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Eco-economic performance and application potential of a novel dual-source heat pump heating system (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Cui, Y., Song, Z., Zhao, X., Li, J., & Shen, C. (2023). Eco-economic performance and application potential of a novel dual-source heat pump heating system. Energy, 283, Article 128478.

Decarbonization of building heating is the key to carbon neutrality. Heat pumps have great potential to replace non-renewable heating devices, thus creating economic and renewable heating systems. To overcome the application challenges of conventiona... Read More about Eco-economic performance and application potential of a novel dual-source heat pump heating system.

Real life test of a novel super performance dew point cooling system in operational live data centre (2023)
Journal Article
Ma, X., Zeng, C., Zhu, Z., Zhao, X., Xiao, X., Akhlaghi, Y. G., & Shittu, S. (2023). Real life test of a novel super performance dew point cooling system in operational live data centre. Applied energy, 348, Article 121483.

This paper presents the development and application of a super performance dew point cooling technology for data centres. The novel super performance dew point cooler showed considerably improved energy saving and carbon reduction for data centre coo... Read More about Real life test of a novel super performance dew point cooling system in operational live data centre.

The Energy-Saving Potential of Air-Side Economisers in Modular Data Centres: Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Different Climates (2023)
Journal Article
Badiei, A., Jadowski, E., Sadati, S., Beizaee, A., Li, J., Khajenoori, L., Nasriani, H. R., Li, G., & Xiao, X. (2023). The Energy-Saving Potential of Air-Side Economisers in Modular Data Centres: Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Different Climates. Sustainability, 15(14), Article 10777.

This study examines the feasibility of utilising outside air for ‘free cooling’ in modular data centres through the implementation of an air-side economiser, as an alternative to traditional mechanical cooling systems. The objective is to offset the... Read More about The Energy-Saving Potential of Air-Side Economisers in Modular Data Centres: Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Different Climates.

Model Predictive Energy-Maximising Tracking Control for a Wavestar-Prototype Wave Energy Converter (2023)
Journal Article
Li, D., & Patton, R. (2023). Model Predictive Energy-Maximising Tracking Control for a Wavestar-Prototype Wave Energy Converter. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(7), Article 1289.

To date, one of the main challenges in the wave energy field is to achieve energy-maximizing control in order to reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). This paper presents a model predictive velocity tracking control method based on a hierarchic... Read More about Model Predictive Energy-Maximising Tracking Control for a Wavestar-Prototype Wave Energy Converter.

Hydrogen-based combined heat and power systems: A review of technologies and challenges (2023)
Journal Article
Yu, S., Fan, Y., Shi, Z., Li, J., Zhao, X., Zhang, T., & Chang, Z. (2023). Hydrogen-based combined heat and power systems: A review of technologies and challenges. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,

This article comprehensively reviews hydrogen-based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems as an ideal energy system for reducing environmental pollution and carbon emissions. Hydrogen has a heating value three times that of gasoline, and its lifecycl... Read More about Hydrogen-based combined heat and power systems: A review of technologies and challenges.

Energy Schedule Setting Based on Clustering Algorithm and Pattern Recognition for Non-Residential Buildings Electricity Energy Consumption (2023)
Journal Article
Cui, Y., Zhu, Z., Zhao, X., & Li, Z. (2023). Energy Schedule Setting Based on Clustering Algorithm and Pattern Recognition for Non-Residential Buildings Electricity Energy Consumption. Sustainability, 15(11), Article 8750.

Building energy modelling (BEM) is crucial for achieving energy conservation in buildings, but occupant energy-related behaviour is often oversimplified in traditional engineering simulation methods and thus causes a significant deviation between ene... Read More about Energy Schedule Setting Based on Clustering Algorithm and Pattern Recognition for Non-Residential Buildings Electricity Energy Consumption.

China's green data center development:Policies and carbon reduction technology path (2023)
Journal Article
Li, G., Sun, Z., Wang, Q., Wang, S., Huang, K., Zhao, N., Di, Y., Zhao, X., & Zhu, Z. (2023). China's green data center development:Policies and carbon reduction technology path. Environmental Research, 231, Article 116248.

Data center is a very important infrastructure to support the development of information technology, and its development and increment are very remarkable. However, with the rapid and large-scale development of data centers, the problem of energy con... Read More about China's green data center development:Policies and carbon reduction technology path.

