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All Outputs (289)

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2010)
Journal Article
Barnes, R., & Metcalfe, D. (2010). The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 25, 81 - 91.

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive was adopted on 17 June 2008 and entered into force on 15 July 2008. It is recognised by the European Community that pressures and demands on marine resources are often excessive and that action must be taken in... Read More about The Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Comment The 2006 Women Protection Act of Pakistan: An Analysis (2010)
Journal Article
Shah, N. A. (2010). Comment The 2006 Women Protection Act of Pakistan: An Analysis. Religion and human rights, 5(1), 1-10.

This note argues that the 1979 Hudood laws of Pakistan, especially the Zina Ordinance were discriminatory and led to the violations of rights of men and women, but women were the hardest hit victims. The new legislation in 2006 has remedied the situa... Read More about Comment The 2006 Women Protection Act of Pakistan: An Analysis.

Regulating media markets in the public interest: principles beyond competition (2009)
Journal Article
Feintuck, M. (2009). Regulating media markets in the public interest: principles beyond competition. Journal of Media Business Studies, 6(3), 63-77.

The difficulties of regulating the giant corporations whichoperate within the broadcast and print media are well-charted. Whetheron a local, national or international scale, establishing or maintaininganything beyond a meager oligopolistic version of... Read More about Regulating media markets in the public interest: principles beyond competition.

Consumer goods guarantees in the DCFR (2009)
Journal Article
Twigg-Flesner, C. (2009). Consumer goods guarantees in the DCFR. European review of private law = Revue européenne de droit privé = Europäische Zeitschrift für Privatrecht, 17(4), 641-657

This article examines the provisions on consumer guarantees as contained in the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). It will be argued that while some of these provisions may seem sensible at first sight, there appears to be no clear justification... Read More about Consumer goods guarantees in the DCFR.

The mortgage arrears pre-action protocol : an opportunity lost (2009)
Journal Article
Whitehouse, L. (2009). The mortgage arrears pre-action protocol : an opportunity lost. Modern Law Review, 72(5), 793-814.

In February 2008, the Civil Justice Council circulated for consultation a mortgage arrears pre-action protocol that proposed some of the most radical and significant reforms of the repossession process for a century. Hinting at a return to the equita... Read More about The mortgage arrears pre-action protocol : an opportunity lost.

The rule of law in Pakistan (2009)
Journal Article
Shah, N. A. (2009). The rule of law in Pakistan. Public administration, 20(3), 187-193

Grave breaches and internal armed conflicts (2009)
Journal Article
Moir, L. (2009). Grave breaches and internal armed conflicts. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 7(4), 763-787.

International law has historically been more concerned with the regulation of international, rather than internal, armed conflict. As an integral part of this regime, aimed specifically at the violation of particular rules relating to international a... Read More about Grave breaches and internal armed conflicts.

The transformation of violence in Iraq (2009)
Journal Article
Green, P., & Ward, T. (2009). The transformation of violence in Iraq. The British journal of criminology, 49(5), 609-627.

This article explores the connections between various forms of organized political violence and ostensibly private, non-political violence in post-invasion Iraq, focusing on gender-based violence and the links between militias and organized crime. We... Read More about The transformation of violence in Iraq.

Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders (2009)
Journal Article
Harrison, K., & Rainey, B. (2009). Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders. Legal Studies, 29(1), 47-74.

The use of pharmacotherapy (more emotively known as chemical castration) is the use of drugs to treat and help manage the risk that sex offenders, and in particular paedophiles, pose to society. Due to the increased climate of public fear of this ris... Read More about Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders.

Towards supported decision-making in biomedical research with cognitively vulnerable adults (2009)
Book Chapter
Bielby, P. (2009). Towards supported decision-making in biomedical research with cognitively vulnerable adults. In O. Corrigan, J. McMillan, K. Liddell, M. Richards, & C. Weijer (Eds.), The limits of consent: A socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine (151-170). Oxford University Press.

This chapter has two connected aims. First, I argue that we can best understand the scope and limits of consent as a ‘procedural’ principle of empowerment. I ground this argument in a rationalist moral theory of human (or agency) rights devised by Al... Read More about Towards supported decision-making in biomedical research with cognitively vulnerable adults.

Paternalism in Policy: Prospects and Limitations of an Economic Analysis (2009)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2009). Paternalism in Policy: Prospects and Limitations of an Economic Analysis. In M.-C. Gruber, S. Ziemann, J. Bordat, I. Cathry, & A. Flügge (Eds.), Die Unsicherheit der Väter: Zur Herausbildung paternaler Bindungen (285 - 303). trafo Wissenschaftsverlag

70/I. § A közteherviselés (2009)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2009). 70/I. § A közteherviselés. In Az Alkotmány kommentárja [Commentary to the Hungarian Constitution] (2645 - 2662). Századvég

Competence and vulnerability in biomedical research (2008)
Bielby, P. (2008). Competence and vulnerability in biomedical research. The University of Hull.

Enhanced knowledge of the nature and causes of mental disorder have led increasingly to a need for the recruitment of ‘cognitively vulnerable’ participants in biomedical research. These individuals often fall into the ‘grey area’ between obvious deci... Read More about Competence and vulnerability in biomedical research.

Book review: Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, A Legal Theory without Law. Posner v. Hayek on Economic Analysis of Law, (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2007) 66 pp. [Walter Eucken Institut, Beiträge zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik 174], ISBN 978-3-16-149276-1 (2008)
Journal Article
Cserne, P. (2008). Book review: Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, A Legal Theory without Law. Posner v. Hayek on Economic Analysis of Law, (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2007) 66 pp. [Walter Eucken Institut, Beiträge zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik 174], ISBN 978-3-16-149276-1. European business organization law review, 9(3), 497-506.

Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber's methodological views] (2008)
Journal Article
Cserne, P. (2008). Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber's methodological views]. Századvég, 46082

Law and legal science have played a significant, but hitherto underestimated role in Weber's life, both professional and non-academic. Trained as a lawyer, he drew upon an existing vocabulary of legal scholarship and adapted from it, more or less imp... Read More about Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber's methodological views].

Vers la reconnaissance d'un droit étatique à l'autoprotection? Entre le droit et la politique (2008)
Journal Article
Tzevelekos, V. (2008). Vers la reconnaissance d'un droit étatique à l'autoprotection? Entre le droit et la politique. Revue générale de droit international public, 112(2), 295-328

The paper defines the concept of self-help in international law and investigates its legal dimension. The argument put forth is that, whereas self-help does not correspond to a proper legal right for states, it finds a number of legal expressions (fr... Read More about Vers la reconnaissance d'un droit étatique à l'autoprotection? Entre le droit et la politique.

Self Defense in Islamic and International Law: Assessing Al-Qaeda and the Invasion of Iraq (2008)
Shah, N. (2008). Self Defense in Islamic and International Law: Assessing Al-Qaeda and the Invasion of Iraq. Palgrave Macmillan.

The book argues that the concept of self-defense in Islamic and International law is compatible. Al-Qaeda's declaration of Jihad does not meet the Islamic legal test. Similarly, the invasion of Iraq does meet the international legal test.