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All Outputs (391)

Journal Article
Uchudi, J., Mostazir, M., & Magadi, M. (2012). A MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS OF THE DETERMINANTS OF HIGH-RISK SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Journal of biosocial science, 44(3), 289-311.

A number of authors have identified multiple concurrent sexual partnerships by both men and women to lie at the root of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. This study applies multilevel models to Demographic and Health Survey data collected... Read More about A MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS OF THE DETERMINANTS OF HIGH-RISK SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA.

Vengeance and furies: existential dilemmas in penal decision-making (2011)
Book Chapter
Green, S. (2011). Vengeance and furies: existential dilemmas in penal decision-making. In J. Hardie-Bick, & R. Lippens (Eds.), Crime, Governance and Existential Predicaments (61-84). Palgrave Macmillan.

For over two and a half thousand years the Western intellectual tradition has been dominated by a philosopy that saw knowledge and reason as the route by which understanding and progress could be achieved. Since Socrates ruminated in ancient Athens t... Read More about Vengeance and furies: existential dilemmas in penal decision-making.

Theorizing structural and individual-level processes in desistance and persistence: outlining an integrated perspective (2011)
Journal Article
Farrall, S., Sharpe, G., Hunter, B., & Calverley, A. (2011). Theorizing structural and individual-level processes in desistance and persistence: outlining an integrated perspective. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 44(2), 218-234.

In this paper we outline our current thinking on the processes associated with desistance from crime. This work, conducted as part of the theoretical apparatus of a fifth sweep of interviews with a cohort of ex-probationers originally interviewed for... Read More about Theorizing structural and individual-level processes in desistance and persistence: outlining an integrated perspective.

The use of surveillance cameras in a Riyadh shopping mall: Protecting profits or protecting morality? (2011)
Journal Article
Alhadar, I., & McCahill, M. (2011). The use of surveillance cameras in a Riyadh shopping mall: Protecting profits or protecting morality?. Theoretical Criminology, 15(3), 315-330.

The rise of mass private property means that people increasingly spend their time in publicly accessible spaces controlled by private interests. Unlike public policing, which is reactive and morally toned, the policing that takes place in mass privat... Read More about The use of surveillance cameras in a Riyadh shopping mall: Protecting profits or protecting morality?.

UK: Racial violence and the night-time economy (2011)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2011). UK: Racial violence and the night-time economy. Race & class, 53(1), 100-106.

This article examines the prevalence of racial violence in the UK’s night-time economy. Fifty-five racial attacks are documented over a six-month period, showing the risks faced by members of the public and workers at taxi firms, takeaways, convenien... Read More about UK: Racial violence and the night-time economy.

A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS (2011)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., & Desta, M. (2011). A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS. Health and Place, 17(5), 1067-1083.

This paper applies multilevel logistic regression models to Demographic and Health Survey data collected during 2003-2008 from 20 countries of sub-Saharan Africa to examine the determinants and cross-national variations in the risk of HIV seropositiv... Read More about A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS.

Household and community HIV/AIDS status and child malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the demographic and health surveys (2011)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2011). Household and community HIV/AIDS status and child malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the demographic and health surveys. Social science & medicine, 73(3), 436-446.

This paper examines the extent to which under five children in households or communities adversely affected by HIV/AIDS are disadvantaged, in comparison with other children in less affected households/communities. The study is based on secondary anal... Read More about Household and community HIV/AIDS status and child malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the demographic and health surveys.

Effectiveness of anonymised information sharing and use in health service, police, and local government partnership for preventing violence related injury: experimental study and time series analysis (2011)
Journal Article
Florence, C., Shepherd, J., Brennan, I., & Simon, T. (2011). Effectiveness of anonymised information sharing and use in health service, police, and local government partnership for preventing violence related injury: experimental study and time series analysis. BMJ, 342(7812), d3313-d3313.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of anonymised information sharing to prevent injury related to violence. Design: Experimental study and time series analysis of a prototype community partnership between the health service, police, and local g... Read More about Effectiveness of anonymised information sharing and use in health service, police, and local government partnership for preventing violence related injury: experimental study and time series analysis.

Building restorative relationships for the workplace (2011)
Lambert, C., Johnstone, G., Green, S., & Shipley, R. (2011). Building restorative relationships for the workplace

A 2011 major piece of research into building restorative workplaces by the Goodwin Development Trust found that implementing restorative justice helped managers to share the pressure of decision-making, hold their team more accountable and develop be... Read More about Building restorative relationships for the workplace.

Understanding the gender disparity in HIV infection across countries in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys (2011)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2011). Understanding the gender disparity in HIV infection across countries in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Sociology of Health and Illness, 33(4), 522-539.

Women in sub-SaharanAfrica bear a disproportionate burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections, which is exacerbated by their role in society and biological vulnerability. The specific objectives of this article are to (i) determine the e... Read More about Understanding the gender disparity in HIV infection across countries in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys.

'How do you get your voice heard when no-one will let you?' victimization at work (2011)
Journal Article
Snell, K., & Tombs, S. (2011). 'How do you get your voice heard when no-one will let you?' victimization at work. Criminology & criminal Justice, 11(3), 207-223.

A longstanding separation between corporate crime and 'real' or 'conventional' crime is both reflected in and institutionalized through state responses to corporate offending, excluding the victims of corporate crime from consideration or treatment a... Read More about 'How do you get your voice heard when no-one will let you?' victimization at work.

In Vino silentium? individual, situational, and alcohol-related factors in reporting violence to the police (2011)
Journal Article
Brennan, I. R. (2011). In Vino silentium? individual, situational, and alcohol-related factors in reporting violence to the police. Violence and Victims, 26(2), 191-207.

This study identifies the individual, situational, and alcohol-related factors associated with reporting violent victimization to the police. Factors positively associated with reporting included older age and incident severity (the assailant's use o... Read More about In Vino silentium? individual, situational, and alcohol-related factors in reporting violence to the police.

Predicting and measuring premises-level harm in the night-time economy (2011)
Journal Article
Moore, S. C., Brennan, I., & Murphy, S. (2011). Predicting and measuring premises-level harm in the night-time economy. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46(3), 357-363.

Aims: To assess associations between measures of premises-level alcohol-related harm and risk factors for harm. Methods: Thirty-two licensed premises with a history of on-premises violent assault were recruited. An environmental survey of the drinkin... Read More about Predicting and measuring premises-level harm in the night-time economy.

Cross-national analysis of the risk factors of child malnutrition among children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS (2011)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A. (2011). Cross-national analysis of the risk factors of child malnutrition among children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH, 16(5), 570-578.

Objective To examine the risk factors of malnutrition among children whose mothers are infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Methods Multilevel logistic regression models applied to Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data collected during 2... Read More about Cross-national analysis of the risk factors of child malnutrition among children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS.

All in the family: the importance of support, tolerance and forgiveness in the desistance of male Bangladeshi offenders (2010)
Book Chapter
Calverley, A. (2010). All in the family: the importance of support, tolerance and forgiveness in the desistance of male Bangladeshi offenders. In S. Farrall, R. Sparks, S. Maruna, & M. Hough (Eds.), Escape routes: contemporary perspectives on life after punishment (182-201). Routledge.

In contrast to the widespread (and, rightly, controversial) public and academic focus on ethnicity in relation to engagement in offending, existing research has largely overlooked whether processes associated with desistance from crime vary by ethnic... Read More about All in the family: the importance of support, tolerance and forgiveness in the desistance of male Bangladeshi offenders.