (2021)
Journal Article
Dixon, J., & Gordon, N. A. (2021). The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: a setting for Professional and Research skills. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 16(1),

This paper considers the use of the United Nations global goals to provide a framework for the teaching of professional and related skills. The main example and case study considered in this paper is from computing; however, much of the approach and... Read More about The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: a setting for Professional and Research skills.

Effect of treatment planning system parameters on beam modulation complexity for treatment plans with single-layer multi-leaf collimator and dual-layer stacked multi-leaf collimator (2021)
Journal Article
Quintero, P., Cheng, Y., Benoit, D., Moore, C., & Beavis, A. (2021). Effect of treatment planning system parameters on beam modulation complexity for treatment plans with single-layer multi-leaf collimator and dual-layer stacked multi-leaf collimator. British Journal of Radiology, 94(1122), Article 20201011.

OBJECTIVE: High levels of beam modulation complexity (MC) and monitor units (MU) can compromise the plan deliverability of intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatments. Our study evaluates the effect of three treatment planning system (TPS) parameters... Read More about Effect of treatment planning system parameters on beam modulation complexity for treatment plans with single-layer multi-leaf collimator and dual-layer stacked multi-leaf collimator.

Intelligent Predictive Maintenance Model for Rolling Components of a Machine based on Speed and Vibration (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ahmad, B., Mishra, B. K., Ghufran, M., Pervez, Z., & Ramzan, N. (2021, April). Intelligent Predictive Maintenance Model for Rolling Components of a Machine based on Speed and Vibration. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, ICAIIC 2021, Jeju Island, Korea (South)

Machines have come a long way, from the industrial revolution to a modern-day industry 4.0. In this massive transition, one thing that has never changed within a machine is the moving part. Most industries use rotating machine with different load cap... Read More about Intelligent Predictive Maintenance Model for Rolling Components of a Machine based on Speed and Vibration.

System architecture of a proactive intelligent system to monitor health of older adults living alone (2021)
Journal Article
Al-Mejibli, I., Al-Majeed, S., Karam, J., Iqbal, J., Adolfo, C. M., & Yalung, C. (2021). System architecture of a proactive intelligent system to monitor health of older adults living alone. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 10(1), 509-517.

Worldwide improvements in the quality of life highlight immense need to have a remote health monitoring system that can provide critical biomedical data. This paper presents a low-cost health monitoring system, forming part of the Internet of Things... Read More about System architecture of a proactive intelligent system to monitor health of older adults living alone.

SRAGL-AWCL: A two-step multi-view clustering via sparse representation and adaptive weighted cooperative learning (2021)
Journal Article
Tan, J., Yang, Z., Cheng, Y., Ye, J., Wang, B., & Dai, Q. (2021). SRAGL-AWCL: A two-step multi-view clustering via sparse representation and adaptive weighted cooperative learning. Pattern Recognition, 117, Article 107987.

Sparse representation and cooperative learning are two representative technologies in the field of multi-view spectral clustering. The former can effectively extract features of multiple views by the removal of redundant information contained in each... Read More about SRAGL-AWCL: A two-step multi-view clustering via sparse representation and adaptive weighted cooperative learning.

Scientometric review of artificial intelligence for operations & maintenance of wind turbines: The past, present and future (2021)
Journal Article
Chatterjee, J., & Dethlefs, N. (2021). Scientometric review of artificial intelligence for operations & maintenance of wind turbines: The past, present and future. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 144, Article 111051.

Wind energy has emerged as a highly promising source of renewable energy in recent times. However, wind turbines regularly suffer from operational inconsistencies, leading to significant costs and challenges in operations and maintenance (O&M). Condi... Read More about Scientometric review of artificial intelligence for operations & maintenance of wind turbines: The past, present and future.

A new perspective on teaching the natural exponential to engineering students (2021)
Journal Article
Ullah, M., Aman, M. N., Wolkenhauer, O., & Iqbal, J. (2021). A new perspective on teaching the natural exponential to engineering students. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,

The natural exponential and logarithm are typically introduced to undergraduate engineering students in a calculus course using the notion of limits. We here present an approach to introduce the natural exponential/logarithm through a novel interpret... Read More about A new perspective on teaching the natural exponential to engineering students.

XAI4Wind: A Multimodal Knowledge Graph Database for Explainable Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines (2021)
Journal Article
Chatterjee, J., & Dethlefs, N. XAI4Wind: A Multimodal Knowledge Graph Database for Explainable Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines. Manuscript submitted for publication

Condition-based monitoring (CBM) has been widely utilised in the wind industry for monitoring operational inconsistencies and failures in turbines, with techniques ranging from signal processing and vibration analysis to artificial intelligence (AI)... Read More about XAI4Wind: A Multimodal Knowledge Graph Database for Explainable Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines.

Hierarchical Multiscale Recurrent Neural Networks for Detecting Suicide Notes (2021)
Journal Article
Schoene, A. M., Turner, A. P., De Mel, G., & Dethlefs, N. (in press). Hierarchical Multiscale Recurrent Neural Networks for Detecting Suicide Notes. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing,

Recent statistics in suicide prevention show that people are increasingly posting their last words online and with the unprecedented availability of textual data from social media platforms researchers have the opportunity to analyse such data. Furth... Read More about Hierarchical Multiscale Recurrent Neural Networks for Detecting Suicide Notes.