Annual analysis of the photovoltaic direct-expansion heat pump assisted by double condensing equipment for secondary power generation (2023)
Journal Article
Song, Z., Ji, J., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Li, J., & Zhao, X. (2023). Annual analysis of the photovoltaic direct-expansion heat pump assisted by double condensing equipment for secondary power generation. Renewable energy, 209, 169-183.

Thermoelectric generation (TEG) converts heat directly into electricity based on temperature difference. Many studies on combining TEG with photovoltaics to convert waste heat into electricity to increase overall power generation have been conducted.... Read More about Annual analysis of the photovoltaic direct-expansion heat pump assisted by double condensing equipment for secondary power generation.

Evaluation of Mathematical Models for CO2 Frost Formation in a Cryogenic Moving Bed (2023)
Journal Article
Cann, D., & Font-Palma, C. (2023). Evaluation of Mathematical Models for CO2 Frost Formation in a Cryogenic Moving Bed. Energies, 16(5), Article 2314.

Moving bed heat exchangers (MBHE)s are used in industrial applications including waste heat recovery and the drying of solids. As a result, energy balance models have been developed to simulate the heat transfer between a moving bed and the gas phase... Read More about Evaluation of Mathematical Models for CO2 Frost Formation in a Cryogenic Moving Bed.

Experimental investigation of a novel two-stage heat recovery heat pump system employing the vapor injection compressor at cold ambience and high water temperature conditions (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Li, Z., Fan, Y., Zeng, C., Cui, Y., Zhao, X., Li, J., Chen, Y., Chen, J., & Shen, C. (2023). Experimental investigation of a novel two-stage heat recovery heat pump system employing the vapor injection compressor at cold ambience and high water temperature conditions. Renewable energy, 205, 678-694.

Heat pumps (HPs) are energy-efficient space heating devices that are key to global carbon reduction and carbon neutrality. However, current commercial HPs have performance issues in cold climates where space heating is needed most, including low COP... Read More about Experimental investigation of a novel two-stage heat recovery heat pump system employing the vapor injection compressor at cold ambience and high water temperature conditions.

Modelling of sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) process in fluidised bed reactors for low-carbon hydrogen production: A review (2023)
Journal Article
Udemu, C., & Font-Palma, C. (2023). Modelling of sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) process in fluidised bed reactors for low-carbon hydrogen production: A review. Fuel, 340, Article 127588.

Sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) offers lower capital costs than conventional steam reforming with carbon capture, which arises from the compact makeup that allows reforming and CO2 capture to occur in a single reactor. However, the technolo... Read More about Modelling of sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) process in fluidised bed reactors for low-carbon hydrogen production: A review.

Assessment of the mechanical role of cranial sutures in the mammalian skull: Computational biomechanical modelling of the rat skull (2023)
Journal Article
Sharp, A. C., Dutel, H., Watson, P. J., Gröning, F., Crumpton, N., Fagan, M. J., & Evans, S. E. (2023). Assessment of the mechanical role of cranial sutures in the mammalian skull: Computational biomechanical modelling of the rat skull. Journal of morphology, 284(3), Article e21555.

Cranial sutures are fibrocellular joints between the skull bones that are progressively replaced with bone throughout ontogeny, facilitating growth and cranial shape change. This transition from soft tissue to bone is reflected in the biomechanical p... Read More about Assessment of the mechanical role of cranial sutures in the mammalian skull: Computational biomechanical modelling of the rat skull.

Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization (2023)
Journal Article
Jiang, L., Liu, W., Liu, W., Wang, R. Q., Gonzalez-Diaz, A., Rojas-Michaga, M. F., Michailos, S., Pourkashanian, M., Zhang, X. J., & Font-Palma, C. (2023). Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 95, Article 101069.

Direct air capture (DAC) is gathering momentum since it has vast potential and high flexibility to collect CO2 from discrete sources as “synthetic tree” when compared with current CO2 capture technologies, e.g., amine based post-combustion capture. I... Read More about Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization.

Comparative techno-economic and life cycle greenhouse gas assessment of ammonia production from thermal decomposition of methane and steam methane reforming technologies (2022)
Journal Article
Oni, A. O., Giwa, T., Font-Palma, C., & Fadare, D. A. (2023). Comparative techno-economic and life cycle greenhouse gas assessment of ammonia production from thermal decomposition of methane and steam methane reforming technologies. International journal of greenhouse gas control, 123, Article 103819.

This study assesses the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) and economic feasibility of applying thermal decomposition of methane (TDM) technology for ammonia production compared to the conventional steam methane reforming (SMR) technology. A detailed pr... Read More about Comparative techno-economic and life cycle greenhouse gas assessment of ammonia production from thermal decomposition of methane and steam methane reforming technologies.

Pharmacogenomics of GLP-1 receptor agonists: a genome-wide analysis of observational data and large randomised controlled trials (2022)
Journal Article
Dawed, A. Y., Mari, A., Brown, A., McDonald, T. J., Li, L., Wang, S., Hong, M. G., Sharma, S., Robertson, N. R., Mahajan, A., Wang, X., Walker, M., Gough, S., Hart, L. M., Zhou, K., Forgie, I., Ruetten, H., Pavo, I., Bhatnagar, P., Jones, A. G., …Jonsson, A. (2023). Pharmacogenomics of GLP-1 receptor agonists: a genome-wide analysis of observational data and large randomised controlled trials. Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 11(1), 33-41.

Background: In the treatment of type 2 diabetes, GLP-1 receptor agonists lower blood glucose concentrations, body weight, and have cardiovascular benefits. The efficacy and side effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists vary between people. Human pharmacoge... Read More about Pharmacogenomics of GLP-1 receptor agonists: a genome-wide analysis of observational data and large randomised controlled trials.

Direct Evidence of the Exfoliation Efficiency and Graphene Dispersibility of Green Solvents toward Sustainable Graphene Production (2022)
Journal Article
Ng, K. L., Maciejewska, B. M., Qin, L., Johnston, C., Barrio, J., Titirici, M. M., Tzanakis, I., Eskin, D. G., Porfyrakis, K., Mi, J., & Grobert, N. (2023). Direct Evidence of the Exfoliation Efficiency and Graphene Dispersibility of Green Solvents toward Sustainable Graphene Production. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 11(1), 58-66.

Achieving a sustainable production of pristine high-quality graphene and other layered materials at a low cost is one of the bottlenecks that needs to be overcome for reaching 2D material applications at a large scale. Liquid phase exfoliation in con... Read More about Direct Evidence of the Exfoliation Efficiency and Graphene Dispersibility of Green Solvents toward Sustainable Graphene Production.

What China’s Environmental Policy Means for PV Solar, Electric Vehicles, and Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies (2022)
Journal Article
Pouran, H. M., Karimi, S. M., Padilha Campos Lopes, M., & Sheng, Y. (2022). What China’s Environmental Policy Means for PV Solar, Electric Vehicles, and Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies. Energies, 15(23), Article 9037.

This perspective paper elaborates on how the burden of environmental issues on public health and the economy led China’s government to declare its revised environmental policies or “war on pollution”. It explains the importance of photovoltaic solar... Read More about What China’s Environmental Policy Means for PV Solar, Electric Vehicles, and Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies.

Modelling and Simulation of Dissolution/Reprecipitation Technique for Low-Density Polyethene Using Solvent/Non-Solvent System (2022)
Journal Article
Zein, S. H., Hussain, A. A., Yansaneh, O. Y., & Jalil, A. A. (2022). Modelling and Simulation of Dissolution/Reprecipitation Technique for Low-Density Polyethene Using Solvent/Non-Solvent System. Processes, 10(11), Article 2387.

The global production and consumption of plastics have continued to increase. Plastics degrade slowly, causing persistent environmental pollution Developed waste plastic recycling methods are discussed in this report, with a focus on the dissolution/... Read More about Modelling and Simulation of Dissolution/Reprecipitation Technique for Low-Density Polyethene Using Solvent/Non-Solvent System.

Duct sound produced by vortex flow over a splitter plate (2022)
Journal Article
Tang, S. K. (2022). Duct sound produced by vortex flow over a splitter plate. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 541, Article 117352.

This paper examines the sound generated by an inviscid low Mach number vortex filament as it moves near a semi-infinite splitter in a two-dimensional duct with and without vortex shedding at the splitter edge. A strong one-dimensional sound is produc... Read More about Duct sound produced by vortex flow over a splitter plate.