Towards design and implementation of Industry 4.0 for food manufacturing (2021)
Journal Article
Konur, S., Lan, Y., Thakker, D., Morkyani, G., Polovina, N., & Sharp, J. (2023). Towards design and implementation of Industry 4.0 for food manufacturing. Neural Computing and Applications, 35(33), 23753–23765.

Today’s factories are considered as smart ecosystems with humans, machines and devices interacting with each other for efficient manufacturing of products. Industry 4.0 is a suite of enabler technologies for such smart ecosystems that allow transform... Read More about Towards design and implementation of Industry 4.0 for food manufacturing.

Nonlinear adaptive backstepping control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (2021)
Journal Article
Ali, N., Alam, W., Pervaiz, M., & Iqbal, J. (2021). Nonlinear adaptive backstepping control of permanent magnet synchronous motor. Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques : Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique, 66(1), 9-14

This paper addresses the speed tracking problem of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) under the influence of parametric uncertainties and external load torque disturbances. The nonlinear dynamics associated with both PMSM and load is conside... Read More about Nonlinear adaptive backstepping control of permanent magnet synchronous motor.

Finding the most navigable path in road networks (2021)
Journal Article
Kaur, R., Goyal, V., & Gunturi, V. M. (2021). Finding the most navigable path in road networks. GeoInformatica, 25(1), 207-240.

Input to the Most Navigable Path (MNP) problem consists of the following: (a) a road network represented as a directed graph, where each edge is associated with numeric attributes of cost and “navigability score” values; (b) a source and a destinatio... Read More about Finding the most navigable path in road networks.

A novel approach based on stochastic hybrid fault tree to compare alternative flare gas recovery systems (2021)
Journal Article
Khodayee, S. M., Chiacchio, F., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2021). A novel approach based on stochastic hybrid fault tree to compare alternative flare gas recovery systems. IEEE Access, 9, 51029-51049.

Flaring has always been an inseparable part of oil production and exploration. Previously, waste gas collected from different parts of facilities was released for safety or operational reasons and combusted on top of a flare stack since there was not... Read More about A novel approach based on stochastic hybrid fault tree to compare alternative flare gas recovery systems.

A Semantic Knowledge-Based Framework for Information Extraction and Exploration (2021)
Journal Article
Aljamel, A., Osman, T., & Thakker, D. (2021). A Semantic Knowledge-Based Framework for Information Extraction and Exploration. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 13(2), 85--109.

The availability of online documents that describe domain-specific information provides an opportunity in employing a knowledge-based approach in extracting information from web data. This research proposes a novel comprehensive semantic knowledge-ba... Read More about A Semantic Knowledge-Based Framework for Information Extraction and Exploration.

Refining the Teaching of Programming (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gordon, N., Cargill, M., Grey, S., & Brayshaw, M. (2020, July). Refining the Teaching of Programming. Presented at INSPIRE XXV: e-Learning as a Solution during Unprecedented Times in the 21st Century, Online

This paper considers issues around the teaching of programming, a critical yet challenging part of the computing education at all levels. This paper begins by outlining some of the key concerns around computing education-from secondary school, throug... Read More about Refining the Teaching of Programming.

Explainable AI for Intelligent Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chatterjee, J. (2020, August). Explainable AI for Intelligent Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines. Presented at 1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020), Online

As global efforts in transitioning to sustainable energy sources rise, wind energy has become a leading renewable energy resource. However, turbines are complex engineering systems and rely on effective operations & maintenance (O&M) to prevent catas... Read More about Explainable AI for Intelligent Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines.

Learning technologies for learning in health and well-being (2020)
Book Chapter
Gordon, N. (2020). Learning technologies for learning in health and well-being. In P. Gökcin Özuyar, W. Leal Filho, T. Wall, A. Marisa Azul, & L. Brandli (Eds.), Good Health and Well-Being. Springer.

The United Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Goal 3, for healthy lives and promoting well-being, notes that 45% of all countries have less than one physician per 1000 people, that figure rising to 90% for less developed countries (United Nations, 2018). Giv... Read More about Learning technologies for learning in health and well-being.

Technologies for analysing and improving healthcare processes (2020)
Book Chapter
Gordon, N. (2020). Technologies for analysing and improving healthcare processes. In W. Leal Filho, T. Wall, A. Azul, L. Brandli, & P. Özuyar (Eds.), Good Health and Well-Being. Springer.

The right to a healthy life is a natural expectation and recognised as a human right (WHO, 2017) – and is further recognised as such in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, where Goal 3 focusses on “good health and well-being” (United Na... Read More about Technologies for analysing and improving healthcare processes.

Identifying Gaps in Cybersecurity Teaching and Learning (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brayshaw, M., Gordon, N., & Karatazgianni, A. (2020, July). Identifying Gaps in Cybersecurity Teaching and Learning. Presented at INSPIRE XXV : e-Learning as a solution during unprecedented times in the 21st Century

This paper explores perceptions and expectations of privacy when using computer-mediated communication and social media. In this paper we present the results of an empirical survey into this topic and explore the pedagogic implications for the teachi... Read More about Identifying Gaps in Cybersecurity Teaching and Learning.